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Everything posted by Ms.Huxtable

  1. Ho-lee-chit. Fackin awesome.
  2. Carbs 'R' Us Seriously though I like "Bread and Breakfast" or the thought of naming after a street or community. Makes it easy to remember and tell people about.
  3. Oh man, what a horrible thing to have to go through. Sorry to hear about this Geo. I still feel sick when I think of the little shit who stole our crappy car stereo, I can't imagine if it had of been something as personal and valuable as what you've lost. What a shame.
  4. bouche marinated these last night and I opened up the zippy bag for a sniff this morning and OH MY GOD! I can not wait until dinner. Look out Myrna, I have a feeling you ain't never had a steak like this!
  5. Happy birthday Marco. My god how you entertain me. Now tell me a joke while you dance on one foot. Go!
  6. That was actually taken at Mellos on Dalhousie in Ottawa. We had a quick breakfast there before heading on the road. Might have to check out Beauty's next time we're in Montreal though. I love creton and bean breakfasts.
  7. Oh yeah, I enjoyed that very much. M Ward was great to. He opened solo acoustic.
  8. I think I may have had one of those goo balls. I remember going into my tent and praying that the star would stop spinning. It was an early night for me to. I do like eating pot though. We've had some good cookies lately. They give me lots of energy and silliness.
  9. It said nothing about the bathroom in the Delta Montreal after Booche used it. Dang.
  10. I hear Gateaux likes the gerbils. Perhaps he'd be interested.
  11. Oh yeah? My first patio beer was in April! Mind you there was a patio heater, but still... I gotta win something for that. CD please!
  12. Hey AD, I was shocked when I went into La Bottega last weekend. It's enormous now and looks great. Boy did it need the change.
  13. Ms.Huxtable


    Rob Rainford is a tool indeed! The very first time I watched his show, he said "...and that's why women can't BBQ, they have no patience." Needless to say that rubbed me the wrong way. Brining is AWESOME. We had brined chicken breasts a couple days ago and some KILLER brined pork chops. It couldn't be easier. I'm getting hungry.
  14. They're fine Brad. My dad buys one or two of these every single time I go to visit. They're a roasted chicken, no frills, sometimes a bit too salty, sometimes not. Not a bad deal.
  15. I'd blow Prince's affordability horn. No question.
  16. Happy birthday to the man I use as an example for integrity. You the shit MK.
  17. Best of luck Blane. Good things happen to good people, so you have this in the bag. Don't keep us waiting to long with the results okay?
  18. I see about 16 acts that I'd want to see, that beats a lot of other festivals out there. Crowded House? I mean come on!
  19. Thanks for posting that. Sounds like it was a great time.
  20. Ms.Huxtable


    Congratulations on the BBQ purchase! bouche and I just love this book: Searching for a picture of it, I found that Amazon rates it the #1 BBQ book as well. (I'd take our word over Amazon's though ) It's got great pictures, both easy and more challenging recipes and it really takes you step-by-step through the processes. Oh, and the food tastes GOOD! Our favorite, brined pork chops. Good gawd.
  21. We use Office Team for fill-in office and front desk positions. The people they send over are always so great that when a position resently came available, I hired one of the temps.
  22. OH MAN!!! I was so embarassed about that though. It wasn't done on purpose! Ging Sing has one of those Interac terminals that allows you to add either a dollar mount or a percentage amount fr tip. I meant to leave $5.00 but I left 5% instead. I didn't realize until I looked at the receipt in the car. I had no money on me or I would have gone back. Not the same there Bouchey boy.
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