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What's the deal with Jagermeister?


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Yeah, the idea is that the buzz that you get offa this stuff is different from your average hard liquor in the same way that say, tequila is. Some likely find that booze is booze, but these two I personally find to be pretty much in a league of their own, more of a high drunk in terms of how they make you feel.

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I think the real deal is that alot of people think Jaegermeister is healing and healthy. Around here (Victoria) that's the big rumour. It's kinda like a heady organic cough-syrup that just happens to get you drunk.

Anybody else heard about this? Jim, the bartender at Namaste Cafe told me about this. Rumor or truth?

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I am a big promoter of Jagger for two reasons...one, it is the St.Catharines Bartender's official shot--actually I wear my jagger t-shirt for work... second, I drink mass amounts of it while I am working and I don't get out of hand, and I have a great night... but, it better be fu©king cold. :: have to agree on it having its own type of buzz..

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I think it's medicinal...in some way. One shot seems to calm by drunkin belly ...two warms cold toes...three makes me mouthy and any more than that and I puke the next day.

I also heard it contains deer blood, but I'm pretty sure that's an urban legend of the Lindsay kind.

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jagermeister's a bitters tonic that was used by german hunters. the rumour is that they used to put some elkblood in every batch...hence the big beast on the label.

it's an herbal tonic that will keep you warm, give you some fancy chemicals that you probably can't get anywhere else.

not as nasty as buckley's but it'll keep you working fine.

and i like to drink it on ice or take my nalgene, put in 3-5 red bulls, about 12 oz. of jager and some fruit juice...raspberry juice is good - try grape or any berry.

it's a party in a bottle. remember this may CTMF? do you remember seeing me late at night? that's why. take it easy on the bottle...it's something to share, not horde.

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Well for me, it is pretty much the only shot i can have whilst drinkin beer..no nasty sugarey shots for me..i am not really a fan of liquor, iz be a beer drinker, but Jager is my fav....although sometimes it can be a bit of a truth serum for me and can make me speak before thinking which has gotten me in some trouble before. ::

Basically I can see why the west coasters are lovin it up...it contains over 50 herbs (i have tried to find them out but to no avail; grrr) and most herbs do have some sort of medicinal use.

I love it to start me up, but too much will shut me down...3 shots is enough when i am drinkin beer too (still trying to get little 't' to understand that one ;))


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