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Everything posted by edger

  1. Yeah it was 'cloudy' in there that's for sure. Sounds like you had similar seats to what we had last time Waters played the ACC. The sound was SOOO powerful from down there. This time round we were on the upper bowl. Pretty good angle for all the visuals, and the sound was still good, but not quite knock you on your ass caliber. But the airplane that ended up crashing into the wall in a firey blaze came directly over our head. The whole surveillance spotlight thing was super cool too. And the particular visual of that one girl reuniting with her father during Vera>Bring the Boys Back Home? Just slayed me. Sorry. I'll stop talking about this. But a dam good show.
  2. edger

    DBT contest

    That's alright. Honestly Halloween in the hammer is one of my favourite annual events. Throw in Garaj Mahal again this year and we're in for a full-on psychedlic masquarade. Don't think I'd miss it (well unless mom doesn't come through with the babysitting...fingers crossed)
  3. Yup. Summer full of all sorts of goodness for me too. Started it off with singing at my first 'gig'. That was fun. Couldn't have asked for a better, friendlier crowd either. Lots of baseball...still wish my season was rolling though A pretty damn fun birthday jam party early in the summer....glad I made it. Tottenham Bluegrass festival with the family. Would definitely do this again next summer. Amazing campfire jams. My son had a total blast, and the company was so solid. An affirming weekend for me for sure. Levon. My first time seeing him. An honour for sure. Lots of cottaging throughout the summer with familiy. Solitude. Distance. Running. Rest. Camping with the kiddies. Further Buffalo (thanks for twisting my arm Tonin, or letting me twist yours, or whatever...who cares and who were we kidding anyways. What an awesome kick-off to our 'tour') All Good Festival. DEFINITE summer highlight. We'll be keeping a close watch on this fest for years to come. I could totally see this becoming an annual tradition for me. Further's second set knocked my socks off. Widespread tore my head off. Reaffirmed Railroad Earth as one of my 'newer' all-time favourite band. Cornmeal left me wanting more (in a good way)...and so much more. Nothing really dissapointed me...other than perhaps p-funk. Tea Leaf Green (well really I was only in it for Cornmeal who didn't end up making it)...but it was a fun, messy night with some great folk nonetheless. Bonfire jams out at our farm Bob's bash. Fatties particularly rocked that night. Patio gigs. Always nice when I can bring my wee man. Come Together. I love how the 'scene' is full of determined troopers who would never let a little rain and cold dampen their spirits. Holy shit that night was balls-out fun. Wooo! Still recovering? And another rootsy festival amongst close friends to close my summer down and put a lot of things into place for me. Good thing October is shaping up nicely too musically or I'd be feeling pretty somber about now. And I love the fall anyways, so that helps me transition...
  4. No encores. But honestly, and I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but an encore would have been anti-climactic. Set break was at least 20 minutes, maybe 30. (plenty of time
  5. Are you sure it didn't say 'no mind control'. I know it would seem obvious that that it would/should say 'thought control' but could have sworn I read the former. Either way, nice touch. I was amazed at how long it seemed to take the crowd to even notice en masse their presence. How were your seats Kev?
  6. This statement could likely be applied to a lot of musicians. I thought she was bad-ass in the live Beck DVD I had borrowed from a buddy.
  7. SPOILER ALERT!! This show met and surpassed my expectations. I have never seen a stage production like this one. I was intensively reminded of how powerful the message behind the album is, and how profoundly relevant it remains to be today. The imagery was very contemporary and reflected all of the 'bricks' in our modern-day wall. From corporate brands, to political dictators, violent oppressors, passive lemmings, overbearing mothers smothering with their love, rigid structures that quell our creativity. Damn. While it was apparent before, last night's performance reminded me of how scathingly exposing and raw this album was/is/remains. Second set in particular had me reeling. The imagery had me in tears a couple times, from both the sheer sadness/despair and beauty. The energy and anticipation for me became particularly ramped even before the show started and the lights were still on and from way up high I spotted some 'dude' who had managed to get onto the floor with a shopping cart and sign stating 'no mind control' being escorted out by a security guard. At first I just found myself laughing and couldn't help but wonder how effin ironic that is? But I should have probably known better. Caught on quickly when they proceeded past the exit and continued to circulate around the floor. As time went on we began to wonder whether it was Roger himself as said dude was hidden under a hat and glasses and the 'security guard' or 'handler' did not leave his side. Eventually a spotlight began to follow him around but from where we were it was hard to see whether it was actually him or another 'prop'. Did anyone have a better angle to see whether it had indeed been Roger? Anyways, the marionettes were super creepy and poignant. I could go on and on. Anyone who is catching the show tonight or in the future is in for a huge treat!!
  8. I initially read that as C & C Music Factory at This Ain't Hollywood...that would be one strange trip. I'd love to get out to this, but will have my little guy in tow. We'll have to see what is happening when and how early the festivities get started, cause it won't be a late one for me...
  9. I love Lula Lounge. Will pass this on to my sister, she's in the hood and would love this.
  10. I'm thinking it shouldn't matter too much as long as you've got a good angle.
  11. Must admit...not familiar with said album. But T-Bone's collaboration alone...DAMN! And Buffalo Springfield? Still haven't seen Lucinda yet either.
  12. Damn. I'm excited for this. Last time I saw Roger the sound nearly knocked me right on my ass. (mind you my seats were miles better than they will be tomorrow night...but still) Looking forward to the imagery he's got up his sleeves this time round too.
  13. Big congrats, and a warm welcome to Kaya. Looking forward to seeing her playing around a festival someday.
  14. We're in for opening night as well. Stoked!
  15. Yay Rob! Nice to hear you're coming. A Days of You, Fat Cats run is a definite throw-back in time...long time.
  16. Well bump I guess. I'm bound to see some of you there I figure.
  17. I'm sorry, but that is fuckin funny. The rest? Not so much. How tragic.
  18. Ah....yes please. Damn.
  19. Has anyone used the mail delivery option through ticketweb before? Unfamiliar with this website. Assuming its reliable. Just tough to make it down to Casbah for me and would like to secure one in advance for sure.
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