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Everything posted by edger

  1. Yeah, unfortunately I didn't make it out either. My nephew's third birthday party had me whipped long before it was even time to go out (i'm losin' it...) But yes Brodie, I suspected the same factors when Todd mentioned the lower turnout. Can't win em' all... Glad to hear you enjoyed your night Sarahbelle. I would have liked to have made it to low rains beforehand as well, but it just wasn't in the cards for me. I'm going to have to go to bed early every night this week to get ready for this coming Saturday...
  2. I dig your positive vibes on here. Happy day!
  3. Oh, I don't know.... I heard through the grapevine that he's got a fatty liver...mmmmm.... burgers.... Good to see you yesterday TimmyB!! You were lookin' good.
  4. Happy happy friendly. You guys still on the road? If so, safe travels, and hopefully we'll see you next saturday!
  5. You remember correctly. I had a blast that night as well. The weather was crazy!! The festival goers that weekend were troopers to say the least! The music was great, but i haven't had a chance to see them since.
  6. That's all I care about. I just hate it when the bloodbath takes over the plot. My imagination is active enough...unfortunately. Todd and I were both thinking that we'd like to check out this flick!
  7. Is it super gory violent? I love suspense, but I'm becoming increasingly sensitive to graphic displays of violence (suggested violence is enough for me...I get the picture). However, if the story/plot is good enough, my tolerance for the violence is slightly greater.
  8. One of the muddiest shows (sound wise) that I have ever heard. Got talked into going by some school chums (who absolutely were "blown away" at this show by the way), and I actually went into this show with fairly high expectations. The visual show was fantastic, but I don't think I could make out a word or tone that came from the singer's mouth... although not overly familiar with their studio stuff (anything recent anyways), I always thought his voice was one of the highlights. That and the basslines... But muddy, muddy, muddy. Crowd was lovin' it though.
  9. I love reggae! And the Riddim Riders are great! I was wondering if you were going to get some alternative gigs happening, now that 33 Hess has officially bit the bucket (again). I'll most likely be taking in the Fatties on the 24th, so unfortunately I won't be making it out to this show, but do you think you'll have more gigs over the month of December? I'd love to make it out once school obligatons lighten up (which is soon...very soon...) And yes Jay, a few of the members are from the Inspirators. Good times.
  10. Jay, you might want to consider offloading some tickets to Julie at Shady Grove in Hamilton to enable better access for some Hamilton peeps... Just a thought.
  11. Blane, Sorry to hijack your thread, but was it you that was doing work in SOuth Africa previously? If so, I'd like to PM you to ask you some questions as I may be doing my doctoral research down there, and am expecting a baby, and wondering what it would be like to do field work over there if I brought a young toddler along with me.
  12. Good luck indeed. Great news. I'd hit welland up, over having to cross the border any day!
  13. Yup, the Sadies rocked. Good crowd, GREAT sound. It was nice to finally get to hear some of their new material. Real bummer about Hudson, but I was planning on coming out either way, so it wasn't that big of a deal for me. I thought the opening band was good too. They were SUPER tight, and hard driving. Not sure exactly how I would describe their sound... at first they almost reminded me of the Ramones a little bit, but that's not really an accurate/comprehensive descriptor... I enjoyed all of the extra space in the Casbah last night as well. Makes sense to remove those tables out of there that used to be in the front of the room (for packed shows anyways)... a little more breathing room, which this pregnant lady (who likes to dance) appreciates.
  14. I'd second Commercial Drive, the Naam, and Grouse Mountain. Safe travels Lynne!
  15. WOAH!! Even more excited now. Todd may just have to put his work on hold... I know he will not want to miss this either. Either way, I am so there. And yes Brodie, I have heard good things about the Young Rivals, so I will definitely check them out!
  16. Anyone planning on hitting this up? I believe a few of us ladies are heading down. Any idea what time the Sadies will be going on Brodie? Do we need to have advance tickets?
  17. I did not know that. Thanks for giving this dick a heads-up!
  18. I can't even imagine what this collaboration would sound like if it were to come to fruition... oil and water kind of comes to mind
  19. I actually like Sarah McLachlan, but I certainly will be taking a pass on that particular evening.
  20. marcO, that was supposed to be a surprise!
  21. Much love and nothing but healthy, healing, hopeful vibes for Timmy and his bro. Hoping to see him soon (after he gets some rest)
  22. Awesome news Aaron!! Did you decide to go the advertising route, or will you be taking something else?
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