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What are you grateful for? Who do you need to thank?

Calamity Jane

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  • I'm grateful for archive.org and the ability to hear shows I've missed and re-live shows I've attended.(for that matter, I guess I need to be really grateful for tapers like our own bradm and can'o)
  • I'm grateful that Trailer Park Boys (seasons 1 through 4) are available on DVD from the library.
  • I'm grateful to the universe for the place I find myself...with a family and lover that make me laugh and feel wonderful!!!

what about the rest of you?

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holee fack...i just figured out the bullet thingee!!!
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I'm grateful for archive.org and the ability to share shows I've heard and recorded.

I'm grateful for the bands that allow me to record them, and for the bands whose members I've developed friendships with through taping.

I'm grateful for thatpatguy, for setting up Inglewood Jack, and for having me be a part of it; I'm also grateful for the other members (Trevor, Lance, Dennis, D-Mass) for being better than I am.

I'm grateful for my family, who let me develop into what I am; they may not have approved of all the choices I made (my Mom and I have a list of things I do that she doesn't want to know about; my Dad and I also had a similar, albeit much shorter, list), but let me make them anyway, knowing I could handle the consequences, whatever they were.

I'm grateful for my employer, who hired me, and let me make significant contributions over the past 15 years, as well as for rewarding me handsomely.

I'm grateful for all the people from whom I've received rides to shows and festivals.

I'm grateful for my friends on jambands.ca, especially Davey Boy (who brought me in to the fold, so to speak, and who convinced me to go to my first nero show) and bouche (who makes all this possible). This place, this state of mind, this experience, has been an environment in which I think I've been able to achieve a potential I always knew was there, but whose form I couldn't anticipate.



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I am thankful everyday that I can enjoy life and take care of my home like cutting grass every second day.

I am just thankful to be able to do the things I do.

I am also thankful for the wonderful supportive family I have especially my boys and their partners.

i am very thankful for this fun site and the wonderful people on it.

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Myrna....if you ever run outta "grass" in Kingson.....we got lots to be cut 'round here!!! :P (when are ya gonna visit???)

bradm...your thorough and thoughtul answer has shamed me, a wee bit, to take this a tad more seriously....

I'm thankful for the human capacity to learn and grow, and most importantly, to forgive.

(among other things, how else can one endure teaching grade nine students!!??!!)

I'm thankful for my home and the ability to host/treat friends and family.

I'm grateful to have a partner who can play music and who encourages me to sing and bang on things!

I'm grateful to Basher for the Prine hook-up.

I'm grateful to friends who make me laugh so hard, beer comes out my nose!

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I'm grateful for Music and being able to move with it.

I'm grateful for Ganja for allowing me to relax.

I'm grateful for the Boilermakers Union, for giving me a shot at becoming something.

...to Bob Marley, for teaching me morality.

...my fiance/soul mate (I'll save the speech here for the wedding)

most of all I'm grateful because I get to wake up everyday and enjoy life (it wasn't always like that)

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I am grateful for more than a few specific people on this site for helping me grow, learn and become parts of who I am today:

AD- (and we should all thank the originator of the Canadian Phish Traders Netwrok)

ScottieKing- (who along with myself and AD along with 6 others made the trip to Big Cypress)

Guigsy- just a beautiful person

Not that I don't love the rest of you, but those three really stand out when I think of thanks I owe for opening my ears eyes and mind.

Peace and Love to each and all,


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I am grateful that I was introduced to this "scene" - it has led to some special relationships with great people, and a WHOLE lot of fun!

I have to thank Mike Lien for that - the guy I made friends with when working in Silicon Valley - he had Phish playing 24/7, and it took a VERY short while for me to be hooked.

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Grateful & thankful for:

  • Family & friends who have always stuck by me no matter what.
  • The doctors at the Hamilton General hospital & Hamilton Regional Cancer Centre for removing & treating the cancer in my spine.
  • S.B, for sharing 2/12 years of her life with me even though I turned out to be an ass.
  • My hearing, as I don't think I could live without music.
  • Bob Dylan, the words & music he creates.

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grateful and ever so thankful for:

-life, earth, water and trees.

-a kick ass family.

-a great and fucking hilarious group of friends.

-any and all opportunities that have and are yet to cross my path.

-so much fantastic music that no matter how i try, i will never live long enough to listen to all of it, or appreciate it like it deserves to be appreciated, but the quest in trying is damn worth it.

-the ability to learn and to appreciate and to empathize and to sympathize.

-loving and missing all of those whom i've lost.

-loving, on it's own.

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I'm grateful for:

-getting my license today, nine years late

-my gene pool, i'm just like my Grandma

-being born in Canada, a rich and free country

-art, all of it in all its forms

-all the people in my life who are there for me when things suck and those that are out celebrating with me when times are good.

I am thankful for all that is beautiful in life.

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I am thankful for Jodie's bananamaphone stunts...filled in nicely for my absense of goofyness this week.

I am thankful for all the tasty leftovers in my fridge that I can nibble on throughout the day.

I am thankful for sick days.

I am thankful for toilet paper.

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I am grateful for more than a few specific people on this site for helping me grow, learn and become parts of who I am today:

AD- (and we should all thank the originator of the Canadian Phish Traders Netwrok)

ScottieKing- (who along with myself and AD along with 6 others made the trip to Big Cypress)

Guigsy- just a beautiful person

Not that I don't love the rest of you, but those three really stand out when I think of thanks I owe for opening my ears eyes and mind.

Peace and Love to each and all,


awwwwwwwwwwwww........ heh heh heh...

i'm grateful for dude's like that guy sean taylor

and any willing girl who'll let me nail her

i'm grateful for bands like burt and the slip

and i'll be even more grateful when nero returns from their trip

i'm grateful for bouche, and his other brother Booche

and all you skanks, whether regular, lurking or slightly aloof

i'm grateful for sunny saturday's, even though i'm at work

but not for the boss - nice schedule, [color:purple]ya jerk! ;)

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