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Shaker Festival ROUTE from Ottawa


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I put St.Andrews, NB into Mappoint from Ottawa and the route spit out 9 hours (in mappoint wussy time) that takes you through Maine.

A few people claim that going through Canada the whole way is the way to go, but it just doesn't add up.

You gotta go way up north and follow the stupid border. Going through Maine sends you southeast which pops you out in NB.

Obviously, crossing the border may be an issue for some, but I'll cross the border to save 5 freaking hours.

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Talked to Pablo Sanchez about this and apparently the US route puts you on crappy two-lane roads. It ends up being about the same.

Who's going to be our heady drug mule too? Any of you ex-cons who are going Canada by default wanna haul some sludge for us?

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Mike you'r asking for a world of strife going through the states, things you'll encounter will be border hassle, getting lost (mulitple times) especially if you're relying on mappoint, dropping down to a crawl while going through tons of small towns, spring time construction....it might look like a shorter distance on paper but you can't beat going through Canada, its a freekin straight line on good roads.....at IT last summer, when I saw all the American kids from Detroit, Chicago etc, coming up to Canada to get to Maine, that sealed it in my opinion, I knew it had to be the only way to go for sure if even Americans were doing it.

Whichever way you choose to go, do me a favor...STOP USING MAPPOINT, and get a good map. You can't trust that shit at all, ask Roller about our trip to SPAC :(

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I used to live in Providence and drove the I95 through Maine every other week......

-The are 5 toll booths in Maine totalling almost $10

-Gas is bloody expensive along that route

-Maine Troopers are just salivating waiting for you

-The drive through Northern NB and along the St Lawrence in PQ is totally breathtaking, while the I95 is an asphalt corridor

-For those coming to St Andrews from the West , the last leg from Bangor to St Andrews is brutal (its called Airline Rd with a firm tongue in cheek) and is only 60 miles from Bangor to the border which can take upwards of two hours and it is dangerous if you don't know the road

-why put $$ into US businesses when you can support home?

If anyone needs a map let me know, thats what I do. I have contacted Farley and am waiting for a quick response to the actual location and I'll be posting a local directions map from St Stephen and from Saint John soon.

Any more info needed? just ask.....


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SWEET JESUS, I forgot about the ol Airline Route.Having to take Route 9 is reason enough not to go through the states, it's fucking hell. Huge chucks out of the road, huge trucks going full tilt, nothing for miles if you break down, it's the worst road i've ever been on, makes the 401/101/sea to sky Highways look like parade routes, seriously. Last time I traveled on it, it was in the middle of a blizzard, well over 50 car accidents, bad ones too. At one point there was a 30 foot travel trailer broken off it hitch and sitting in the middle of the road, we almost ran right into it...the weird thing is no one was around for hours, I'm assuming its still sitting there in the middle of the road ::

We bottomed out so bad at one point, at this super steep hill, when we came to the bottom, for like 10 feet it was just bare dirt, no pavement, we hit it like we were dropping form the sky, the alignment was fucked for the rest of thr trip, and the brake light feel right out of the hatchback window.

One Word - WARZONE!!!!!!

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