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Everything posted by edger

  1. Hi Marc!! Yeah, I wish that I could make this show!! Thanks for laur for hooking me up with the vagabonds disc for my b-day. I've been loving it. Sweet, soulful vocals. I'll have to thicken up my louris/jayhawk collection for sure. Unfortunately i don't think this show is in the cards for me. If it wasn't the "dundas girls gone wild" this coming friday, i'd be in for sure. but i don't think i can do both in the same week. gotta rest up!
  2. Yeah. I went through that when i was trying to get dead tickets via presale. I think you're right and that you're much better off to just refresh and try again... (or atleast be doing so in another window)
  3. WOW! That night will be a total blast. Wish I could partake in that space and time. By the way, have an awesome time on your "ski tour". Wish we could just hop on over to nelson to see you guys in action.
  4. thanks for the heads-up. i plan on checking them out
  5. So far i've been striking out with the folks for babysitters. I'm hoping my dad and his girlfriend will come through...otherwise you're hired elemeno!
  6. I think todd, rowen and I are contemplating joining you folks for this. Maybe the mudcocks will make the trek with their new bundle as well! I kind of wish it wasn't so close to gratefulfest though. it's turning out to be a busy time of year.
  7. Thanks folks. I appreciate the well-wishes and enjoy the much-welcomed distraction you all provide me on pretty much a daily basis. My thesis advisor would probably feel otherwise, but what he doesn't know won't hurt him. Oh to live till 95!
  8. cool! i'd be into checking him out again for sure. I was a tinsy bit underwhelmed with kimock the first time i saw him play at gratefulfest two years back. But I went in with very high expectations. That being said I'd love to catch him again in a new light.
  9. Two lovely ladies to keep my company that night. What's a girl to do?
  10. is kimock confirmed for gratefulfest?
  11. edger

    dead tix

    I was trying for tickets right at 9:00am...fiddling around trying to get decent seats for a good 20+ minutes or so... I probably purchased the floors around 9:20, 9:25am.
  12. edger

    dead tix

    i ended up taking the plunge and coughed up the cash for a pair of floors as well (mind you they are way in the back...but whatever i've been able to jedi mind trick my way closer before) i almost gave up on the fishing game a couple of times too...but in the end took the bait
  13. I'd like to go to this show too. See if i can make this one happen. want some company there laur?
  14. So did that dude end up taking advantage of you before the end of the night?
  15. edger

    Dead Tourdates

    Thanks for posting that seating plan kk. Wow! There sure as hell isn't much in the way of available so-called "cheap" tickets. Unless I am lucky enough to get really good seats i'm thinking i might just sit this one out.
  16. Sounds like it's going to be a room full of great characters. I wish I could make it as well. But we're going to be throwing a little family party for rowen's first birthday that evening, so I'm afraid it is not in the cards.
  17. edger

    Dead Tourdates

    I received an email from livenation stating that the onsale started at 9:00am as well.
  18. Thanks for the tip. Jimmy Herring...::sigh::
  19. What an AWESOME night that was. Trying to navigate that revolving dance floor was just...hilarious. Damn, that seems like a lifetime ago.
  20. Yeah thanks. I had been under the impression that the tickets went on sale this friday, so that saves me some wasted time.
  21. Amen to that. Gonna try and soak up as much hopeful energy as I can today (and tomorrow as well with any luck)
  22. There is probably some truth to that Davey Boy. I think Esau is right on the money. Frankly these types of discussions frustrate/exhaust me. Not that they're not worth having i suppose, but i don't think they necessarily go anywhere. The whole label thing... I find too many people, fans, bands, artists, etc. spend too much time and energy trying to avoid a label, or define themselves outside of some imposed boundary. Who cares? The label doesn't change the sound that hits me. For me personally I love a "great" vocalist... How one would define "great" is a matter of taste. Hell, there's plenty of people out there that would consider Jerry's voice atrocious. To me it's like a warm blanket on a cold winter's night. Give me a great melody, some sweet harmonies, a lyric or two that resonates one way or another, and if there's a jam or some improvisation in there than that's just gravy...but not essential. Depends on the mood i suppose. I don't really care whether whether it's country, or jam, or fusion, or emo or whatever other category happens to be shique amongst the masses for a fleeting moment.
  23. Pardon me for being slow, but i'm still unclear as to whether it is best to try and get the general onsale tickets via dead.net or ticketmaster (or some other ticket website/provider)? I can't seem to find that info on dead.net and after looking on ticketmaster it seems that a bunch of shows are listed, but not the buffalo show... Help a sister out?
  24. Pardon me for being slow, but i'm still unclear as to whether it is best to try and get the general onsale tickets via dead.net or ticketmaster (or some other ticket website/provider)? I can't seem to find that info on dead.net and after looking on ticketmaster it seems that a bunch of shows are listed, but not the buffalo show... Help a sister out?
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