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Everything posted by edger

  1. You got a rough timeline on the night yet there Bri?
  2. Ticket purchased! Guess that's step one for ensuring that I do what needs to be done to get my ass to Buffalo. The next two months are going to be sweet indeed (and I know December never fails with the local holiday shows so looking forward to riding out the rest of 2010) But mail delivery in an 'unmarked white envelope'? Sketchy...
  3. Let it be known that I will be in attendance, and lookin' to party the night away with some fine folk. I know Wassink is in...and Mama Jenny will be back in town (woohooo!).
  4. Hmmm...thanks for that. I suppose this rings true.
  5. Really sorry to hear this Velvet...what a let-down. I hope something positive comes of it in your direction.
  6. Heady vibes have been deposited.
  7. Really? Well it def wasn't on Cornmeal's website as of last week I think... Either way two of my fave bands to see live right now. I may need to do some re-arranging but this makes me a happy gal indeed.
  8. WWWWHHHAAAATTT?? This must have been very recently announced. I am so there (I hope...)
  9. Very nice score. Live it up!
  10. Voted. And it looks like you can until tomorrow at midnight?
  11. Ok. So I should just make the switch already by the sounds of it... I think I'm just stuck in the whole 'if it ain't broke don't fix it mentality' (mind you I have never had the misfortunate of my account being hacked which would likely make me sing a very different tune) Thanks guys.
  12. Hope it works out for you!
  13. So Schwa are you saying the LCBO you were at only accepted cards that had the chip? (or maybe I'm reading that wrong)...either way sorry for your troubles...gettin' shut down at the LCBO on a Saturday is rough!
  14. Have most of y'all switched over to those new 'chip' interac cards yet? My bank sent me one in the mail a few weeks ago and I still haven't made the switch over yet. Curious about the pros and cons. I realize it's an inevitable switch, but wondering if I should hold off a bit until all stores, and places of merchandise etc have made the upgrade. So I guess my question is, have any of you ever run into any problems with trying to use a bank card with the chip?
  15. East should take you right into Flamborough...or thereabouts.
  16. I might have an old construction sign kicking around that has 'FLAMborough' on it...but I'll have to ask Eddie Max cause it serves as his drum platform for the barn jams... He might be a little afraid of gettin' dirty.
  17. Who said I wouldn't make my way to K-dub? Maybe I was even willing to pick your sorry butt up? And Christ I've got to be worth a couple bucks don't you think? I may be able to scrounge up a prize...perhaps a piece of pottery or something? We'll get back to you on this...
  18. Man, it's been years since I've seen these guys play. Always fun.
  19. Does Flamborough count? If so, and I can swing it I might be into carpooling.
  20. The poster/image isn't showing up for me. What is the date on this? This cause sure hits home hard for me. I would love to be there.
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