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Everything posted by edger

  1. Have a blast there boys! Should be good times.
  2. Congrats Margaret. That sounds like a perfect match. I am somewhat affiliated with CONE (Coalition on the Niagara Escarpment) as well as some of the Biosphere Reserve groups that are located along the escarpment. Some of them might be interested in partnerships. I could pass along contact names, etc. if you needed/wanted. Also could likely put you into contact with people involved with STORM (Save the Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation). Can't think of a better person for the job!
  3. Thanks folks for the kind words. They are greatly appreciated. I feel lucky to be surrounded by so many good people. Makes life a fun ride. Cheers.
  4. I've only seen Keller live once, and it was this past summer at Gratefulfest. I went in with big expectations, but overall I would have to say that I was pretty bored. Meh. I would give him another chance, but would much prefer to see a stripped down, acoustic show. I echo MarcO's echo of Hamilton's point.
  5. Wishing you guys all of the support, incentive, and love that you guys will need to help you along the way!
  6. Yeah, I'm with Booche on this one. I heard they had promised him four minutes to perform, than they wanted to cut him down to 2 minutes with little notice in order to accomodate a "much needed" discussion on the size of Kelly Ripa's butt. Ringo may be Ringo, but he deserves more respect than that in my opinion. That, and I can't STAND Regis or Kelly.
  7. So I guess you try and stay on your boss's good side eh?
  8. Okay I'll dish... yeah I watch it too.
  9. Yup, definitely get the PAL. We had a stag and doe last year and both Todd and I were involved in putting it on (with the much appreciated help of our wedding party). As for any money that had to be fronted, that basically came out of our pockets. I am in agreement with Birdy on that one... Toonie toss was definitely a big success. I would definitely push the live band/DD option. Most of the guys in our wedding party were from the Fat Cats and they ended up providing a bulk of the entertainment throughout the night with the kind assistance of Mike from Burt and Mark from Caution Jam. We then had loads of mixed music ready to go for before, in between and after sets. Something for everyone. I figure if you have access to good music, there is no point forking out money for a DJ. Just provide your musicians/friends with free booze for the night or something. We probably pulled in some extra party-goers that showed up specifically for the music. Which helped us out in the end, and made for a rockin' night. I think it was also a nice treat for some of my friends and relatives that don't always get the chance to take in some quality live music. Helped me to appreciate further how spoiled many of us are on this board! Jello shooters are definitely a quick and easy money maker as well. Many places will not "officially" allow you to sell jello shooters (particularly since the most effective way is to have some lovely lookin' ladies circulating the room... as opposed to just keeping them behind the bar)... But as long as your guests can refrain from slinging them around the room, and as long as you have people exercising reasonable judgment in terms of who should be "cut-off" if need be, you should be able to float under the wire... But definitely get the PAL insurance. Better to be safe than sorry. And yeah, as for prizes, Ms. H is right, it is amazing what friends and family are able to donate, but particularly through employment connections. I think we had to purchase one or two bigger ticket items just to round out the prizes, but for the most part we had some great stuff donated to us. Another very easy, good money maker is called "Find the Joker" Basically you glue/tape a deck of cards face down on a bristol board. Everyone who participates pays five bucks or something to sign their name to the back of a particular card. At the end of the night the person who signed the card that is the joker wins $50. (I think those were the values that we used...I'm sure you could charge more/less and give out more/less if you wanted to)... We ended up going through two different decks for this game. This is a good game to set up at the front door to catch people as they come in (while purchasing their drink/prize tickets, etc). Have fun!
  10. Definitely going to check this out. Thanks for the heads up Amy!
  11. Well I finally got the chance to meet the little man last night, and figured that this future jammer deserves an introduction to the board. A warm, heady welcome to Ewan Randall Edgar Williams weighing in at 8lbs 5oz (pretty sure i got that right). The family is doing great! Todd and I can't wait for our little one to meet your boys. Looking forward to this next generation of fatties entertaining us when we're old and in the way! Much love Josh (and Amber, Callum, and wee Ewan)!
  12. Congrats Jeff. I'm not really familiar with their material... I'll have to check them out.
  13. Wow! Big news! Lots of big changes for you lately eh Newrider? Everything is turning up Millhouse! All the best to you two!
  14. Although I find Emery annoying, I certainly don't view him as criminal. The thought of him having to serve five years in an American prison (or Canadian for that matter) is unjust. Meanwhile violent and sexual offenders are out in mere months. Hard to handle the 'logic'
  15. Nice veneers! That was about as vague as it gets. I obviously lack the divine intellect required to navigate through that obscure rant. I think I'll just take my ball and go home.
  16. Thanks for the info. Avoiding to pay for another subscription was definitely what I was hoping for. THanks for the well-wishes also! I'm sure you know all too well what will be in store for us for 2008! We're getting extremely excited as we have less than four weeks to go before the big due date! Maybe we'll have to get the little ones together for a little family friendly shaker around a campfire sometime in the near future. I know Todd would love to catch up with you guys. Cheers, sara
  17. Cheers to you Miranda, hope the year brings you good things!
  18. I got one for Todd for Christmas too. He's been loving it so far. Aside from the music selection, he's a bit of a news junky too, so it's nice to have some broader selection there. Anyone know how the boombox option works? Does it have a built-in receiver of it's own, or is it connected to the receiver that is in the vehicle? It would be nice to have the option of having Sirius available both at home, and at the cottage.
  19. Awesome news Aaron. I've grown to love school (nerdy I know...), but so much so I'll likely be a lifer. Anyways, doors can only open for you buddy. I hope you enjoy the excitement and apprehension that goes along with weighing out your options..."The Arnie" may come in handy when it comes time for that!
  20. Yeah I had TONNES of fun on Saturday. A great closer for 2007 (and likely my last show for a while...a "little" while anyways...wishful thinking) I love holiday shows. People just come out of the woodwork. What a great range of ages shakin' it on down on the dancefloor, and a nice mix of old school Fatties veterans and youngbloods. TOTAL treat to get to hear them jam a few tunes with their old drummer Joel as well. Joel was ROCKIN it out up there, and you could see just how much all the boys were enjoying themselves. That certainly cranked things up a few notches for the rest of the night. Enjoyed running into many, many skanks throughout the night. Enjoy your new years y'all!
  21. I was hoping you'd say that... You should just give the papparazzi what they want as you are exiting your car at the beginning of the evening... they should leave you alone after that. As for the rest of us...
  22. Will you be donning your party panties?
  23. Do you think there will still be time for two sets of Fatties? Just curious. Was a blast at the PJC last night, looking forward to Saturday as well. It's been a while since I've seen Douggie too...
  24. Yeah good times last night for sure. I'm glad we made it down despite being a little groggy from all the family festivities. Place was packed, which was nice to see. It's been a LONG time since I've seen all those musicians, espeically all playing together. Definitely a nice blast from the past.
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