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Everything posted by edger

  1. Glad to have had the chance to share yet another birthday with you MarcO! Good times for sure... Hope the ride home was smooth (those bumps are hard on the hangovers...)
  2. happy birthday! i hope you partook in some sort of creative celebration
  3. She did say that she was not painting them all with the same brush...
  4. I wish they would go on nice and early to accomodate us mothers! (hehe)... I've been wanting to see these guys forever!
  5. have a great day (and weekend)
  6. My computer is soo slow, so I really have trouble downloading music, otherwise I'd give it a listen for sure. I'm hoping to take ya'll in live real soon!
  7. Cool emblem at the top too. I'd buy a t-shirt.
  8. i've been jealous that i wasn't going to this show ever since i heard about it... just wasn't in the cards for us this time round. hope you guys enjoy! When I saw Skaggs & Kentuncky Thunder at Bonnaroo a few years back it was a total hoot. (That was the same year their tour bus hit/killed a festival goer trying to cross the highway... unfortunately)...
  9. No problem! I respect what you are trying to put together here, and am REALLY looking forward to it! Should be great times.
  10. Hey Willy, This was the song that I thought was called "Tryin to Never Know"... but I was talkin' to Todd and he says to go with "Mayor McCheese"... The rest of the set list you sent me looks good Willy (although I wasn't present for the second set...but it seems about right)
  11. Glad to hear that you feel supported and that things appear to be on the up and up.
  12. I figure when an old dog learns a new trick it's got to count for something. Puppies are cute and refreshing too... but things can get messy.
  13. Sincerely sorry to hear that your family has also had to deal with this. I hope that she is as comfortable as possible, and that you all feel that you are surrounded by love and support.
  14. Definitely enjoyed a nice leisurely stroll today on this good Earth. The breeze, the sun, everything green... even my seasonal allergies are (at times) strangely comforting.
  15. Hey Mike, I know that Todd wants to get a hold of you too to get together and jam again if you're interested. Would be good to see you again either way (and introduce you to our wee one). Glad to hear that you have been keeping yourself busy. Count me in for a copy of your "up and coming" compilation! cheers, sara
  16. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm personally very much looking forward to this show. I love the album, and can't wait to see them live. Grabbed a pair last friday. Also, a question to anyone with kids. As I'm new to the whole concert going experience with a child in tow, what are the rules with respect to bringing them along? I'm assuming there is no charge? Has anyone ever gotten hassled for bringing their children? Can anyone recommend some good ear plugs/muffs, etc?
  17. Wow, sounds like a great time all around. Good folks, good music, and a nice sandy, warm setting. Give my best to Brad and Aubre! I hope that we get to cross paths with them again soon. Maybe in "june"? As I've said before, I think it would be great to get Todd and Brad jamming around the fire. We'll let you know the next time we're heading up your way for sure.
  18. Hey folks. It was GREAT to get out the other night. Even though it really hasn't been "that" long, it had seemed like an eternity. I quickly lost my voice early in the night from trying to catch up with everyone. Soo good to get to rattle the ol' bones again. I unfortunately didn't get to see the second fattie's set, as I had to get home to my wee lad, but what I did get to see of both bands was great. Willy, I can probably help you out with most of the song titles... In the first set there were a few tunes we hadn't heard in a while including "Waiting for Spring", as well as "As Much as This" and "Too Many Choices", the latter of which are off of Cruelty's Cure. They also played Todd's "relatively" new song which I think he's called "Tryin' to Never Know" and Gatch's new tune, but I'm not sure what that is called. I know they closed the first set with "Doobie Break"' as well. Hope that helps for the time being. Cheers.
  19. Tomorrow folks. I'm actually fleeing the coop to make it out for this one (even though it will be WAY past my bedtime these days...)
  20. Oh, and Blurry. A few of us will be heading up to the Bruce for May 2-4 long weekend. We'll definitely be doing some jamming around the fire. If you guys don't already have plans (e.g Frontier Town, whatever) than you are more than welcome to join us. It should be good times.
  21. As for camping up the Bruce, we have done a little bit of that. Not too many places, as we usually just stay at the cottage and venture our (e.g. hike, boat, etc.) from there. But as Scottie mentioned, Cyprus Lake is indeed beautiful. However, it can get pretty busy during peak season. Hiking to the grotto is something that everyone should do at least once! All the trails that include and connect to the Bruce Trail are a great trek. We have camped at Cape Croker which is a native reserve just north of Wiarton. It too is located along the escarpment overlooking Georgian Bay. We have been there twice, and in our experience it is far less busy than provincial parks and is just as nice. Great hiking, boating, swimming (although the georgian is a little chilly), and fairly private sites, especially when they are not full. I'd recommend checking this place out for sure if you're doing any car camping.
  22. Todd and I are on the Bruce very frequently throughout the summer. The family cottage is on Miller Lake just north of Lion's Head (south of Tobermory). Gatch from the Fatties also has land on that lake so there are certainly possibilities for some sort of jam. Blurry, you're on the Bruce too aren't you?
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