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Jerry Garcia Tribute Shows This Weekend !!


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oh yeeeeahhH!

willy has internet! i'm not shaking anymore....phew.

i hope you make it out phunky. I think we're heading over around 7:30 or so for some mexican dins.

for now, we may go put on some disposable bathing suits and hit the pool. for sure...there will be some hottub action.

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This was a great night. I had to leave at 11:40 to go back to work, but not before The Dr. Huxtable Mostly Acoustic Band played an inspired version of Bird Song between Caution Jam sets. Nice job Hux, Mike and Sharon!

There was a great turn-out. The rather smallish Rancho Relaxo was packed with wall-to-wall Deadheads. Caution Jam's 1st set was low-key but perfect. I wish I could have stayed for more!!

It was great getting to talk to BSherman, Mr. Musicface, Jeff from Uncle Seth and the elusive Mark Tonin. It was especially nice to talk to Uncle Seth's resident Peachhead Tara. It seems we have plenty of things in common, of note: Stutterers that love the Allmans and Hendrix RULE!!

I wish I'd phoned in sick for this one. I'm looking forward to phoning in sick for next year's Jerry show!

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" The Dr. Huxtable Mostly Acoustic Band played an inspired version of Bird Song "

Atta boys and girl!

Yeah, I have been LOVING listening to Mike play Bird Song since I first picked up a guitar at his influence. He can make that puppy soar at times.

Did they do a Bird Song > No Rain > Bird Song > No Rain > Bird Song ?


They better not have, for a couple of reasons. The main one being Jerry...........

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i love to party, it was alot of fun,, the music rocked, i just hate rancho its so small and hot in there and it takes to long to get beer

everyone come see caution jam on october 9th ath the goose and firken, at leslie and yorkmills in toronto,, its going to rock

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fckn RIGHT!!!


walked into Dr. Hux "Mission In The Rain" with a healthy headed Ms. Hux on wailing vocals

set the stage for a terribly beautiful night

some guy named Tom did kindergarden Jerry for a few songs next and then Caution Jam rocked it crazy


so good, I love toronto!!

Kevin's afterpar-tay raged with a plethera of Dead dvd's and a surplus of booze-cakes [Razz][Eek!][Cool]

life rocks!!! [big Grin][big Grin][big Grin]

(so good to see you Ottawa people)

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good times friday night!

fabulous meeting qqc- you are an excellent travel bud [smile] and i am very happy for the safe return of your lobster. you are welcome to crash at my place in ptbo any time.

holy toronto turnout is all i can say - great to see so many familiar faces and meet a whack of new ones too [big Grin] (although some were mysteriously absent... wha happened \/\/? [Confused] )it was a good scene there ( as judged by the number of delicious doobs passed my way [big Grin] much love to all you kind folks!) though i'd say it wasn't the best cjam show - they set the bar way higher in fredricton on the way out to evolve this summer, but still good times. bad timing on my part meant i missed the other folks playing between caution sets - was that the hux crew?

got to catch up with me dear old friend phishy k so i am one happy camper.

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Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! That was a great night! WOW! [Eek!][Eek!]

Caution Jam rocked! Jeff from BNB on keys, Mike from BNB on guitar at times, the old Caution Jam drummer playing all night. What a fantastic time! Late night jam session with Uncle Seth and Dr. Huxtable featuring Mark Tonin and Chris on guitars at times! A four piece spoon section to accompany them! That was such a super-duper-wicked-awesome night! [big Grin]

Now it's time to grab some breakfast, do some Toronto CD shopping, tip a few back and go see John McLaughlin play a little guitar!

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Hd a great itme on saturday night. Was feelin' a wee bit foggy yesterday.

Caution Jam were sounding great, really enjoyed the Hux acoustic set - nice Birdsong!

Ice to see the kids ~ trev,dave,paisly,tonin, willy, bouche, hux, esau - nice to finally meet ya bro!!

Musicface - lookin'forward to Clinton's

Hux - gonna' rock those seaqmless sets!!



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GOOD TIMES in TO!!!![big Grin]

GREAT to see everybody....jaimoe, bsherman, lsd25, paisley, Esau13, jon, cyberhippie, the Uncle Seth gang, Mr. Tonin, Willy....had a wicked time at Rancho, great eats downstairs as well...!!!

Can't think of anything else to say - still got the morning stupids.....

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good times on friday... thanks for the company earthfreak, repeat anytime [smile] phishyK, phunkyB: thanks for the couch, hospitality at its finest. stonedfree, thanks for the safe return of smokey, and the JD in the parking lot. warmed me up. and thorgnor, thanks for representing sissytown. i.e. snitchener/raterloo. good to see someone could make it.

kevO, sorry i didnt make it to your kegger. a couple friends were visiting from home, and brought a couple botles of OUZO. ewww, zo!

"caution jam was great, although one of the jams went on a little long."

"just one?"

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What a night! Sorry we didn't make it out on Friday but Saturday more than made up for it. Rancho Relaxo was packed with kind people and it was so great to have the audience sing along to all the Jerry songs. Our short but sweet setlist was:

Bird Song

Sitting in Limbo

Second That Emotion

Mission in the Rain

Willy took some amazing pictures that I hope he'll post. Good job!

Thanks so much to Dr. Hux, Stapes and Jenn for making the car ride in both directions feel so much shorter. Nice to Meet Palace Princess and Little Miss Pink as well. Thanks to Willy and Leanne for the great company all weekend. Thanks to the Seth gang and Tonin for whooping it up at the suite. It was so nice to see Paisley and Esau, The Punk, Aromatherapy, Tara, Jaimoe, Bsherman, Flipowhich, Heisholt and Bass Laser (no M?).... oh I just know I'm forgetting people. Sorry.

Caution Jam was incredible. Thanks so much for having us guys. I hope we can do that again.

Oh and thanks to my Bouche for buying me the plush Jerry doll. I love you both. [Wink]

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sorry to qqc and thorgnor for not being around to collectively give'r with ya... LMP and i decided to take a scenic tour of toronto AND mississauga, and ran out of time for givin'er in the big smoke.

but really nice to meet you ms. hux and bouche, and a pleasure of course to see willy & leanne... and i could never forget about the dr. of huxing himself. [smile] hopefully the food y'all ate was worth the walk in the rain.

glad to hear everybody had fun at the show!

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I heard that it was an awesome night! Boooo to me for not making it there... let's just say my Friday night turned into my Saturday night and I was all out of sorts... but really, there's no room for excuses...

Glad it was good times though. Sorry to have missed all you out-of-towners... come back soon!!! I promise to mis-behave w/ the best of 'em next time!

[big Grin]

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friggin' right the Caution Jammer's know how to put on a party!

The owner of that place was no doubt a VERY happy man after that weekend.

We had a fine dinner beforehand there, thanks to recommendations from Mark and actually got to visit with him over dinner there. We were there for a while waiting and waiting for food. Mark shows up, sits down, and within seconds the owner had came by, mixed him a Margarita at the table and took his order. A few minutes later, he was digging into a steak burrito while we were in awe of his generous treatment [Wink]

I can't thank Mark, Les, or Eric enough for putting that night on and allowing us to be part of the evening. It was a great way to come to town and see so many kind folk that are just too far away to see regularly.

Caution Jam sounded fantastic. The guy from Tennessee did some great ol' numbers too. Panama Red! yeeehaw!

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Hey hey,

Great evening for sure,always awesome to see the Ottawa folk.Dr.Hux,Ms.Hux & Booche...Cheers & thank you for the kind music.

So many people I met sat eve.

Jon bro,yes finally eh! Great to meet ya,hopefully I can start gettin my ass out to TO for some shows.

Got to meet ther new Fatties key board player Josh and his bro Abe.Look forward to partying with ose crazy dudes again.The arm wrestling event in Kevins kitchen was too funny.

Big cheers and thumbs up to Kevin & Andrea for puttin us up and throwing another amazing after party.

Cheers to all of the other great folk I met and already know.


Life may be sweeter for this I don't know

Feels like it might be alright

While Lady Lullaby sings plainly for you

Love still rings true

Sweet night. [big Grin]

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Thanks to everyone who came out.. we had a real good time seeing so many old friends and its always good to know we're turning on some younger heads as well..The owner loved the crowd and was very happy to have us all there....its a good room just a little small when 200 heads show up to party.. I had a hard time convincing any bar in toronto to let us take over for 2 nights on a weekend... Regardless thanx for coming out and supporting the Jerry shows...

See ya on halloween at Clintons in Toronto... Carry on in Peace,,Mark

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