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MMW Toronto and Montreal!

Groove Fetish

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Originally posted by KevO:

MMW's show last year at Harbourfront Centre was
, was it not folks!?

Yes. Yes, it was.

I've seen MMW seven or eight times I guess, and I've only been disappointed once - and that was due to the shitty venue and sound (the Guvernment - don't remember the year, but I think it was just after The Dropper was released) rather than the performance itself.

Maybe I'll get lucky and they'll tour the Far East...

I *do* get to go see DJ Shadow here this weekend, though!!! [big Grin]

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Looks like fun guys! THis will be the first time I miss MMW at the Montreal Jazz fest. Always an incredible thrill. They bring out some of the best guests in Jazz for their "and friends" gigs.(C. Hunter, Marc Ribot, Logic, Scofield, Mino Cilenu, Triloc Gurtu, etc.)

Definately catch the show if you can.

Hamilton, MMW tour Japan pretty regularly. Fingers crossed for a tour....


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Seems like a lot of the people I talk to weren't too impressed with the music that night too.. The general idea (I wasn't there) seems to be that it wasn't BAD music, but it was really spacey and experimental. Then again, most of my friends who went to that show were only familiar with the studio version of Bubblehouse and a few more tunes, so it was probably just not what they expected.

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the Nathan Phillips show from two years ago aso kicked some major butt!

WE have also loved just about every show we've seen except one at the U of Buffalo Arts Centre- for some reason they were sounding sterile in the room. But I blame the room not them.

Last years MMW with guests at Montreal Jazz fest was awesome!!!!

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Count me in for another fan of MMW, also blown away by that Nathan Phillips Square performance. I could watch Billy Martin play drums for days, what a talent.

Man, I hope this is a free show. Scofield's free show last year was unbelievable!

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Last years harbourfront show was pretty good, but I much prefer the NPS show from the year before. Man it was buzzin' under that DuMaurrier tent!

I actually really enjoyed that 10-30-99 show at the Guvernment! It helped being up top on the balcony and having a nice view though. The next show which was at the Warehouse I really didn't enjoy. I thought that was a pretty lame show. Of course I hate every show at the Warehouse, so what can ya do...

Viva La MMW!

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yay, I'd say that wasn't a fantastic show... I enjoyed myself but that was mostly because I was groovin with my eyes closed... the crowd was pretty lame... the room was a huge dark cave... I've been blown away by Medeski in the past but while I enjoyed the warehouse show(big fan here) it was sub-par to be sure...

my first show was in a tent about '93 and cost me a dollar... regardless of my massive hangover, I was up dancing by 10 seconds in...

I'd give 'em another shot Secondtube

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MMW has the ability to play such different styles of music that you really never know if it is going to be a funk show, ambient, or jazzy. (that is why they are so amazing.....) I can't wait!!! I saw them back in 96 and it was a fast paced frenzy of musical builds. The last couple of shows (excluding the warehouse show were the venue killed the vibe as well as the guitar player who was super ambient) have been super funky....so put on your dancing shoes!

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Originally posted by Northern Wish:

Its funny to hear that from some one else too..... I thought the 10.30.99 show sucked too! Poor venue, horrible sight lines and probably the worst acoustics for that type of music.

Actually, I have to apologize! It wasn't the show at the Guvernment that I didn't enjoy, it was the one at the Warehouse the following year. If you hadn't posted the date (and if secondtube hadn't mentioned the Warehouse), I would have remained confused... [Embarrassed][Embarrassed][Embarrassed]


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