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Phish - June 20 - Saratoga Springs


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We are hitting the show on the 20th. Both nights sold out! Looks like a pretty sweet venue. Don't know where to stay though. It's gonna be busy down there. Probably crash at some roadside dive or maybe even a ditch. I may have some extra tickets for Sunday if anyone is interested. I'll post it if I do have them.


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just a thought for those w/o accomodations - apparently the Wal-Mart chain will allow people to park in their empty lots overnight, and there is also apparently one in the area. It began as a courtesy to truckers and has now extended to travellers. I'm sure they won't extend the courtesy to anyone hosting a nitrous wookie-orgy in the lot but maybe you could park there after the show and crash with no hassles.

Look into it, I'm just passing along what I've heard.

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there's some nice campgrounds 10 minutes from the venue (or less)... just down the road

likely be a lot of fun for these shows, they're pretty laid back... also have a little lake for swiming etc.

Your talking about the one I brought ya back to? Its a bit more then ten minutes and I'm not sure about the "laid back" given they brought the cops in many times through out the night for various reasons,but they aren't uptight assholes by any means,and yeah,great little place to camp and will be overrun with folks again,as it is for every show at SPAC (although I've only been to three shows there myself).Good swimming action assured.

I have the contact info of the place kicking around here,I don't remember the name off hand but I located the place for us back in 01 when we seen Trey.Sorta pricey (we thought) for a car load (was over $25 USD),but worth it after the party starts.I'll dig up the brouchure I got and post the info when I find it later.

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just a thought for those w/o accomodations - apparently the Wal-Mart chain will allow people to park in their empty lots overnight, and there is also apparently one in the area. It began as a courtesy to truckers and has now extended to travellers. I'm sure they won't extend the courtesy to anyone hosting a nitrous wookie-orgy in the lot but maybe you could park there after the show and crash with no hassles.

Look into it, I'm just passing along what I've heard.

i've slept outside a Wal-Mart in.... Brantford? is there one in Brantford? i dunno, it was just off the 403, just outside hamilton... embarrasingly close when i woke up in the morning and realized that i probably could have made it... anyhoo, i didnt get hassled... now brantford aint the good ole u.s. of a, but hey, a wal-mart's a wal-mart, i do say!

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We are staying at a hotel called Playmore Farms. Maybe there is still room?


I'm not going to Phish at SPAC, but I just wanted to say I stayed at Playmore Farms last year for the Dead. It's a good motel-type place. Sorta close to the venue. There's a pool!! I'm going to the Dead show in August, and tried to get a room there, but it's $169 a night because August is horse-racing season in Saratoga and their prices triple. I paid $69 last June for a room there. Urgh. So maybe I will sleep in a ditch this time.

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I'm staying at McConchies Campground in Galway, NY, about 15 miles from the venue towards the southwest. It's $8 a night, has free showers, a lake and will be nice and quiet. We just want to chill and drink after the show and I know that's be the perfect place.


2501 Northline Rd

Galway, NY


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just a thought for those w/o accomodations - apparently the Wal-Mart chain will allow people to park in their empty lots overnight, and there is also apparently one in the area. It began as a courtesy to truckers and has now extended to travellers. I'm sure they won't extend the courtesy to anyone hosting a nitrous wookie-orgy in the lot but maybe you could park there after the show and crash with no hassles.

Look into it, I'm just passing along what I've heard.

I'm not sure about this - I just heard a story about it on CBC, and truckers were complaining that WalMart only extends this courtesy to RV's.

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Cyberhippie you got a game brother. You're staying at the Playmore Inn too aren't you? It should be simple for us to organize a round or two, guess I'll be bringin some discs.

Those reviews freeked me out a little , sounds shitty. But hell I don't plan on sleeping much so I'm not too worried, plus we got a suite....which I think just means less rats and fecal matter. ::

....11 DAYS AWAY!!!!!

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