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Everything posted by edger

  1. Ha! That looks like the Fat Cats old tour bus. Hopefully your's runs better than there's did!! Oh, and apparently magic crystals are not very effective for fixing engins.
  2. LOL!! Rib, rib...Come on Timmy...who are we kidding here. Do you mind if a borrow a FEW bucks?...come on it's just a few. Hope to see you soon!
  3. i don't think heady vibes have any limitations
  4. I'll definitely jump on this train! A tip of the hat to you margaret. Hope to see you next saturday at the lanc!
  5. Never heard of it. I'll keep my eyes open for it.
  6. We were sooo lucky to have third row centre when he came around to ACC couple years ago (I think MoMack was behind us if i'm not mistaken...). Willy has such a presence. So simple and humble, yet sooo good. I'd love to catch him again...especially up close. But there's no way I can justify dropping $250 plus for the two of us right now. I'll contemplate the balconies when they go onsale. On another note I wish everyone that I want to see weren't all coming in April....things would be a lot more feasible in terms of being able to get away if it was all spread out a little more.
  7. Happy birthday Brian!! Wish we could all tip one back with you in person. Will give you a toast this eve nonetheless. Say hi to Sunghee! Much love, sara
  8. Wishing you healing vibes and comfort throughout this time.
  9. scary... I hope somehow the damage and loss is minimal
  10. I didn't know he did. although my family used to have a laugh or two over mccain fruit punch as well.
  11. edger

    Fill in the blanks

    1- Although hearing of them, I have never really listened to any "The Hold Steady". 2- Sure, "dare I say...The Slip" is quite famous, but I just don't get it. 3- I don't care what anybody says, "Gord Lightfoot and pizza" at 4:00am is/are awesome. 4- "The Grateful Dead...sorry...predictable, but true" redefined music for me, man. 5- fuÇk trying to think of something witty !!!!
  12. LOL! Cheers to you cleary! Hope you're having a great birthday run.
  13. Hope it goes well for you guys mike! Looking forward to seeing you again soon.
  14. Hope you have fun tonight! Thanks for helping to bring so many good times to the hammer over the years!! Cheers, sara
  15. Isn't $500,000 a dime a dozen when you're making upwards of 50 million a year?
  16. [color:purple][color:purple]Damn friends that selfishly plan ahead and schedule their wedding for that weekend!! [color:purple] I probably wouldn't have been able to go anyways. I kind of thought my bonnaroo days were over so i have been trying to minimize the amount of times that I have checked out this thread. But yeah. That is one hell of a line-up. I personally think it's even better than the phantasy rumour one (from my angle of things). If it weren't for my damn friends getting married i'd probably be doing some serious fannagling for babysitters right about now.
  17. Do you think the show would have the same start/end times tonight? I know wwc said that the doors opened at eight, but I assumed it would be another couple of hours before they started. If I had known it was going to be such an early start, I would have tried harder to make arrangements so that I could actually go. Oh well. Enjoy the show tonight! Wish I was going to be there.
  18. Exactly. Doesn't mean he can't be optimistic. Making things so public could be a way of trying to somehow be more accountable to himself. I finally did quit just over five years ago now. While for the most part I find smoking revolting now, I still get the odd little craving that will materialize out of nowhere. There are still the very odd moments in time where the appeal sneaks in. I try to remain humble about it all as I know I'm likely never be completely immune to falling down that slippery slope again.
  19. I couldn't help but think the same thing. I wish him all the best, but he should probably get a few more months (at least) under his belt before getting too high and mighty about it.
  20. Glad to hear that everyone is healthy and happy. All the best to you and your new family.
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