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Canada represent @ moe. !!


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All I have to say is no more 6 hour drives home after a show!! I have a test at 10:30 today, hopefully it was not a bad choice to see moe. last night.

Phun show last night. Thought Halloween last year was better. It did not seem like there where as many costumes this year.

moe. did not blow me away but played a pretty good ahow. Stage set up was normal but they had a jukebox and a pool table on stage. They also had a bar set up and the Boys where dressed up like moe. particla and the choosen others grooved on stage and shot stick...looked like phun.

There was a sick Partical jam in the first set during Moth. The whole band came on stage and moe. got off for a little bit.

Opened with Plane crash and then New Chuck Tune. In between tunes they did the Itchy and Scratchy theme song (thought they over did it a little with that). Set closer was the song the country singer sang to Homer. 4 song first set, lots of grooving to be done!!

Second set was a little more lax, not as intense as the first I thought. Cannot seem to remember what they opened with but there was a Kyle>Kids and they encored with Captain America. They also played the song Mr. burns sings about his vest. They put in the flaming moes. song somewhere during the show also.

Congratulations Kyla!!! A Canadian winning the costume contest...it was an amazing costume!!


It was good meeting and seeing the Skanks also!! Met some kynd folk I had never met before.

Sorry for the scattered post, I am weary and am trying to remember everything I am supposed to know for this test I will be writing shortly.

Freak Freely!!!

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Wow...WOW...WOW...I'm so stoked for you...not only are you the biggest moe.ron I've met- Peter and I are crazy for the Simpson’s and particularly for the Kodos and Kang bros!

I need to see a picture!!!

Please someone had to have a shot of her!

Someone get a picture up ASAP! Those of us who couldn't handle the 6hrs there and back because of employment pressures have got to see the belle of the ball!

Major congrats Kyla! You so deserve it...so what did you win?

Besides the hug from Al!

ps...Ottawa folks rule!

Miss you all...we're having a housewarming on the 9th...anyone who can make it down for the weekend we will put up and they can come check out the new pad ...which we've made pretty specially and entirely us!

[Cool][smile][big Grin][smile][Cool][big Grin][Razz]

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Just got home from writing my test...I cannot wait to get to sleep!!

Alright, the custome was fucking amazing!! I heard she made it herself!! She went as Kang (I think that was the characters name), the one eyed green Alien.

For the costume contest you had to incorporate not only a Simpsons character but a moe. tune So taped to the side of the costume was a cook book. I think the title was 40 ways to cook humans, a take off on the tune four. Maybe when the Ottawa Skanks get home they can correct me if needed.

She also got a big phat hug from Al.

Also second set consisted of It, Spine of a Dog and Buster to close the set.

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Here's the setlist from last night (too lazy to log catphish out), looks like phun !:

11/1/02 Memorial Auditorium - Burlington, VT

1: Understand, Gone, The Ghost of Ralph's Mom, Happy Hour Hero, Hi and Lo > Brent Black*

2: Not Coming Down > St. Augustine > 32 Things, Itchy and Scratchy Theme, Okayalright, Yodelittle** > Rebubula

E: Blister In The Sun

* With "Inna Gadda Da Vida" (Iron Butterfly) tease. ** With "Simpsons' Theme" (Danny Elfman) and "Itchy and Scratchy Theme" teases.

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Guest Low Roller

HAHAHAHA! Good eye Dave-O! Fucking CLASSIC!!

moe.ron's costume ruled like nothing I have ever seen before. Stapes' Dancing Stu was also fantastic, but unfortunately wasn't original enough (c'mon, how many guys have played the disco/pimp/afro/geno for halloween?) to make the final cut. As far as accuracy goes, Disco Stu was DEAD ON. Big ups to Stapes on that one.

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