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Good Vibes Needed...

Steve from Cleveland

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Thanks SO much guys. I just logged in real quick before heading downtown (Cleveland) to the hospital where he'll have surgery. I was very pleasantly surprised to see so many responses! I am becomming more and more confident as the day goes on that things will be OK. The doc's keep saying that this is a routine procedure, but still, how routine can operating on someone's heart REALLY be?

Anyhow, I will post another update after the surgery, just wanted to say a quick THANKS before departing!

SfC, and Fam

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Hi all,

I wanted to thank everybody again for the tremendous outpouring of well-wishes, good vibes, and support...

My dad was transferred this afternoon to the Cleveland Clinic, which is world-renowned for cardiac care. (He works there, too) Anyhow, after some examinations by the doctors there, they determined that he did NOT have a heart attack. This is good news, because it means that his heart suffered no lasting damage to the actual muscle tissue. What they diagnosed was a heart block, which somehow prevents the top and bottom halves of the heart from beating in sync. This is why he kept flatlining at the ER... The doctors there implanted a temporary pacemaker, which kept him alive (and literally saved his life) until he was transported to the Clinic. They are thinking now that the condition was caused by untreated Lyme Disease , which also causes a condition known as Bells Palsy which mimicks a stroke, which he also suffered some time ago. This also is good news, because although it is a condition which will probably continue to have effects on him for the rest of his life, it IS managable with treatment.

Lyme disease is usually contracted through the bite of a tick, which is strange, because Pops is NOT really the outdoorsy-type. (So watch out for those ticks, campers, fishers, and hunters ;) )

Anyhow, he is still in the Cardiac center at the Clinic, where they are waiting for more tests to come back to confirm the doctors' suspicions. Again, this is good news, because it indicates that his heart will likely return to normal function once the Lyme disease is treated, perhaps without requiring the implantation of a permanant pacemaker. So they actually did NOT perform the surgery today, and are waiting for test results to determine whether that course of action is either necessary or beneficial.

Rest assured that Dad's doing well, (he even requested a double portion of dinner tonight). The doctors told us that we should go home, get some rest, and wait for the test results knowing that he is in excellent hands. Mom is finally sleeping peacefully (sawing logs a few doors down), my brother is on his way home from college for the weekend, and, as the doctors said, it looks like he is 'out of the woods.'

You probably can't imagine how stressful it was this last day and a half. However, I am fairly confident that everythings going to be OK. That said, I want you all to know how much it meant to have everyone on our side. It was most awesome to have a continual stream of well-wishes coming in, especially when I was beginning to get frustrated/worried/down about the situation. I am certain that all that positivity flowing down here helped. It certainly helped me... I feel so incredibly lucky to be a small part of such a wonderful community! Thank you all again SO MUCH!

And, of course, I will continue to keep you updated on his progress...

With unimaginable gratitude,

Steve from Cleveland, and family...

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cheers steveland, glad to hear that your dad's better. lyme disease appears to be on the rise again, there have been reproted cases in SoOn this past summer...a guy in my town that runs the outdoor toys store (motorbikes, skidoos etc) was diagnosed with it and has been on a public awareness of lyme disease bender ever since.

scary shit.

the only tick i have ever seen was found last spring by niffermouse on our cross canada honeymoon...after pulling in to moosomin saskatchewan for the evening, we checked into our hotel, had dinner and went for a walk outside of town. when we got back to the hotel, one of the little buggers had adhered to jennifer's pants cuff.

after a mild group freakout, we convinced ourself that the tick had come from the field that we walked through. this was a much easier reality to cope with than the alternative concept that the tick lived in the hotel.

fwiw we never saw another one, but ther are out there and can seriously screw with you given the chance.

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really happy to hear your dad is better than you thought! whew!

hey, he is by any chance a big diet coke drinker? you can get lyme disease-like maladies from too much asparatame. and heck, even if it was from a tick, there's no time like the present to stop ingesting that poison!


really glad your dad is on the mend, steveland. :)

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Steve, I haven't had time to read all of the posts in this thread, but I do want you to know that I am thinking about you and your family and sending you the greatest, most amazing healthy good vibes that I can muster. One thing that scares the daylights out of me is the realization that my folks are growing older. I have read posts from people going through what you are going through and from folks who have lost a parent (good vibes still going out to you, BradM). I cannot imagine a scarier scenario.

I'm so happy to hear that the maple leaves made you smile. I'm sure I speak for all of us up here when I say that we are wishing your dad the best. I'll be thinking about you, buddy. I know your Mom had a great shoulder to cry on. I'm so happy to hear that your Dad is doing better. Best wishes for all of you!


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Thanks again all!

A little update... Dad had surgery to put a pacemaker in on Wed. His heart stopped (unplanned) during the procedure, but they were able to get it started again. Then they stopped it several more times (on purpose) after implanting the device, to make sure it would work properly, which it did. Anyhow, to make a long story short, he came home yesterday, and they expect him to be just fine, and, actually probably BETTER than before...

However, he can't seem to wait to get back to work (fool)... Was talking about going in today. Anyhow, thanks again for all the good vibes and positivity. Certainly keep MY spirits up.

The scariest part is that they still don't know exactly what CAUSED this electrical problem that he had, but are all convinced that whatever it is, the pacemaker will prevent it from happening again. Still, that seems kind of, I don't know, inconclusive, insufficient, I don't know what I'm going for. I realize that they're doctors, but it seems strange that they're just dropping it without finding a cause. Maybe I just don't get it. What I do get is that he's still alive, and for that I am especially grateful!

Thanks again for all the support! Can't wait to get back up there and give back some of these hugs!

Steve from Cleveland (and Fam)

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i'm very happy it seems it all turned out alright.

as for inconclusive decisions, i know how you feel...

apparently the doctors have given up on looking for a cause of my four seizures in three years....

inconclusive....best i get is, chemical inbalance.

just be happy everything should turn out good...now go give your dad a huge hug!

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hey steve. good vibes headin out to you from me. my dad's aorta literally exploded back in 98 and killed him. i wouldn't wish that on anyone. i'm super glad you're dad's doin ok, and i sincerely hope he continues to do well. i know i don't know ya, but my friend crow speaks highly of you, any pal of his is a pal of mine. the technology we have these days is crazy. don't let this issue rest until you know what's really behind it all. your health isn't something you want to let slip through the cracks. sometimes you have to push with these things.

((((((((((((steve & family)))))))))))

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