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QotD: Boxing Day Edition


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What gift did you get (or give) this year, that is pretty much guaranteed not to have been received (or given) by anyone else?

For example, books, CDs, DVDs, video games, clothing, comestibles (food, drink, etc.), toys, jewellry, etc., are mainstays of gift-giving; what gifts were under your tree (or any tree you contributed to) that would be far outside these types?

For example, I received something I doubt any of you got: a vacuum tube. Yes, a vacuum tube. In particular, a JJ Electronics 12DW7 (also known as an ECC832) pre-amp tube, for a guitar amplifier of mine (a Fender Champ 12) whose overdrive channel is rigged to pretty much max out a second pre-amp tube, which is normally a 12AX7. The 12DW7 has lower gain, but which should (I hope) still be punchy enough to give me the crunch tone (as opposed to the amp's current buzz-saw tone) I want.

(And, before you ask, yes, I specifically asked for it. Gift-giving in my family is heavily list-based. I'd been wanting one of these tubes for a while, but hadn't got one because I thought that the only source was mail-order from the USA; I found out recently that a couple of stores [in Ottawa and Toronto] carry this line of tubes, so put it on the list as a bit of a lark, and my brother came though in spades for me.)



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the gift i sent for the scank exchange i can almost guarantee is a one of a kind.. to this point, anyhow... i wont reveal what it is, in case this person reads this and has yet to receive it... i mailed it kinda late-ish.

umm, and for receiving, well, my folks contributed to the set of studio lights that i got myself for xmas, so i guess that kinda counts... studio lights dont seem like too common a gift.. but who knows.

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I got Becky a set of over-sized wine glasses (fits a whole bottle pretty much) with a boognish engraved on them. I couldn't wait to give them to her.


Putting the Boognish glass to good use!

One of the many unique gifts I rec'd from her was a 1984 issue of IQ 2000 ROCK TRIVIA. "From Beatles to Bowie!" Pretty tough questions. Can't wait to turn it into some sort of drinking game!


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Welcome to the tribe of wired musicians, Jakis!

As for an amp, I'm assuming that you're a beginner (if you're not, let me know your level), and that you'll be playing mostly rock-ish type stuff (as opposed to jazz or death metal). For that kind of stuff, and for that kind of coin, you might look into a used Roland Cube amp, like maybe a Cube 20 or a Cube 40. They're solid-state (tube amps are usually considered to sound better, but you need to research them more and a be a bit more knowledgeable before you go that route), but sound really good. (IIRC, Billy Bragg used a Cube 60 in his earlier days. If you've seen the video for "Levi Stubbs' Tears", that's a Cube 60 behind him.)

If you're looking for a particular sound, or want to use it for/with a particular set of effects, let me/us know, as it can affect the amp you want/need.



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Thanks brad, ya Im pretty much a beginner. Getting better but still a beginner and I will be playing rock stuff. Thanks for the advice I will look into them. Im gonna go shopping at some music stores this week. Im not in too much of a rush, my brother borrowed his friends until I get one. Again thanks,


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Also, if a particular amp gets recommended, or if you see one in a shop or ad, and want to find out about it, a good resource is


which contains reviews of amps broken down by manufacturer, then model. For example, here are



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brad you've defrosted my bitterly cold from this crap ass snow heart! i can't think of anyone i know who knows what 12AX7's and 12DW7's are. I can remember being a kid and sorting out an enormous volume of tubes for my dad's store. i can't believe tube model numbers warm my heart. i'm a weirdo.

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heh, i just noticed when i take sips from my boognish glasses, the opposite-of-the-mouth-side of the glass is higher than my eyebrows. heehee! now THAT'S a wine glass! thanks so much, backbacon! i love you and all of the wonderful and amazing christmas presents you gave me! *mwa*

i also got something from parents of backbacon, and i bet i am the only person EVER to get this! i am the offical new treshing festival queen! yup, i got a REAL crown (read: no plastic!), and a really fancy sash that says treshing festival queen on it. i suppose there is some sort of threshing festival that happens, but thanks to the magic of typos, i am now the one and only queen of treshing. "how you doing?" "oy matey, i be treshed, whoohooo". in conjunction with the uber FABULOUS stretch/sequin/chiffon prom dress given to me by my superstar dance students, vixen & sweetmarie, yup, i'm all set for ctmf this year!

ooooh, and i also got those wham! bars i was drooling about on here a few months back (candy from the UK i hadn't had since i was about 7). my mom got 'em for me. yum yum!

oh, i had such a great christmas... ::

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