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QoTD- What the best/coolest thing you've ever found?!?

Davey Boy 2.0

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What the best/coolest thing you've ever found?!?

Hands down the best thing that I've ever found in life is love.

The most cash I probably ever found was $20.

I also found a copy of Catcher In The Rye in the gutter in the pouring rain when I was tripping in Niagara Falls once.

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I found a piece of hash that Davey-Boy lost in my parents house and we soon discovered that our 3 month old puppy toy-poodle had found first.

It was clearly dying.

Later, I found the piece of hash that the doggy threw up. The dog survived and Davey-Boy smoked it.

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Glow in the dark wood and I'm not shitting you.

My buddies and I were camping and kicked over a stump to find that the wood was glowing underneath. It couldn't have been a hallucination as even the people only glancing in that direction immediately saw it and there were quite a few of us.

We kept some in a glove box and it wasn't glowing the next day (nor did it ever again).

not sure what it was but it was real and kinda neat

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Glow in the dark wood and I'm not sh!tting you.

My buddies and I were camping and kicked over a stump to find that the wood was glowing underneath. It couldn't have been a hallucination as even the people only glancing in that direction immediately saw it and there were quite a few of us.

We kept some in a glove box and it wasn't glowing the next day (nor did it ever again).

not sure what it was but it was real and kinda neat

Its called Phosphorescence.

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Glow in the dark wood and I'm not shitting you.

My buddies and I were camping and kicked over a stump to find that the wood was glowing underneath. It couldn't have been a hallucination as even the people only glancing in that direction immediately saw it and there were quite a few of us.

We kept some in a glove box and it wasn't glowing the next day (nor did it ever again).

not sure what it was but it was real and kinda neat

There's a forest of that at Blue Skies, I've been told that it's a fungus.

I found about $200 once.

As for things found, weirdest was my grandfather and/or a hit found in the dark on the ground in the middle of the desert.

Two good stories.

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Glow in the dark wood and I'm not sh!tting you.

My buddies and I were camping and kicked over a stump to find that the wood was glowing underneath. It couldn't have been a hallucination as even the people only glancing in that direction immediately saw it and there were quite a few of us.

We kept some in a glove box and it wasn't glowing the next day (nor did it ever again).

not sure what it was but it was real and kinda neat

Its called Phosphorescence.

or aka:


"-Bio means life and –Luminescence means light, or together “living light.†Bioluminescence or

“living light†refers to the ability of living organisms to produce light through a chemical reaction.

Although relatively rare on land, about 90% of animals in the deep ocean create their own


so, yeah, there's a few species of bacteria that do this, but also lots of plankton too...which seriously freaked Dave and I out during a night ocean swim in Japan once.....every time a wave crested, an eerie green glow appeared in the water. There was some large factory thing on the horizon that we convinced ourselves was a nulcear reactor and that we were swimming in radioactive effluent!!!

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Actually, there is a difference (although minor):

Bioluminescence is luminescence produced by living organisms and is thought to be a type of chemiluminescence. The luminescence observed in the sea is produced by living organisms, many of them microscopic, that collect at the surface. Other examples of bioluminescence include glowworms, fireflies, and various fungi and bacteria found on rotting wood or decomposing flesh.

If the luminescence is caused by absorption of some form of radiant energy, such as ultraviolet radiation or X rays (or by some other form of energy, such as mechanical pressure), and ceases as soon as (or very shortly after) the radiation causing it ceases, then it is known as fluorescence.If the luminescence continues after the radiation causing it has stopped, then it is known as phosphorescence. The term phosphorescence is often incorrectly considered synonymous with luminescence.


So my answer may be incorrect.

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good lord, greggers! I wasn't in any way trying to be snotty about it. (hope you didn't take it that way) aka means "also known as", doesn't it? just trying to add to the edumacational level of our peers, you see.

anyway, of all of these:






chemiluminescence sounds the most interesting...at least that's the type of toad I'd lick!

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I once found $2200 in my bank account, that had been deposited there accidentally by someone (probably a keying error). When I tried to tell the bank about the mistake, they told me that I would have to pay a $25 fee to find out where the mistake had happened, becuase they would have to get the records out of storage. I declined, assuming that the person who was missing the money would eventually come looking for it, and *they* could pay the fee. This was seven years ago, and no one ever came looking for it, so I got to keep the money.

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these stories are SO friggin happy-inducing!!! (I know there's a simpler word for that, but I'm too drunk to drag it outta my brain right now)

MarcO...you're top of my list for honest, accurate and funny

a vagina and a dime.

you guys take the cake for sheer perfection of the moment (also makes one wonder if there IS a god!)

A case of Clearly Canadian at the end of a 1 km portage on a really hot day. It was cold and no one was there to clam it so we did.

and Hamilton...you get the award for the best sheer luck....$2200 in your account...ready to be spent and never to be claimed. unfuckingbelievable luck!!!!

on the extreme opposite end of things...I once recieved a few months of threatening letters and phone calls from a collection agency seeking to extract $$ from some n'er-do-well with the same name as me. Guess it's the same kind of annoyance as today's "identity theft" fraud...it was up to me to prove I wasn't the chick outrunning her bills!

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