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Everything posted by edger

  1. Congratulations folks! Exciting times. I have a name in mind that I seem to have my heart set on, but I've got to hold on to it in case we end up having a boy... All the best.
  2. I'm in! Minus the drink on unfortunately... but very much in nonetheless. This will be a great night to groove that's for sure. Phorbesie, i hope you make it down too. Didn't get a chance to meet you last year when we ventured out to Ottawa. Cheers.
  3. edger


    Congrats you guys!! What great photos. I'm very glad to hear that all went well. All these babies... I'm getting very excited! Nice to know that there will be a good contingent of up and coming movers and shakers. All the best!
  4. I'd love to be the lucky winner for this one!
  5. Yup, good times from my end of things as well. So many old faces. Always nice to re-connect. Definitely some folks that were greatly missed as well. My highlights were probably Everlasting Morning Sky (cause I love that long, and seldom get to hear it)... And I agree, I thought Ronnie sounded great. Been a while since I had heard him tickle the ivory. Couple sound issues throughout the night that were a little annoying... kind of put a wrench in the acoustic set. But other than that I sure had a big smile on my face dancing the night away. Looking forward to Halloween!
  6. All the best to the two of you in your travels. Although I hope to cross your paths many times prior to then, at the very least I'm hoping that you will still be making the trek to Gratefulfest next year!! Enjoy each other.
  7. Todd has told me to post that they will be starting no later than 10:30. Two sets, first is acoustic. See you tomorrow night!
  8. I asked Todd about the 1:00am thing as well, and he said that they were told that they would do the last call thing at 2:00am (particularly if the place is hoppin...) I don't think there is an official rule that makes them close at 1:00am in the past (after all it's all City of Hamilton by-laws)...so if they've got reason to stay open, I'm sure they will. I could see the boys being on by 10:30, as there are a couple of guest/old musicians to fit into the mix, and from what I can tell, a good chunk of material (new & old) for them to get through. But maybe Drawbar can confirm that?
  9. Yeah, what he said. Looking forward to seeing all you folks!
  10. Yay! Hopefully Todd and I will finally get a chance to see "big city litty" in action! Any ideas on what time Dragonette will be going on?
  11. Hey Greg, I'll try and find those details out from Todd tonight and get back to you. If you haven't heard from me by the end of tomorrow just send me a pm reminder... my head is in the clouds these days.
  12. Blurry, and p.p and anyone else who is intersted. One we receive the t's ect, I'll let you know. Thanks again Irie Guy!
  13. Cool stories guys! Definitely getting me excited for tonight!!! A lot of your highlights are songs that I am really hoping to hear... Hope we get a taste of some of that as well.
  14. Wow! That is very kind. The boys would be happy (and very surprised) to know that some of that stuff if still circulating... I'll send you a PM with our address, etc. Hope the twins are doing well!
  15. Hope it goes well for you Jay! I'm having dinner that night with some friends that I haven't seen in a long time, otherwise I'd be there. I would still like to see some Irie action in the Hammer at some point...
  16. Oops, I'm late. Sorry josh. Happy birthday nonetheless. We love you guys!!
  17. Yeah I'm excited for this show for sure! Greg, thanks for spreading the word amongst some of the old crew. It would be great to see some of those guys out... and a total blast from the past. I wasn't sure what the best way would be to reach some of those cats, but I guess word of mouth will take care of it! Blurry, Backbacon, etc, we'll miss you guys for sure. But I know you'll be doing the night up right. There's always Halloween... Oh, and the babybelly is doing well thank-you! I still have a ways to go though, I'm about halfway there... and Feb. will come real fast! Happy b-day in advance to you Jeffrey! 33 eh? I don't believe it... I'll have to see if I can dig up some old fatties pics. I know we have them, but most of them were taken prior to the day of widespread digitization... maybe I'll try and throw a poster together for the night of. Drawbar, you had scrounged up some old digital pics at one point hadn't you? Well, here's hoping you'll be able to make it out Rob. I know timing will be tough though. Hopefully Jen is feeling good right about now, and you guys are all ready to go. I figure if you get out by Halloween, you're doing okay!
  18. Strangely enough, this song always comes into my head throughout the first few weeks of September... :::oh the anticipation:::
  19. Bump! Poster added to initial post (thanks tonin!)
  20. Always loved that song...
  21. Thanks for all of your insights Dave! May you be surrounded by the ones you love on this day (and always)
  22. Seeing you always puts a smile on my face! All the best to you Cully. Hope to see you soon, sara
  23. Hell, if I could afford it, I'd be there. I was totally charged during the Page & Plant show at the Molson Amph back in '99. Definitely on the list of some of my most memorable concert moments. I know eight years later can be a long time when you're getting to be the age of these boys, but I have faith that they will rock it out. Having a youthful drummer on board can't hurt. Some North American dates would certainly be a treat! Not sure if I'd be able to make it happen if they did come, but you can definitely mark me down for intrigued, and also jealous and dissapointed if I wasn't able to make it!!
  24. Sorry to hear about your loss guys. I hope you can find support in one another.
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