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Cancer Sucks

bald guy in a blanket

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For those of you who knew what my mom was going through I just thought I'd let you know...

Betty Dorothy Ann Jones 1938-2003

She passed away quietly this past Saturday afternoon at 5:30pm.

Earlier that day I was having a conversation about families and parents with a family friend and I couldn't think of a single thing that I wished she had done differently while raising me. I thought this was quite exceptional considering many of the family situations I know of.

She was truly one of the great ones.

I guess the main reason I posted this was to ask if anyone had any good vibes lying around (or even some mediocre vibes frankly) to send down here Toronto way.



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i'm sorry to hear that bro,, i lost my grandma last week to cancer too, it really sucks with her it happened relly fast, where she was ok untill the august then shje just got really sick and passed away, in the last 16 months my grandma, my great grandma, and aunt died.. but what can you do,, i still have my brother and mom

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I'm really sorry to hear about your loss. I suppose we all have little control over the world that is happening all around us. All I can sauy is that I will try harder to appreciate the ones i love all the time.

((((((((good vibes)))))))))

Be well


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Originally posted by bald guy in a blanket:

Earlier that day I was having a conversation about families and parents with a family friend and I couldn't think of a single thing that I wished she had done differently while raising me.

I'm sure she's smiling somewhere knowing that her son feels that way. Sorry about your loss.

{{{{{{{{{Jeff and family}}}}}}}}}}

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My condolensces, friend... keep your stick on the ice!!! You have the right idea... mourning and sadness are usually the first emotions to hit you, but when you can turn it into a celebration, a celebration of the good they've done for you and the ones around you, then their memory lives on. A round of West Coast hugs to you and your family in these tough times!!

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My best wishes to you and your family Jef.

I lost both my father and a friend to cancer 6 years ago; it feels like it was yesterday. Try to remember the good times. Your mother's spirit will always be with you. She's with you right now.

My father speaks to me every day - he's funny, loud, stubborn, gives advice, critical at times, emotionally supportive, demanding, thoughtful and always loving in his own way. Inherited traits and qualities that pass down to us from are parents make us who we are, and it is proof that the souls of our fathers and mothers never really die, they live on in our beings.

Whenever you feel down, either today, tomorrow or even in the next few years, pick up your guitar and play that thing like no one's business. It's the best therapy. At least it is for me.

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i am truly sorry to hear of your loss. it sounds like your mom was a very special lady, and you have lots of good memories to cherish. it may be hard to be without her here, but i'm sure she will be with you in some form, always. and while i know this is easy to say, hopefully knowing she is no longer in pain will help even the tiniest bit with your healing. very good vibes to you and your loved ones.

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