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To Whoever Keeps Stealing Jackets From Our House.


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May you be forced to wear both of them at the same time while you burn in the depths of hell. ::

This sh!t is crazy, heres the deal. About a month ago Sloth's jacket was stolen from the kitchen (with his new discman in the pocket) It happened on a Sunday morning with people home. Sloth thoght he heard someone come into he houose went down to check it out, no one was there...Hours later realized the jacket was gone. We searched everywhere for it with no luck (its bright yellow and hard to miss). Pissed at the idea someone was stealing from us, we came up with the idea that it must have been the bottle-guy that raids our porch every sunday for empties (I think we're putting his kids through college) Anyway yesterday late for work I realized my jacket was missing, searched the house all over no sign of it (bright white snowboard jacket) Torn the house apart and then thought about it and it must have gone missing sometime on Sunday too. Now this is REALLY PISSING ME OFF. I mean if whoever is taking thm is doing sobecasue they are cold, tht's cool, buty don't steal...Come to our door and tell us you're cold and I'll glady GIVE ten jackets that belong to no one that just occupy our closet. DO NOT STEAL MY $250 Sims boarding jacket, my one thing I bought in Whistler the whole time i was there ::

..OK this sh!t just got weirder, while I was typing this. Sloth calls me out to the kitchen, I go out and look out the window to see a metal statue about a foot tall sitting on the railing, the few remaining beer bottles outside - that were there and hour ago are now gone and this fu©king freeky statue is left in its place. WTF is going on????

UPDATE: sh!t just keeps happening

Next door neighbor just came over to return th keyboard. Turns out he left the statue, figured we make good use of it...I told him aobut whats been going o and he told me that the botttle-guy broke into their house before they moved in and stole a bunch of money and sh!t from the guys that lived there before and tried to break into our other neighbors house on more than one occasion. So that settles it it must be that guy stealing our jackets and od knows what else.

Anyone got suggeston on what we hould do? Right now I'm leaning towards grabing him and tying him to the furnace in the basement for a few weeks...Sound good?

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Anyone got suggeston on what we hould do? Right now I'm leaning towards grabing him and tying him to the furnace in the basement for a few weeks...Sound good?

If I were you, I'd talk to Velvet about this idea before you implement it. I think he will have a few comments.

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Anyone got suggeston on what we hould do? Right now I'm leaning towards grabing him and tying him to the furnace in the basement for a few weeks...Sound good?

Yeah I'd definitely do a steakout, grab the fu©ker and do what you said. Except you could also strip him, and cover him with peanut butter and fill the room with rats. Of course you'll have a small rat problem to deal with down the road, but it should be worth it.

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That sucks....tie him up.

That realy sucks thats the one thing you bought in Whistler for sure!

I bought that discman you speak of and it was $100.

Now I have replaced it for him with my $100. discman....if the fu©ker gets that too...gees.

Lock your doors....boobey traps are illegal(my dad wanted to build one)but hey if ya don't know about it....

Hope ya nab the a$$hole. :: ::...well I guess mabey he's mentally ill if he's a street guy.....

I guess at least you know its not someone you're trusting IN your space...thats good.

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Hmmmm, interesting predicament Freeker. That certainly does suck. I once had my van broken into in TO and had a half pound of...something I love...stolen along with the coolest patch coat EVER! A bunch of other stuff was taken (despite it being locked, well-hidden and me being parked beside a surviellance camera) that was considerably more expensive. However, the patch coat is by far what I miss the most. :(

I feel your pain man...and if this same Bottle Guy stole my jacket, I'm sure I could think of an appropriate punishment.

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Whos got your heady spy cam?...haha not that a spy cam at that place is a good idea... ::

I think it'd be a great idea...the money-making possibilities it would provide in a few years when Hux is running for the head of the Liberal Party alone would make it worthwhile... ::



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kill kill kill kill kill the poor!

kill kill kill kill kill the poor!

ya ya ya ya

ya ya

(forgot the rest of the words haha)

getting stuff stolen sucks so bad - especially at your house - it's so invasive

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Pissed at the idea someone was stealing from us, we came up with the idea that it must have been the bottle-guy that raids our porch every sunday for empties

Does he look anything like this?


Nope. Never gets old.

Seriously, I hope you guys get your jackets back.

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Anyone got suggeston on what we hould do?

Maybe you could get one of these bad boys...


The Independent Online reports that "a Japanese firm has developed a mannequin robot that can strike a pose for customers - and spy on who they are and what they're buying."

The mannequin, code-named Palette, is a shopping spy. Her makers have programmed her to measure the age and sex of shoppers and identify the bags they are carrying in her covert mission to pass along the information to stores for marketing purposes. IOL Article

Big Dummy is watching!

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Early Sunday morning put all the empties under a large box supported at one end by a stick and wait patiently. When the dude crawls under the box to retrieve the empties spring the trap. With any luck the homeless dude will fall asleep thinking he's at home in his own alley in his own box. That will then give you plenty of time to prepare cyanide laced belogna sandwiches for his enjoyment. Of course once the sandwiches have been injested be sure to dispose of the buddy in as many places as possible.

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Now i know you were most likely kidding Lazlo but scarily disturbing at the same time...

Good luck with gettin your stuff back guys...I hate hearing about sh!t like this!

I love how you add "most likely kidding" like your really not sure.

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make a sign saying 'entrance booby trapped' - then it's perfectly legal.

a sign said so...no sweat off your back if the guy trespassed.

i'd totally do a stakeout and give the guy a beating...and when beats lays down the beats then there's something seriously crazy happening.

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borrow the Good Rev's surveillance stuff (or advice) They caught one rat, you can catch another. Also, the advice about the pawn shops is solid. I doubt the coats were stolen for warmth/use.

hope this resolves without violence, though. It is amazing what a well-uttered threat, while blocking airflow, mind you, can achieve!

good luck with it all.

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