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Keller sounds like a dink


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I just got through reading the blueslogs and was pretty surprised by this bit Todd wrote:

I asked if I could interview him for you fine folks and he said I should call his publicist, which was effectively him saying No. The power went out and I shined a flashlight for him. Then we sat silently in the dark for about twenty minutes together, and believe it or not, the guy wouldn’t talk to me. He would chit chat a bit, but anything, and I mean anything (like “How was the border crossing Keller,” or “Nice guitar man, how long have you had it,” and he simply wouldn’t answer me. It’s not like he would avoid the question, it would just fall on deaf ears. I was pretty surprised.

I could understand if he acted that way around me because in the past at least I probably would have been a drunken obnoxious wretch bristling with anti-cheese hatred (well that hasn't changed) but I can't see Todd being much of a tool and his questions sounded quite inoccuous. Plus Todd is quite knowledgeable about music, instruments and gear it sounds like Keller missed out on at very least some entirely harmless and engaging dialogue. Hell he even offered the guy a flashlight. This kind of dinklemeyer action is what has always set me off.

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I was with V for about 5 minutes in that trailer just before it rained. Before I bailed on the the leaky trailer, I pointed out that there was a lot of people at his show that chose him over SCI.

do you think it was wrong of me to say that to Keller? ;)

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I bet it had more to do with Keller having a bad day. After having his time slot moved twice and then being taken off the main stage and put up against SCI all in the name his royal holyness Saint Xavier Rudd (a true dink!)I'd be pretty pisses off too if I were him. Combine that with getting rained out, what a shitty day for him. I've met Keller before and its always been a plesant experience, give the guy a break everyone has bad days either that or it was what Mike said that pissed him off.

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I'm sure that if Velvet hadn't mentioned anything about "interview" there would have been a good discussion. I doubt that Keller has heard of jambands.ca, wasn't sure who or what he was dealing with, or where, exactly, his comments were going to be published if he was too forthcoming. This is exactly why he would have a publicist, and I don't blame him for wanting to make use of that filter/channel/expenditure when confronted with a journalist or interviewer from some unknown medium.

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Stardate 071505

Being unfamiliar with KW’s music and being fairly hopelessly drunk ...

even nero never had to do surprise interviews, in the dark with drunk dudes in their mid thirties without some kind of warning... I can imagine the terror Keller must've been feeling.


also everyone and their granny had somekind of 'credentials' at bluesfest. seems like every second person was wearing 'tags'..

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I'd just like to chime in here and voice my support for the use of the word "dink" (in general) and (repeatedly) in this thread.

It's a great word and doesn't get nearly enough play.

Here are some examples of fun ways to use "dink" in a sentence:

Hey! That's my beer, you dink!

Yeah? You want to go there? Go eat a bag of dinks.

Skin-a-ma-rink-eee-dink--eeeeeee-DINK, skin-a-ma-rink-eee-dooooooooooooo...I. Love. You.


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Well Stoned Phillips, you ought be pleased to learn that the word "dink" seems to have many different applications that one wouldn't automatically think of.

Check it out here...


The only 1 that was news to me on that list was the one referencing shooting games (wtf??!)

Sorry, phorbsie, but you know what? I love you in the morning (and in the afternoon). I love you in the evening (and underneath the moon). Hey! :D

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You're probably right that it was just the word 'interview' that set him off a touch. Though I still have the over entitled view that artists are fair game at any time and that the whole business of accreditation and pre-approved interviews leads to staid and hackneyed journalism with the same shit being rehashed from interview to interview.

And on that note I'm pretty sure nero was subjected to any number of pitch dark drunk and high off my ass interviews otherwise known as conversations.

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The world of sports taught me that lesson, and an example of the 'rehased' interview would go like this:

"So, what were you thinking when you hit that game winning home run?"

"Well, I was just trying to look for my pitch and make good contact."

Now, on Zero's note, drunk and high conversations are the best but you will never see them in print:

"So *name deleted*, what is Tie Domi really like?"

"He likes to fuck horses and isnt as much of a dink as you might think."

Goes with the territory I suppose.

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