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**respectful healing vibes to Bob Weir/Good Bye


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Well, whatever happened last night, I truly hope Bob is healthy physically and spiritually - and I wish the same for EVERYONE on this board.

This past week has been an interesting week for me, joyous for obvious reasons, yet due to the inexplicable behaviour of a few - quite disappointing.

Let's just say my sanctuary rose-coloured glasses have been permanently shattered.

The people I'm speaking about should be ashamed of themselves, and they know who they are.

So, with that, you won't see me on this board for the foreseeable future.

To the true loving skanks, I love you all, and you can take the picture below as a salute of love, to the others, well - a picture is worth a thousand words.


(Trudeau pirouette)


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you won't see me on this board for the foreseeable future.

Hux, that is really too bad. We don't know each other (although I think we met once, am I right?) but I hate to see someone storm off a message board out of frustration (though I admit, I've done it once before on another board). I've read the thread that contains the abomination, and I agree that what was said was terrible, whether one is a Weir fan or not. The comments were inexcusable and I hope the perpetrator will apologize, at least for the segment in which death was wished upon another human being (forget his accomplishments and/or relative fame).


The nature of the message board is that one can become so comfortable just typing a stream of conciousness here, that one's offensive material filter can become extremely lax. Geez, I can't count the number of times I have been seriously, seriously rude to people on message boards because I didn't agree with what they were saying, or felt that their sentiments were idiotic. I mean, I haven't gone all Zen and decided that everybody's opinion is their own no matter what they have to say, of course I still think people have truly stupid things to say on the internet. All I'm saying is, the message board, in and of itself, is flawed, because for most intents and purposes, it functions like a mass conversation; you have to remember, however, that for some people it can become a venting space, the culmination of a bad day or bad things happening to those people, etc.

Look, it still ain't cool to wish death on another person. Personally, though I wasn't even involved in the original discussion, I'm still hoping for an apology and a swift and happy mending to this. I'm sure many will agree that it's not pleasant coming around here and getting angry or tense vibes. But if you want my opinion, I don't think you should just take off. That isn't how I would handle it, anyway. Stick around, be the bigger person. If people have bad things to say, and stick by what they say, I don't think it will be long before they, themselves, take a hike, because they will understand quickly that they're not welcome around here. I don't wish that on anybody, but if that's what has to happen, the natural course of events will prevail and everything will be cool.

Hope to see you around here again soon.

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Hux, I don't know you and you don't know me, this is not meant to be a personal attack or anything like that but I have 2 observations:

1) You (like many, many others on this board) seem obsessed byt eh Greatful Dead (which in and of itself isn't necessarily a bad thing) but I do feel it clouds your judgement in that you seem to take anything said about the band personally.

2) To go along with 1, this is a message board wherby anonymous people make anonymous comments (not all may be anonymous, but my point remains the same) everyone one is entitled to say what they want, whether you a gree with it or not and in this case it seems some sarcasm was lost in translation.

You seem to contribute a great deal to this board so it sucks if you feel the need to leave, but you gotta do what ya gotta do.

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WOW -- have I ever F!UCKED UP!!! I totally apologize Hux and wish this apology could be done in person. Seriously, I thought enough people knew me in person to know when I'm taking the piss...and that's all it was. The "dig" against Bobby was intended as a continuum of our Ottawa weekend conversation where I was trying to convince you that Jerry was the better man. But I have obviously touched some raw nerves and really, really apologise. I hope people can eventually get to know me and know that I love to yank chains...of course I would never seriously wish harm/death on anyone and I again apologise if my "internal censor" meter wasn't on and if (what'd I mean "if", I obviously did) insult and shock people. MANY apologies for what was read as bad taste, but was not intended in bad taste.


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whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.....I know I'm back already here, but let me just clarify, this was absolutely not because of Deb's comments, (kinda wish it was something more simple like that) while I didn't particularly think they were in good taste, I met Deb last weekend, and while she may be a bit misguided on the Weir issue, she's all good. ;)

Ok....back to my skank-vacation - just had to clarify (I'm not that much of a suck about Weir)

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Yes - Just to clarify Deb is a great person and has nothing to do with our decision to take a break.

Eek. My bad, big time. I couldn't figure it out Deb, because from what I've seen you've always been cool on the board. Sorry for the implied slander...Sorry to Hux and SM, too. Whatever is ailing ya's, hope it's fixed up real soon, and you're back here, keepin' on keepin' on.

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bye Hux & SugarMegs ... will ya still check pm's ?

I'll miss you guys now that I'm just starting to get to know ya....

Thanks for clearing my somewhat good name --we gotta face facts --I ain't a saint -- but the backlash against my anti-booby comment blew me away. so thanks also to all those who let me know about the purple font = sarcasm thing. But "f!uckin' up" sure is an unforgettable way to lay down some new learning!

peace, all!

and may the next time I piss people off/yank chains be in person!

oops -- i meant 'anti-bobby', obviously. I'm very pro-booby, actually ::

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Hux, luckily I get to hang out with you on weekends... SugarMegs, we'll miss your posts... I know Bobby isn't worth quiting the board for... Hopefully I'll find out the real reasons, and sh!t will get settled... Where will the Weir Army be without it's General?

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