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Don't Steal from the Staff Fridge


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If the mule sued the person who sold them the ice cream, depending on the facts, he'd have a good case. (As I said, though, such cases in Canada usually have very low damages. Hopefully, the mule was eating that ice cream in Texas; now that's where to sue for real damages...)

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Poo is everywhere...

Surprise Toothbrush. Does flushing the toilet cause fecal coliform bacteria to be spewed about the bathroom? Adam and Jamie arrange toothbrushes about the bathroom and use toothpaste and distilled water on them for a full month. Then the use the control toothbrushes, placed on top of the toilet, for the month. They place another pair of toothbrushes in the kitchen during the experiment.

And lest you think this is all a hoax, the bathroom remains in use during the month - with a checklist showing the number of number ones, number twos and numbers threes (both at the same time?) that were done. At the end of the month, the result is... every single toothbrush, even the pair in the kitchen, shows evidence of the bacteria. Woops. So it seems we just can't escape. As Mike Rowe would say, "There's poo everywhere!". Confirmed. Sorta. I mean, the toilet does produce spray, and there is bacteria. But in the kitchen. A bit sketchy it seems.

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Poo is everywhere...
Surprise Toothbrush. Does flushing the toilet cause fecal coliform bacteria to be spewed about the bathroom? Adam and Jamie arrange toothbrushes about the bathroom and use toothpaste and distilled water on them for a full month. Then the use the control toothbrushes, placed on top of the toilet, for the month. They place another pair of toothbrushes in the kitchen during the experiment.

And lest you think this is all a hoax, the bathroom remains in use during the month - with a checklist showing the number of number ones, number twos and numbers threes (both at the same time?) that were done. At the end of the month, the result is... every single toothbrush, even the pair in the kitchen, shows evidence of the bacteria. Woops. So it seems we just can't escape. As Mike Rowe would say, "There's poo everywhere!". Confirmed. Sorta. I mean, the toilet does produce spray, and there is bacteria. But in the kitchen. A bit sketchy it seems.

ahhh shit Dinghy!!!! I'd forgotten about this shit!

I used to be uber paranoid about my toothebrush and insisted on locking it away to keep it from the infestation of swirling fecal matter floating around the bathroom.....dang it...floating fecal matter BACK on list of grodey mcgrosseout neurotic stuff.

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in japan, the word for luck (kou-un) and the word for shit (unko) have the same sounds in them , so... shit is considered lucky.

people (mostly students when studying for exams) actually have tiny good luck charms that are shaped like a pile of shit (looks like a spirally hershey's kiss)...no joke!!

i found one...hehe:


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StnMtn, using the lyrics from Willie Nelson's Stay All Night, would the mule win this lawsuit?

Sitting in the window, singing to my love

Slop bucket fell from the window up above

Mule and the grasshopper eatin ice cream

mule got sick, so they laid him on the green

Booche, you are such a newb.

Willie Nelson didn't write that song, he covered it. It's a classic from Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys ( educate yourself, fool! ) and was written by Wills and his singer, Tommy Duncan. Willie Nelson is just one of hundreds of people to cover that song. Do you think Garcia wrote "Oh Babe It Ain't No Lie" too???

I love making Andre angry.

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1st of all, stealing sucks! I have all or parts of my lunch stolen at the hospital all the time. One time this resident DR thought that the hospital actually provided him food while he was on-call. Point is stealing lunches happens all the time to everybody.

Second, putting toilet water in a water bottle is over the line, its simply low class and unhealthy, there are other ways (salt water, maybe even a little mineral oil), not a method which may contain HEP A or B

Third, I've never heard of a disease that requires a certain amount of water per day to get down heavy medication, if this fact is actually accurate than she should have brought a little cooler and kept it by her side at all times

Fourth, she has just invited Mr Karma to come and visit some time, what goes around comes around

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Ok this is the last thing I will add to this conversation.

This is not something I would have done to deter theft, I would have simply not put it in that fridge anymore.

People need to understand the consequences of their actions. The theif would have never stolen someone's stuff if there were consequences to that action. On the same hand the person who put the toilet water in the fridge also did not think about the consequences of their actions. Both parties are somewhat wrong. now that there are consequences to the thief stealing they probably will not do it again, lesson learned.

I think that people in general need to sit back and think about what the consequences of their actions are more in general in the world today. Prime example is george bush.

my 2 cents, don;t listen to me.

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