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Hypercube Verdict

Jay Funk Dawg

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Unfortunately I did not win the Hypercube, Thanks to all who showed tremendous support and encouragement. Disappointed but not defeated.

They announced the winners last night at Circa nightclub downtown Toronto. By the looks of it, the voting had nothing to do with the winners. The only friend that won, was ranked 175 in the voting.

Basically Nissan announced at the event that they are launching a web-blogging site for hypercubers and it was pretty obvious that the winners were very strong graphic designers. I did most of the designing myself and I think that if I could have hired a designer I might have had a better chance. I didn't have any more money to put towards the campaign.

It also seemed like a couple of the winners were planted, I don't really think that this was the fairest contests I've ever been involved in.

My friends "Promise" crew, the guys who do the Cherry Beach Parties, were ranked #8 and had a cute site and strong web presence. They looked destined to get one, but Nissan had more conservative plans.

The whole thing was a pretty big waste of time and I am very embarrassed for pushing this so hard.

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Sorry to hear that Jay. If they marketed this contest suggesting that the top so many winners would receive a van, and the final process departs in any way, than that's pretty shotty. Maybe you should invest your energy into a 'smear' campaign. I won't look at nissan the same.

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