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So I went and saw it last night. I really wasn't expecting much at all. Too my surprise...


It brought out the 11 year old in me. The visuals were fantastic. They story made sense (we as much sense as giant robots from space can make :) heck, even the acting wasn't half bad.

By far my favorite blockbuster type movie of the summer. Much better than Spidey 3 or Pirates 3

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I was too old to enjoy the cartoon when it was originally on TV and only have a passing interest in seeing this, although I'm shocked that noted hack director Michael Bay is getting good reviews. Spielberg doesn't normally invest in bad films either.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Saw it yesterday and LOVED it. I was a transformers fan as a kid. I always watched it with my brother Dan and though my parents never bought me any, they bought him tons of transformer toys and we played together a lot with them. (Do they still make them in metal or are they plastic now?)

Anyway, great movie. I felt attached to the Autobot characters and loved the sound. The story was blockbuster-type and simple but it worked.

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Have to say I loved this flick as well. There's some definitely some cheese but i like the fact that there's some good humour thrown in there as well.

The kid who plays lead is a solid little actor too.

The opening monologue with the original Optimus's voice made me facking excited!!!!

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  • 1 year later...

I loved it as well. I own the dvd and have watched it many, many times now (it's currently running on TMN in HD so at the moment I'm getting about 1 or 2 screenings per week).

Transformers were my favorite toys growing up, bar none. Gi-Joe was cool but I was destined to be a technology geek/freak and so the appeal came naturally I think. Every time we're in a store with toys I beg Steph to let me get one of the really big ones that my parents couldn't afford when I was young (or even a little one, little Trey must be old enough to play with them now at 15 months :) ).

Whoever thinks that robots turning into cars is a bad idea (bouche, was it you?, can't remember and way too lazy to check), well, your a bad idea, take that :)

I think it's neat. The transformers only turn into cars because that's the mobile mechanical devices they found on earth when they came and so could use that to camouflage themselves... They can actually transform into anything they analyze (like the odd jungle transformers cartoons from a couple years ago where optimus is a big gorilla).

The movie met and far exceeded my expectations and I'm immensly glad they waited until at least now to do it (when we have the technology to draw the robots such that even in HD you really think they're there). Had this been created even in 2001 it would have been terrible in comparison (I'll most likely say that again when they come out with the remake in 10 years except that perhaps then they'll be running all over my living room instead of on a flat colorful screen).

Oh, just a note, though. The story, in my opinion, and plot and all that could have been better maybe. I only watch it because I waited all my life to see real live transformers running around so the story and plot and other actors and whatnot didn't matter to me in the least until about the 5th viewing or so...

Transformers 2... CONSTRUCTICONS!!!!!! Oh yeah, baby :)

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