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International Women's Day!


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Tomarrow is International Womens' Day!

I challenge all of you to think of the women in your lives and the many roles that women have to fufill.

Don't forget the struggles women went through in the early 1900's trying to get thier basic rights!!

Dont' forget the women of the world who are still fighting for freedom and equality :D

There is also an Event at the Heritage Workers Center in Hamilton! I might head down before wassabi if anyone wants to check it out. The Building is on 51 Stuart Street in Hamilton. :D

cheers everyone!! word up to the Ladies!!!!


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Today, and the next 364 days of the year after tomorrow

i posted that question as Ollie and I had this bet on how many posts it would be until someone posted that. I actually thought it would be the first female response. I'm surprised that Hal went all "male" in here.

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wrist slaps for thread-hijacking!!!!

(though please tell the joke in another thread....I'm all up for that.)

women are awesome, and awe-inspiring, and I'm sure many of you out there celebrate the women in your lives more than once a year, but it's still good to have a day to pause, reflect and give thanks for those who went bravely before us to fight gender injustice and violence!

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women are awesome, and awe-inspiring, and I'm sure many of you out there celebrate the women in your lives more than once a year, but it's still good to have a day to pause, reflect and give thanks for those who went bravely before us to fight gender injustice and violence!

Yeah! Like Emily Murphy! Waitaminnit...

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You know what really grinds my gears? International Women's Day. Here we got a bunch of nancies trying to gain even more exposure to their ill cause, all the while saying it is in the name of gender equality and rights. Well I’ll tell you what is right. You done fucked up the family home by putting on socks and getting out of the kitchen. Look at the problems facing today’s youth. Do we have a day to celebrate that? Do you see me whining about putting on an apron? It goes both ways honey and Canada is now becoming a ghetto. This is why they should rename this International Penis Envy Day and take back our vote. And that is what really grinds me gears.

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This is why today I love being a woman:

1. PMS

2. Menstruation EVERY month

3. Carrying and Delivering babies, which includes nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diareaha, bruised ribs, lack of sleep etc etc etc. Do I sound like a pepto bismol commercial? ;-)

4. Cute children grow up to be teenagers

5. MEN.......do I need say more?

Can you tell I'm grouchy today?


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The only way to acheive true gender equity is to eradicate the division all together. By having international women's day and women's mechanics classes and other things that separate and isolate women and men we set back the progress of the cause of true equality. Equal means the same treatment. What is between your legs is only relevant in a few select situations. The voting poll is not one of them. A date on the calendar is not one of them. Shop class is not one of them. Yes, it sucks to be a woman and have to bleed. But you know what? I bet it sucks to have external sex organs too! It's also true that women have to be in pain to have babies. But you don't have to have babies. Don't want the pain, then don't have babies! I am so sick of all this bullshit about women being victimized and opressed. The only time my gender ever opressed me was when I couldn't join scouts in the eighties, and now that's different too. So stop whining and complaining and take advantage of all the opportunities that are out there for you.

-by One Liberated Person

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The only way to acheive true gender equity is to eradicate the division all together. By having international women's day and women's mechanics classes and other things that separate and isolate women and men we set back the progress of the cause of true equality. Equal means the same treatment. What is between your legs is only relevant in a few select situations. The voting poll is not one of them. A date on the calendar is not one of them. Shop class is not one of them. Yes, it sucks to be a woman and have to bleed. But you know what? I bet it sucks to have external sex organs too! It's also true that women have to be in pain to have babies. But you don't have to have babies. Don't want the pain, then don't have babies! I am so sick of all this bullshit about women being victimized and opressed. The only time my gender ever opressed me was when I couldn't join scouts in the eighties, and now that's different too. So stop whining and complaining and take advantage of all the opportunities that are out there for you.

-by One Liberated Person

Ok preachie....relax. Anothe reason guys make fun of us....flying off the handle.

I don't really hate being a woman...jeez. but I DO love it when people get all up in arms and go nuts like you just did.

Another thing to do so that you will be treated equally, stop bitching about guys leaving the toilet seat up. I don't hear them bitching every time they go in the bathroom and have to put it up, so why should girls bitch everytime we have to put it down?

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This is why today I love being a woman:

5. MEN.......do I need say more?

The Number One reason I'd hate to be a woman. Please have pity on us, though. Men may be biologically and socially superfluous and largely redundant at best, and may compensate for that through overweaning idiocy, but we didn't ask to be born that way. Bear with us if you can.

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BTW, I'm a strong, smart single parent, put myself through university, got a great job, take care of myself, depend on NO man and consider myself equal to anyone... MAN or WOMAN....

and I don't need International Woman's Day to remind me of that! If anything I find it somewhat condecending and silly.

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This is why today I love being a woman:

5. MEN.......do I need say more?

The Number One reason I'd hate to be a woman. Please have pity on us' date=' though. Men may be biologically and socially superfluous and largely redundant at best, and may compensate for that through overweaning idiocy, but we didn't ask to be born that way. Bear with us if you can.


We love you despite all that Mousie. ;-0


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