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SURVIVOR- heads are gonna roll

Guest Low Roller

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PP, you have to realize that the rules you play by (i.e., what determines who you in particular vote off the island on a given day) may not necessarily be the same as those that are used by other people. For example, most people would base their choice on something like "musical quality" (or perhaps "significance"), but even if that were the case, people's opinions of each artist will differ.

But remember that there are whole other rule-sets that can be used. For example, you could imagine that were a real desert island with those people on it. If that were the case, you might vote based on trying to set up a particular situation with musicians who had never played together before. (I've used that idea when making choices in the past.)

But there are also whole other categories of rule-sets. For example, my immunization of Clapton (and vote for Bowie) might (note: might) have been done for reasons that have more to do with running a social experiment with you all (and me as well) than anything musical. (Witness the way my immunization/vote brought out the hate in ollie...hate for Low_Roller, not me... :) )



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bowie. of course i''m playing right in to brad's plan... :)

You're playing right into the plan you think I have, but remember that having you play into it may (may) be part of an even higher-level plan...

And, of course, your telling me you're planing right into my plan might be part of your plan...

(Low_Roller, are you getting distressed by all this conspiracy and plans-of-plans talk surrounding your game? Think it's all going wrong? Maybe you should make this contest be the last...unless you think that that is my goal, in which case you might want to make sure the games never stop, just to spite me. Mind you, I'd expect that kind of response from you if I tried that kind of thing...)



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Round 2:


See ya later.

EDIT (due to being a dumbass who didn't read that Prince is gone):

If I'm still allowed, I'd like to change my vote (to someone actually still in the running).

Willie thou art banished from the Skanc!

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(Witness the way my immunization/vote brought out the hate in ollie...hate for Low_Roller, not me... )

I blame Low Roller for providing you the platform to play your insidious game.

Ok, now that Clapton is safe I change my vote to Willie Nelson.

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Guest Low Roller
Ok, now that Clapton is safe I change my vote to Willie Nelson.

Sorry, you can't change your vote.

Don't hate the player. Hate the game.

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hey douglas, if i tell you that prince was voted off yesterday, will you change your vote to willie? ;) we already lost prince, we may as well save bowie!!!!!

oops! I completely missed that post from LowRoller! :blush:

Sorry PP -- I can't change my vote. Rules are rules! ;)

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I'm coming in late to this one, but since Prince is gone and Brad feels that Clapton should have immunity, I'm forced to cast my vote for Coltrane.

Bowie, Nelson, Zappa? All great. Coltranes gonna win this contest hands down.

Kudos Lowroller, it's your most maddening one yet.


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