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mark tonin

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Everything posted by mark tonin

  1. As mousepad mentioned, it was a thin crowd. That's too bad, given the world-class musicianship and showmanship. I have only seen Sisters Euclid once before, at a wedding , so I can't make a comment about the band with the new keyboard/accordian player (Mark Lalama) versus the old one. Having said that, I thought that the new guy seemed to fit in well for a good chunk of the night. There were times where he was laying back and I'm assuming it was because he wasn't comfortable with the material, but there were definitely times that he was right in the pocket. He even did a reading near the end of the show and the band played one of his compositions. I'd love to see this band play a set of groove-oriented music to a big audience of jam fans. I think the crowd would love it, as long as the band didn't venture too far off into experimental jazzyland. Kind of like Medeski, Martin & Wood or Garage Mahal ... this band is capable of going where few bands can, and the result can be mind-blowing and enjoyable, but it can also be hard to comprehend and appreciate. Kevin Breit is an incredibly talented guitar player. Sisters Euclid is a fantastic band. Last night, I thoroughly enjoyed what I heard and saw. It was fantastic! Peace, Mark
  2. Wow ... so glad I made the journey to Guelph for this show! Phenomenal musicianship! Peace, Mark
  3. No worries my friend. I still enjoyed the 'tour' of the venue. I hope to catch this band with this lineup again this summer. In addition to everything that has been said above, it seems with this lineup that "Bobby does what Bobby does best" (a quote from my friend) and I agree. The stage dynamics and balance feel right with this group. Peace, Mark
  4. I really enjoyed the show and the whole evening. Except for the drive back ... will they ever invent a teleportation machine?!? Ran in to some long-time friends pre-show at Washington Square while having wings. That was an unexpected treat. It was also nice running into a bunch of friends and familiar faces inside the venue. I love the venue. Very classy. I thought the band sounded sweet. Very full and balanced. A great mix between the JC's keys and JK's guitar. Nice vocals, but I thought they could have been louder in the mix at times. The song selection didn't totally do it for me, but I thought the band sounded tight and played really well. A few too many covers for my liking. I didn't really have any "would really like to hear" songs in mind before the show, but I left feeling like something was missing from the song selection. All in all a very enjoyable show and I hope that they keep this lineup together, as I think it works really well. Peace, Mark
  5. Hmmm ... I like the looks of that lineup ... tempting ... Peace, Mark
  6. Thanks for the offer J ... we may see you there for a :chug: Peace, Mark
  7. Thanks for the info and the heads up Sean. My buddy wants to take me there as he really likes the place, so I think I'll be heading there pre-show. Having said that, I just had a closer look at a map, and it is not as close to Shea's as I thought it was. So I'm not sure if we'll stay there until close to show time. Does anybody know how close the location of the Sonic Garder show is to Shea's? Peace, Mark
  8. Heading to Buffalo with a friend for this show ... aiming to be in Buffalo around 5 for some pre-show food at a place called Washington Square. I've never been but apparantly the wings are good and it looks close to the venue. It's a casual place from what I can tell. We'll likely stay there until close to show time or perhaps take a stroll to see if anything cool is happening near the venue. Feel free to join us for wings if it works for you. No post-show festivities for me as we are heading back after the show. Looking forward to the show! Peace, Mark
  9. For Grateful Dead fans ... these guys play it, and they play it well. They haven't played many shows over the past few years, but the ones I've heard have been excellent. Having Ryan sit in with them on keys for this show will be an extra-special treat. Peace, Mark
  10. Hilarious ... seems like the perfect way to start the weekend! :chug:
  11. I was thinking Rothbury this year, but now that it is not happening, another trip to Nelson Ledges for Gratefulfest is very tempting ... Peace, Mark
  12. This thread makes me smile. But way too drunk to dance. Peace, Mark
  13. Sara Edge rocks! Happy birthday to you my friend. I wish I could make it out on Friday night to share some smiles and dance moves with you for your birthday, but it's not looking likely. Some day ... hopefully sooner rather than later ... Peace, Mark
  14. Thanks for the Friday afternoon entertainment booche. This post put a smile on my face as I head into the weekend. Given that I'm a teacher I've got it easy and am done for the day. Peace, Mark
  15. Wow, it looks like the whole tour is now sold out. I hope that you manage to find a pair of tickets Scot. I'll keep my eyes and ears open for you. Peace, Mark
  16. I agree wholelheartedly. And what a phenomenal bass player! Truly inspiring. Peace, Mark
  17. Very sad news ... my condolences. Peace, Mark
  18. My daughter has made hundreds of shrinky dink gymnastics pins over the years. She uses permanent (Sharpie) markers and buys the plastic sheets at Michaels craft store. (Tip: buy the bright white plastic sheets, not the other ones.) Some of her pins look fantastic. She has sold them in the past to raise some funds, and has given away many as gifts. Peace, Mark
  19. That Velvet log clearly illustrates why Velvet should be a reporter at the Olympics! :laugh: Peace, Mark
  20. "I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the baggie of your short and curlies." Hilarious! Nice to read about your Movember efforts Keri. Movember seems to have really taken off this year. I've run into a number of people over the past month who have been growing a stache for the cause. At my school, we had approx. 30 teachers staff participate. I shaved the beard but kept the stache ... don't know how long that will last as my wife is not a fan and I tend to be lazy about shaving! At our school, we raised over $2000 and increased awareness in a big way. Peace, Mark
  21. Awesome news! Congratulations! Peace, Mark
  22. Buffalo - I got a pair of tickets in the middle orchestra section, 15 rows back ... sweet seats I'm thinking. Peace, Mark
  23. Sounds great! Hope to be able to catch a live show at some point. Peace, Mark
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