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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. Funny story about my old vinyl copy of Moving Pictures. There was a gouge in the grooves of "The Camera Eye" that caused it to skip, so that the line "The focus is sharp in the city" came across as: "The focus is shitty". My little brother found it quite hilarious.
  2. Looks like CBC will be showing the Buffalo @ Ottawa game on Saturday night, AD.
  3. I ate at the Shawarma Palace last night. Haven't been there in a few years. Very good. The best shawarma I've ever had was in Halifax.
  4. That's what she said.
  5. It looks like a possibility Velvet! July 09 Sarnia, ON July 13 Toronto, ON July 15 Quebec City, QC July 17 Toronto, ON
  6. Way to Jersey up the thread Bouche! I'm thinking the announcement will be at 7am
  7. I know there is a handful of Rush fans around here.... There's a countdown of some kind happenning on their site hopefully a new album / tour announcement coming sometime Thursday
  8. it was probably an old soundgarden song you heard' date=' wasn't it [/quote'] You got it. They don't play a whole lot of new stuff on that station anyway!
  9. I heard Chris Cornell singing on CHEZ106 earlier today and he sounded just fine!
  10. Someone's willing to pay $100 for a mail order ticket stub? I've got a small fortune just sitting in a shoebox.
  11. Now that's a sharp-dressed young man!
  12. In for CMAC. Front row seats! Well front row of the 3rd section anyway. See y'all there!
  13. I actually almost believed Booche's April Fool's joke, until I got to the apostrophe in the plural form of "managers".
  14. Personally I got shut out in the pre-order. I'm going to order CMAC tickets the old-fashioned way. phunkyb: I may take you up on those Hershey tix if I can't get CMAC. I'll let you know! Thanks.
  15. Actually it looks like CBC will be carrying tonight's game in the Ottawa area after all. Not HD though. Not feeling creative enough right now to come up with a sign idea NW. If I think of anything later today I'll post it.
  16. I heard another bluesfest rumour earlier this week: Blue Rodeo will NOT be playing this year.
  17. Technically, Earth Hour is about turning off your lights. Their web site doesn't mention amps and PA systems.
  18. Really looking forward to this webcast. According to that twostonethrow website, it's this coming Saturday (not Friday) at 9:30 pm. -just after earth hour.
  19. Discussing politics in the politics forum...real elitist. As with pretty much all of my posts, my tongue was planted firmly in cheek. I was parodying the tendency of the Coulter crowd to call anyone with an education "elitist".
  20. I remember a very similar event that occurred in the mid-1990s, at the Ottawa Congress Centre, mere blocks away from the University. A scheduled performance by an androgynous public figure known for controversial material was met by a mob of angry protesters. The difference back then? Marilyn Manson didn't cancel!
  21. You guys should join the elitists discussing this matter over the politics forum.
  22. Ever feel like you're talking to yourself Ollie? Fun game to attend last night! That play that they reviewed took way too long, but I could see why when saw the replay on TV after I got home.
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