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Any1 remember an old show called READ ALL ABOUT IT on tv ontario?


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So I'm sifting through a bunch of old videos filled with random shit I used to tape off tv when I was in jr high. Anyhow, I came across an episode of READ ALL ABOUT IT!!

Holy shit, do you remember this show,about these kids who ran an independent community newspaper out of their cottage where it had this talking computer named Otto and a self-typing printer named Theta, and let's not forget the most fucked up part regarding that freaky transporter that took you to and from that mystical doomed planet Trialviron that was run by the sinister DUNEEDON. Man, that show was sooo warped for it's time. What boggles my mind is that it was targeted for little kids?!?!? Dude, I used to have nightmares over that show.

Anyhow, just had to get that out. Anybody happen to have a stack of episodes on tape? Anybody remember other golden shows on tv O back in the day? shocked.gif" border="0

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Holy shit, what a flashback! Duneedon, that silver freaky floating head bad dude. How did that plot eventually end? If I remember correctly, it had some sort of educational spin too. Didn't Duneedon have a human counterpart? Trippy.

As for anothers, my TVO flashbacks include Fables of the Green Forest, Doctor Who and this history cartoon show.

Thanks for the memories, Zimmerman.

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oh ya, it took the description for me to remember but i do, at first i thought you were talking about "Read Along" with Boot and Pretty...

i remember another newspaper one but i dont' quite remember it, it had adults with a mean old boss and a pretty girl reporter with a bumbling nerdy guy reporter, but i dont' quite remember, it was all about spelling too....

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those shows were it. all i watched(on my own accord because the shows were so trippy) when i was a kid(and i appreciated trippy when i was a kid...just differently) was TVO and PBS.

we didn't have cable.

anyone remember doctor snuggles? readalong? Square one? the show where the kid goes to bed, opens a trap door in his floor and slides down to a crazy dreamworld with baloons and his pet dog?

what was it called??

anyhow, loads of great kids shows were made in the 70's and 80's and get no recognition.

thanks, dude.

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You're the first person ever to mention that show. It pops in my head every once in a while. Our grade 7 teacher used to play the show for us every week. Dunneedon's laugh was hysterical. Everything I know about the war of 1812, I learned from that show.

I'd love to watch that episode you have.

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i'm a bear called jeremy, i can do most anything, i can play and i can sing, yes sir, yes sir, doh rei me ! when he heard me sing, the king of birds said to me, here's for you dear thing, A whistle that goes tweet tweet

tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet... tweet!

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Actually, there was a series that if i could find now, i would be very very happy cuz i think about it at least twice a year trying to figure out how i would get it...

it was like a year long animated series on PBS or something where we follow this family and it's descendents all the way from cavemen times to modern times - each week was a little further along in history but the same people were the descendents of the ones we watched last week. And if one was ceasar and he was to get stabbed, he got stabbed. It opened with that heavy classical piece -- ah damn i can't remember.... i mourn for that show, it's very stange....

oh well, i'll make myself feel better -- i'll just go watch barba poppa, the teletubbies of my day clickity click. -- barbazoo

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oh my god!! i totally forgot about the kangaroo! right on! that was a good one! Actually i have a sinking feeling that Andy Andy was the one on the reporter show i was talking about earlier too...

i hated moose and beaver actually, but weren't they at camp cucumber or something? i always had a suspicion that moose was Alex from polka dot door ...

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Since we're talking random TVO flashbacks, I'll throw out two of my faves:

The Undoctor


This one starred Judy Merrill (prominent SF author and editor) and could be viewed as a precursor to "Prisoners Of Gravity". It was SF, with Judy's own brand of insightful commentary. (I may have the title wrong; IIRC, "The Undoctor" was Judy's segment at the end of some show about SF. Can anybody help?)

Fast Forward


IIRC, this one was hosted by David Stringer (of "Half A Handy Hour", "The Acme School of Stuff", and son of Omer Stringer of Beaver Canoe fame) and dealt with computers and coming technological trends. Guests included Isaac Asimov and Alvin Toffler. I think it was pre-PC and even before BBSs became popular. I wish TVO would start re-running this stuff, not as information, but as nostalgia...



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This is fucking freaking me out. No kidding you had nightmares about that shit. That shit is like set up for giving you nightmares. Dr. Snuggles gave me nightmares too, especially this one where they go out into the middle of the ocean and there's like this evil lair with all these vines growing over it- that one is scaaaarrry. Remember Dr. Snuggles camel buddy up in the clouds? And how one time they patched up the rainbow with the rainbow patching machine Dr. Snuggles invented?

I think the other newspaper show someone was thinking of might have been the Bloodhound Gang which was kind of similar without the Read All About It creapiness.

Jeremy was a wicked show to. And Simon with the piece of chalk, I think that must have been the basis of Mike Myers 'Don't look at my bum' character Simon.

Don't forget Barbapapa.

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too many flashbacks here,

who remembers this one?

here's the premise:

this live-action show (as opposed to puppets or animation) starred this modern scruffy street kid who travelled through time with this magic trunk. Anyhow, along his travels he meets up with this old timer from the early 1900's who sold medicine (but I think it was moonshine) out of his carrage.

Anyone remember the show's title?

Just thought I'd throw in one more:

who remembers the LETTER PEOPLE?!?!?

theme song:

"come and play with the letter People,

Come and meet the whole family,

Words are made out of Letter people,

A B C D, follow Me"

love that fucking song!

one more:

Harriet's Magic Hats (how corny was that?).

oh oh, and let's not forget Heather Conky, the host for Report Canada!!!! Conky?!?!?!? confused.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0confused.gif" border="0

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I am not sure if this was tvo or not;

"brush your teeth, round and round

circle square up and down

a small soft tooth brush

the round about way

will keep you gums healthy

and prevent tooth decay

so brush very carefully

three times a day

brush round and round"

Hey does anyone remember the name of the computer on Today's special???

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This one was of a really primitive cartoon type character and he didn't say anything, he just talked like Charlie Brown's teacher or whatever, and he walked along this line, and sometimes this pencil would come in and erase the line and draw something new. and he would bitch at the hand that was drawing it...

I'm not stoned. Honest.

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