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na na nana heeeey goodbye

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

Well I decided to part ways with my employer today. I know I talked a lot about it in recent months, but, lo, I have finally gone forward with it. I'll be working to the end of next week, and then the severance package kicks in.

What will I do then?

Anything I want.


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Guest Low Roller

Thank you, thank you.

It was a hard decision to voluntarily give up the security of a phat paycheck every two weeks for basically nothing, but it had to be done to maintain my sanity.

The next two weeks at work will be more than difficult, they will be excrutiating.

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you bitch. where do you get to quit & still get severence???? heeheehee.

just kidding about the bitch part. nothing like a bit o'chumming around between us archrivals, eh? hahahahaha. (punches shoulder)

anyway, i hope you will enjoy your first days off with the purest of glee. and congrats on getting out of a job it sound like you hate!

although it can't be THAT bad, between your newfound boggle addiction, hanging out here & phat paycheque, by golly! haha.

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