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******** GO VOTE TODAY!!! *******


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According to


All employees who are qualified electors, that is, those who are 18 years of age or older and Canadian citizens on polling day, are entitled to three consecutive hours on polling day for the purpose of casting their ballots. If an employee’s hours of work do not allow him or her three consecutive hours to vote, the employer must allow him or her sufficient time off to allow three consecutive hours for that purpose.



I wonder if that applies to school hours too? I have class til 9pm tonight, without more than a two hour break between them... so I had to miss a little class to vote. I hope my women's studies TA understands :)

And I saw this hilarious sign taped to a telephone pole as I was leaving the polling station:


Sorry the picture kinda sucks, I took it with my phone. Rick Dykstra is the local conservative candidate. It says "actually, don't" at the bottom in green. There was also one that said "Vote Harper for AXXhole of the year" on another pole nearby.

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i didn't know where my polling station was so i looked it up online. it's at my own damn address.

ahhh, the many benefits of high rise apt. living.

i wonder if it will be more comforting or more torturous, knowing my house is but a few floors from the lines i'll be waiting in after work. oh well, hopefully "controlled entry" still applies and the only people there will be the ones who live there. oooh, luxury voting...hahaha

i'm not voting for anyone. i'm voting against.

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I think it's a great idea. If you can somehow find a way to capture the apathy vote, there's no losing!

The important thing is to not release any policy and to not take any sort of position about anything, methinks. Pure, clean, wintry-fresh, unadulterated protest vote.

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In the spirit of the joke AD posted, this one's making the rounds in Conservative circles:

Paul Martin and a CSIS agent are taking a stroll when they come upon a little girl carrying a basket with a blanket over it.

Curious, Martin asks the girl What's in the basket?"

She replies, "New baby kittens," and she opens the basket to show him.

"How nice," says Martin. "What kind are they?"

The little girl says, Liberals."

Martin smiles, pats the little girl on the head and continues on.

Three weeks later, Martin is taking another stroll, this time with Jack Layton. They see the little girl again with the same basket.

Martin says, "Watch this, Jack; it's really cute."

They approach the little girl. He greets the little girl and says "How are the kittens doing?"

She says, "Fine."

Then, smirking, he nudges Layton with his elbow and asks the little girl, "And can you tell us what kind of kittens they are?"

She replies, "Conservatives."

Abashed, Martin says, "But three weeks ago you said they were Liberals!"

"I know," she says. "But now their little eyes are open."


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sorry if this is already posted somewhere I'm on my way out the door & don't have time to look anyhooo - I found it interesting.... e-news letter from greenpeace - vote earth - they sent a variety of questions to 5 of the major parties about their commitments to the environment...to see each parties answers click below.


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Etobicoke-Lakeshore? Cool shit, man. That's one of the ones I'll be watching with an eagle eye tonight.

As a first year undergrad, I though Ignatieff was decent. But every paper I wrote about him ended up with me having to express some concern about what seemed to be his hedging, covert dishonesty, and essential apologetics for Western imperialism. A couple years (and a couple statements on his part in defense of torture) later, and I'm actually hoping he loses, even if it means a Con victory in the 416.

Thornhill (maybe this is 905?) and Etobicoke-Lakeshore. I'm calling them blue. The first one is likely, the second just a matter of hope on my part (and the Liberals are just as likely to take it, from what I can see ... but I'll be rooting against them).

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I went and voted, but I guess I crossed the voting line with my last move and I had to re-register. I never changed my driver's lisence but they allowed me to register anyways.

An hour later my roommate went over to vote. He came back and told me that they had said he wasn't allowed to register. The reason they gave was that he didn't have an up to date lisence. And that he needed either government mail addressed to him here or a hydro or credit card bill. He has no credit card and our hydro is included in our rent.

So I went back to the polling station with him and complained they then allowed him to register with a piece of personal mail. It leads me to beleive that they have no idea what the fuck they are doing.

Which is it? 1. No mail is needed.

2. Either gov., hydro or credit card bills are needed.

3. Any mail is needed.

Either way two of the three things we were told were wrong.

This made me ask;

How acurate is voting anyway? and how much fraud takes place each year?

I have a friend who is a poll clerk this year he said the training was a 2 hour video and a booklet handout. That's it.


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my current 'housemate' just moved back to ontario to my riding and has no ID with her address on it. So I went with her and vouched for her. We each had to swear or affirm a pledge that she was eligible to vote in the election and a resident of the riding, and that was it. No muss no fuss. You can only vouch for one person in each election, and you have to be residents of the same riding. But it worked like it should.

Any problems at the poll should you decide to take this route just have them call their returning officer.


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dunno if it's really needed, but i was told i needed to bring a bill (ie. hydro or cc) addressed to me. which i did.

at first they just looked at my stuff and didn't make me fill anything out to register, just sent me over to the booth. but then i got sent back to register. so at least someone knows what they're doing i guess.

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Just got back from voting. No lineup if you already had your voter registration card. The clerks seemed to have their shit together. The little old lady behind the desk even called me handsome! I felt a little patriotic rush as I skipped down the church steps.

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Some fraud happens. There is no doubt. I don't think that it is enough to lose any sleep over, but it happens. There was an article last time (2004) by someone who managed to vote three times at three different polling stations in Toronto with ease.

To register, generally a piece of ID with your signature and a bill with your address on it (if your ID has a different address) is expected. Although, I believe that technically, you can simply swear an oath if you have neither of those.

The system is built on trust, essentially. The training is horrible and not adequate. See my earlier post in this thread where I mentioned having to explain a part of the registration form to the clerks working for Elections Canada today.

In my opinion, this has a lot to do with abandoning the practice of enumeration. It used to be that you could work for a couple of weeks, doing the enumeration and then working the polls. More opportunity for the people to familiarize themselves with the system and get the training required. Now we have people working one day - election day - with a couple hours of training. Plus, our voter lists are fucked. Door to door enumeration was a good practice, I think.

I didn't mention in my earlier post about the fact that the clerks also had *no idea* what to do with people's voter registration cards. They weren't sure whether they were supposed to hand them back or keep them. This shouldn't happen. (the answer is: either, at the whim of the voter. It is not valid identification, and it is not an exchangeable good.)

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I got a dilema, so this is a two-part question.

Alright. When I got to the church, I smoked a joint on the steps, went inside and hit the bathroom immediately for a quick tug. I proceeded to vote and put a 'check mark' instead of an X.

1st - Does my vote still count and 2nd - am I going to hell?

Fucking Catholics.............

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