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Everything posted by edger

  1. WHOA!! Let's not get carried away here... my hands are pretty full as it is these days. Not that being pregnant (or having my son in tow) have prevented me from groovin' on down in the sand and sun at gratefulfest before... but this mama is kind of hoping for a summer of not being pregnant or breastfeeding before hopping back on that train. One's got to slip some indulgence in there somewhere...
  2. LOL!! Yessir! I would love to make it back this year as well. Hangin' with all of you folks last year was definitely a summer highlight. I just hope that the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that is suggesting that I might have a conference to attend around that date is misguided...
  3. You were definitely missed Tonin! I was going to post that earlier but didn't want to rub salt in your wounds. But there will always be more shows! And Korey my indirect interactions with you have always been good. From what I can tell you always bring a good vibe, so I don't think you should feel lumped in with whatever else went down that night (which I didn't see anyways, as i was too busy having a good time) Cheers.
  4. Done and done! Well.. assuming I can get a sitter. I know todd's parents are away at that time so there goes my k-town sitter source. I'll start working on my mom now. This will definitely be a fun night. Been a while since we've had the dogs and the cats on the same night!
  5. edger

    Dead Tourdates

    i can't even get that far kev... i haven't had the option of purchasing anything... but i'll take your seats if you have extras you want to pass up on! )
  6. edger

    Dead Tourdates

    i think i'm pretty much giving up... i'm getting absolutely nowhere! i haven't got further than the waiting area...and half the time i'm getting kicked off of that as well.
  7. edger

    Dead Tourdates

    i'm stuck in the "waiting area"
  8. edger

    Dead Tourdates

    i'm on rural dial up, so i'm assuming that i haven't got a bloody prayer
  9. edger

    Dead Tourdates

    yeah, so far i can't get through
  10. edger

    Dead Tourdates

    Can anyone post the seating plan for the Buffalo show? I've tried the link and I keep getting a message saying "execute access denied" or some shite. I'd like to get a better idea of what I may be forking my money out for before taking the $100 plunge.
  11. I believe \/\/illy or Mike may have been taping...hope so.. Good to meet you c-towns...it was probably about time.
  12. This show was EXACTLY what I had needed. What a fantastic night. A great mix of people, a memorable vibe, and the music was great from start to finish. By the end of the night my feet were pretty much numb from 4 hours of dancing, and I was losing my voice before Burt even finished... I guess I need to get out more. The Burt boys got the place hoppin' from the word go. I was impressed by how many people made it out early (or what has been deemed early by this scene i suppose...) Obviously BNB was a good incentive. And they delivered. Fatties kept the good times a rollin' and the big jam closed things down perfectly. Thanks to jeff and mike for keeping their alcohol intake to a dull roar so that the jam was able to happen..or at the very least for channeling the roar through the music. Even the toilet paper was extra thick and soft that night! Thanks kc for looking after all those minor details! Much appreciated. When can we do this again?
  13. It's weird posting this again, but here goes... I think Todd was hoping/planning on having a super jam after their set as well. Oh! And babysitter confirmed! Thank-you mister and missus gillies!!
  14. Wish I had known about this sooner. It's looking entirely unlikely for me at the moment, but I would love to check these guys out!
  15. Thrilled this suddenly came together. God damn, i hope i can get a sitter for the night!!
  16. Really sorry to hear this Shelby! Ankle injuries are terrible, although i've never had one as severe as this one sounds. Wishing you comfort, rest, and relaxation. Take good care!
  17. rowen's sick... it's not looking very likely for me now. I'm super dissapointed... holiday fattie shows are always a blast. hopefully tomorrow night pans out for me i guess. have fun y'all. i know you will.
  18. That would be a nice holiday treat! Hope you're able to make it Jeffrey! It's been a while! Alabama Esau, it feels like I haven't seen you in ages either. Hope to cross your path too!
  19. What I guess i'm really saying is thankfully there seems to still be a wide range of festivals in terms of size, venue, diversity (or lack thereof) or bands, the types of people that attend, etc. for us to choose from. Things self-organize, become successful, get bigger and bigger which is expensive to sustain. Diversifying is one way to try and survive financially. That will appeal to some, and not to others. I've enjoyed many different festival experiences, everything from the jams that we've hosted around a fire, to Come Together to Gratefulfest to the Woodstocks and Bonnaroos, etc. They all have different things to offer. If you decide that something is not for you, thank god there's still a healthy selection of choice out there. Once the diversity of choice is gone, then i think we've got a real problem.
  20. Hmmmm.... I agree with some of the criticisms here... the almighty dollar can blow things up to a point where it gets unmanageable for sure. Not everyone is into an ecclectic festival to be sure...thankfully no one is ever forced to attend. I love a good ol' heady festival with kind vibes, warm people, and lots of great music and fires and jams to sink your teeth into. Having said that, the culture surrounding Metallica and its fans can be pretty communal too. Strangers stopping strangers applies to all different kinds of folks. A "stanger" doesn't have to wear a tie-die and sport dreads or worship Jerry to be worth talking to. There's all kinds of sketchy people that attend "jam only" oriented festies. I'm not saying that these insinuations were intended behind some of the earlier posts, but they just kind of gave me an "exclusive" sour taste in my mouth is all...
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