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Everything posted by edger

  1. Glad to hear your travels have treated you well. Good luck on getting settled and such. I love the east.
  2. This is good to know. I was REALLY dissapointed to have missed the show last night. I was in right up into the evening, but after prenatal classes my energy levels were just completely tapped. Fighting the last legs of a cold, and a busy day at school/work today were the nails in the coffin. I just KNOW how good that show must have been. Maybe I'll try and make it out tonight. Is there an opening band? I'm glad to hear the positive feedback regarding this show briguy!
  3. I'm kind of surprised that this gig isn't receiving more hype than it is. To be able to see musicians of this caliber at a venue as small as PJs, is a RARE treat. The price couldn't be more reasonable either... I hope there's a lot of lurkers out there or fence-sitters that make it out to this show. Otherwise y'all won't know what you're missing!! Edit to add: MarcO, come out, come out wherever you are!! Todd needs a beer drinking partner
  4. I would talk to Julie at Shady Grove (located on Upper Wellington) in Hamilton as a location for selling tickets. She's usually a distributor for Come Together shows and the like. If you can't track her down jaydawg, you can always pm me and I'll dig up her phone #.
  5. All the best to your family.
  6. edger

    No middle name

    I've been wrestling with whether to give our child one or two middle names when they make their arrival. One denoting a family connection (similar to that which brad spoke of), and another that I could be more creative with. But maybe that's overkill?
  7. Good to know. I was hoping for a somewhat earlier start. Will they play right until two? (I'm assuming it will also be an earlier ending to the evening)... midnightish? As far as I know Todd and I are in. Along with Jen and Todd aka the Smurfs (the lucky winners of the tickets on Halloween night), and I do believe the lovely miss wassink will be coming along as well. Looking forward to it!
  8. I'm hoping to be casbah bound for their show too...
  9. I would also have to agree that sarahbelle rocks. And this board ain't so bad either...
  10. Heya Willy, One of my absolute favourites is Dolinas or Dalinas (sp?) on King William just down from Pepperjacks near where the old Rude Native used to be. It is Egyptian food. Very similar to the menu at La Luna, but more gourmet (and much more flavourful...less westernized...sorry Saleem)... So, so tasty. Definitely more on the casual end of fine dining. It's a tiny little place, but damn is it good. That new thai restaurant (not sure of the name) beside the Sky Dragon is pretty tasty too, and quite reasonably priced. Now I'm hungrey...
  11. Well, unfortunately we showed up a little later than I had hoped, so we only caught like their last three songs. But I liked what I heard. The one gal has a great voice. Overall they were my highlight of the night (other than us getting the chance to catch up with Joel from Dragonette again, which was long overdue)! I'd probably go check them out again. You had a great turnout. The place was hoppin' for a Thursday night!
  12. Yup, plan on catching the first two bands anyways. Same timeline still holds I presume?
  13. Tonight's the night folks. Looking forward to seeing you all in top form. kc, what time do you expect Rory to be on? Is he doing an opening, + set break thing?
  14. At first glance I'd say I'm in for Dragonette (if I can get the old boy to come out with me on a Thursday...) The Sadies... And the Fatties... What are THT like?
  15. SWEEET! Best show news I've heard in a while. Definitely making it out for this one. If you missed them the last time at PJs do not let yourself miss out again. I'm assuming no Jimmy Herring this time round, but nevertheless this band is smokin!
  16. I'm sure you'll all be on your best behaviour! Have fun! And bring on a Hamilton show.
  17. Done and done. Great idea. A couple of the questions I felt could have used a comments section. Many of my answers would "depend on the circumstances"...
  18. Have a great day Micky! Cheers.
  19. Hope you boys both wind up doing whatever it is you'd like to be doing! Birthday cheers!
  20. You just keep that train a rollin' Cully...you'll be just fine Is that a new poster? I just noticed the Gratefully Deadicated portion. Very cool. I haven't seen Rory in ages!
  21. I would think that your Sam Roberts costume has to count for something...
  22. Yeah I remember feeling particularly poorly represented when I went to hear him speak a long time ago... if there was ever a stoner stereotype to be fulfilled... To equate him with a colombian cartel is pretty laughable though...
  23. Sometimes I think I like Halloween even better than new years... Always an extra "special" energy in the air. Looking forward to bustin it out alongside whatever characters end up surfacing...
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