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where are the non-heady folk?


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my perspective is one of past club manager. it's absolutely true...numbers follow women. it's hard to get women out to party and it's hard to get numbers at jamband shows. the press doesn't back us up, party people turn their noses up at the patchouli, and we're left to party with the same old crowd - I like going out not knowing the majority of people at a show, and having a group of friends to rock out with...it's nice to know the faces of everybody at a club but not at every show.

G'damn, I keep trying to get away and I get pulled in by some crazy thread.

1) Beats you're a posting machine! Holy crap man!

2) Patchouli makes me grumpy

3) It's hard to get women out to PARTY? You've gone mad.

4) I don't know much about the scene you guys have got going here in Ottawa, but in a lot of cities there are a lot of girls (or used to be .. maybe not still). A lot of them are probably with their BFs though, I guess. Lots of women at festivals ... EVOLVE this year was a madhouse.

5) Come hang out with us for a weekend in a non-jam environment, you'll have fun, you'll meet some cute women, you'll feel better, you'll forget all about this ...

6) It's about the music, mon amis. You can't force an appreciation. I see what you mean about getting the numbers out in order to support the bands ... but it's all cycles, like everything else. The crowds will swell and then they will thin out. Again and again and again.

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ok, as a woman and lover of jam i am in the minority. i have, however spoken with other music-lovin female friends about their choices in live shows... turns out a lot of the sisters like something that they know they can go out and dance to, or else bands that have solid songs that they dig - to dance to or not. knowing that a band is going to take ten minute freak-outs isn't going to convince them to go out.... it won't necessarily turn them *off* of the show (well, it would turn some of them off) but they don't put out the extra effort to make it out to a show where they don't know what they're gonna get.

also, unless you're a live music junkie as many of us here are, most people don't go out more than once a week - and if that's the case, a lot of these women are going to choose to go to a show or a club where they know they'll be able to shake out the weeks stress... these days that often involves djs spinning albums of a specific genre... ie the 'best of' mix to guarantee good times.

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Maybe it's just where you are, there are tons of girls that come out to Hamilton shows. Although recently when at out of town shows there is a stronger male presence, especially around the stage (it's kinda creepy really). I think that the problem is not with the jamband scene in particular, but with girls and the bar scene in general, some guys can get pretty sloppy on a friday night and if a girl is out to enjoy a band or just to dance and you have some drunk slobbering wookie humping your leg, it can be a bit of a turn off.

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Dude, it's a pretty dumb concept if you ask me... Can you seriously tell me you want our scene invaded by club girls and their tough guy gino friends and boyfriends? Would I like to see more ladies at shows? Obviously. That's a moot point. In an ideal world, every show I went to would be filled with all my best friends and lots of hot heady single mamas... I think the underlying theme to most of your posts lately (Need a valentine?, A girl would be icing on the cake, etc.) is clouding your judgement seriously when talking about "the scene". I'm quite happy that a lot of "normal", non-heady people don't make up the majority of the shows I see. When I go to bars where I'm the freaky hippy dude with a beard, standing out in the crowd, I personally have a bad time. I'm not comfortable. That's not to say that I can't go to these shows, but that special vibe that exists at our shows is something I wouldn't trade for anything. I think the focus shouldn't be getting non-heady people to come out, I think the focus should be to get new heady people to come out. This will not only increase the numbers at shows, but increase our base of friends and possibly even get some new heady mamas involved... Since it's overly apparent that it's the mamas you're worried about Beats. I would strongly suggest a heady wife/girlfriend thread for you. In the scenario you're proposing, I know I would probably go to less shows than more. Is it worth losing the people who love the music in order to gain a chance to score and fill the bar with people who aren't there for the right reasons?

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I feel dumber for having read this thread.

People are going to do what ever they want to do. Some people will go to dance clubs, some people will watch the game at the local sports bar, some people will go to the movies and a cafe, some will stay home, and some will not bathe or shave and go see GTB.

Why the obsession with winning converts? We aren't Jehovah's Witnesses, are we? Oh my gawd, are we? Did I miss the memo? Which thread was that in? Sh!t... do I have to start going door-to-door now?

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HAHAHA! it's funny that people actually think that i posed this topic for personal gains.

I think that my point was missed...it's that numbers follow women. it's not that i want the scene's vibe seriously altered or this or that...it's that i believe if we were to get more of the 'fairer' sex out to our parties we'd have more people and more venues trying to book shows.

GWB...that's not come together...there's not enough body hair.

and again i will continue to refute...this is not a 'let's get beats hooked up' thread. unless by some strange miracle i find the woman of my dreams (i'm pretty picky) i'm not going to be easily moved from the single life.

Speaking from experience, numbers increase when there's either an increase in press or more 'normal' (what a ridiculous term) people start going to shows.

of course there'll be people going to sports bars, pubs, and dance clubs. i hope it always stays that way. but what's so bad about trying to bring more friends and their friends out to shows??

is there something inherently wrong with trying to get the Bus and SloCo shows RAMMED FULL??

come on people. you totally missed my point. bring as many heady folks as you can muster. actually that's my preference as they'll come back to more shows than the club kids would. I just figured that all our heady friends were already out to shows.


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More Girls does= a much bigger and better party/scene!!! The east coast (where i'm from) was dry for women on the scene for years!! The only girls were taken and it made for a lame time with few people except for the regular drunks...myself included!!! But all of a sudden the last year or soo, new faces everywhere and most are girls, the bars that bands play in now are packed and in general its just a whole better scenen now!! More girls out means more guys out which means more peole goin to shows, which makes it just that much better of a party, In turn the more people out is great for the bands, and the establishments havin them!! Its great!!!

The more GIRLS the merrier!!

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that picture is very pornographic :: ::

definately a good thing to have a nice mix at shows... if the vibe and energy are there then thats the way it works out usually it seems to me... for girls to be comfortable at jam shows I think its important people aren't too uptight to dance, there's room to dance somewhere near the front and the vibe is friendly and casual as well as the music good... instrumental acts do tend to bring out less girls but not always, most girls I know really like lyrics

and as has been brought up, kind of a non-issue in hamilton... I'm glad girls come out as it improves the feeling in the room... if I'm looking to pick up I'd probably go to another bar though as at 85% of the jam shows I go to I just want to hear feel and move... making me not the most social person at times

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