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So long Ottawa!

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

Well it's finally come down to this. After months of soul searching to figure out my next move, I made a decision that made the most sense for me personally. I leave tomorrow for Brighton England, and it might be a long time before I come back.

Does this affect my online presence at all? Most definitely not. I'll still be around the message board leading the battle for proper grammar and crass humour. It will however mean that I will miss all the good times I've spent hanging out with the friends I've made on this message board.

I am going to Brighton to primarily join my girlfriend Andrea and live abroad, but at the same time I hope to complete a Masters degree and gain some experience in international business. If I look ten years down the road, I can only benefit from this move. I feel lucky that I have the opportunity to pursue several dreams at once, and as the old saying goes: "Twenty years from now you will regret the things you didn't do, as opposed to the things you did do."

Cheers everyone. I'll post updates on my travels once in a while.

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Best of luck to you Roller. If nothing else, your recent visit to Ottawa brought me a WICKED folder of music and videos to my hard drive. Geeking out with you trading tunes back and forth via that USB memory stick was fun as heck!

You are one of my favorite persons to hang out with as they watch me get drunk. Although we didnt play nearly enough guitar while you were here, trust that she is in good hands and will be properly taken care of until we meet again.

Douglas and I will miss you very much................

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Europe keeps lookin better and better to me too, though I'm not really plannin on making trails until next year

only really know ya on here anyways so... see ya around!

best of lucks, should be awesome

(if you run into anyone calling himself 'shainhouse' over there give him a kick in the shins for me)

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wow, i'm really getting the travelling itch, ya'll are drivin' me nuts! bon voyage and please continue to help me in my quest to increase the level of proper grammar and crass humour on the board, those are two of my passions, crass humour and proper grammar. i've never met you (not that i remember) so i won't miss your physical presence, and i am super happy that you're taking such a big step in the direction you want to go, good for you (okay, inside my head i'm saying fu©king a$$hole making me jealous of travelling ;) ) it's awesome. but you really should stay in town one more day, it's gonna be a big party! ::

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Roller, take care of yourself over there... I'm not the first person to say it, but good luck, you're fulfilling a lot of people's dreams... Wish we could have hung out more since your return from France. Best of luck, soak it up and enjoy. Cheers.

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I'm not sure I can say good-bye all over again....

Have fun while you're there, and come home to us soon. I look forward to hearing of your adventures...this time, include some smiling pictures of yourself!

I was just starting to feel like you were really home again and not just visiting...a home is always here for you. We love you and we'll miss you very much.

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lowroller! back and gone again so soon! Gotta give us a little heads up on these departures, it'd be nice to get you drunk on jager and dress you up like circus clown before you dissapear for a while..

anyway, have a great time, i wont miss you cause i see you more on here anyway. Count on me and moeron coming to visit.


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