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Water in the ear


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Water in the ear sucks. I usually use a hair dryer while tilting my head down.

Hey, that might work. One of the remedies I found mentioned using rubbing alcohol to "dry" the water. But I didn't try it on the off chance it would make things worse. I'll try the blow dryer tonight. Thanks!

I did jump around a bunch to no avail.

So annoying!!

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Update for posterity: I bought some ear drops yesterday (ceremunex) and gave them a go but my ear was still blocked. So I made an appointment to see my doctor this morning and he flushed me out with the big stainless steel syringe. Boy did that feel good!

Thanks for the advice everyone! I am never going swimming again!

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Pour day-old coffe grounds in your ear, add a layer of baking soda, a pinch of salt, top up with a sprinkle of vinegar and soya sauce

mix with a wooden spoon and leave it there overnight

I thought someone told you about the Food forum.



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Where can I buy one of these?

I don't know, but tell me if you find out. That is a great feeling having that done. Sounds like Niagara Falls in your ear! I get my doc to do it every year i go for my physical.

Later . . .

Kanada Kev =8)

ps - you need to get that stainless steel tray to put under your ear to catch the water too :)

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I've never seen one of those used on my ear before. It looks like it's from the dark ages.

Yeah, the google image I found had it labelled as "vintage" but I swear that's what he used. My doctor is very old school.

Edited to add: When I asked him if I should expect some discomfort he just gave me an evil grin. :o

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