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Everything posted by edger

  1. A little late, as I haven't been on board for a few days... but much love to you Paisley!! Wishing you happy trails. Hope to see you over the holidaze... maybe boxing day or the 29th? Cheers, sara
  2. Thanks for your message SP. One can never be reminded enough to reflect upon, and appreciate their family. My thoughts are with you.
  3. Hey guys. I know it's been a while, but where/how did you get your tickets for this event? I can't seem to find an online site for the canon theatre specifically. There's all these other sites that appear to sell tickets for this show, but they aren't at "face value"... I'd rather not pay for a mark-up... Doesn't appear to be sold through ticketbastard either.... Any ideas? I'm hoping to grab some up for a christmas gift for my ma. Thanks in advance!
  4. Happy birthday to you Karin! Hope to cross your path again someday soon. Cheers, sara
  5. Yeah, I've heard the staff are really friendly there...
  6. I thought I had heard rumours about Mark Wilson? I could be wrong...
  7. Livin' the dream...2002...in the village...you are now...experienced. Ha! In all seriousness that is a stellar line-up of musicians. If I'm not too turkeyed out we'll pop our heads in.
  8. Happy birthday Will! Hope your day is treating you kindly!
  9. I would say that your speculations are likely pretty accurate MarcO I could see them taking a bit of a breather for a couple months or so. Either way I know it'll be one of my last big nights out for a while to be sure, so you will definitely seem me there for one last prenatal boogie!
  10. Oh, consider me a taker for sure OTJ! PM sent with my email. Cheers, sara
  11. Always a pleasure running into you miss meagan. All the best.
  12. Oh my, would I ever be interested in this! Sounds like it would be just what I need about now. When were you thinking? The other treatments sound heavenly too! Would likely make some good christmas gifts for some of my family members... Perhaps PM me? Cheers, sara
  13. For the sake of those who love your friend I too hope he gets a chance to turn his life around. If he had positive direction at one point in his life, I believe that there is definitely an opportunity for him to find his way back.
  14. I had a fantastic night as well. WHAT a turnout. That place was packed, and the energy throughout the room was great. I will say though that I was dissapointed with the venue. The room was cool, but from the get-go when we arrived early for the boys to set up, there was a really needlessly intense vibe from the staff, sound guy, security, etc. Basically along the lines of what willy was talking about, but fortunately we managed to avoid being called fucking idiots (but I'm sure the sentiment was there). I also did hear a couple of choice comments graciously thrown around to some innocent party-goers from staff throughout the night, and that one chick at the end of the night that was trying to clear the place out (as confused hippies stared in bewilderment trying to finish their beers up before what would normally be considered last call) was just plain scary...I thought she was going to attack someone. I also can't believe that they shut the bar down so early! That was also unecessary, and just plain...weird given that they must have been making a killing on bar sales, and the crowd was lovin' the music and peaceful. So that was a bit of a downer. But all in all, the particular mix of canjam that night was just what the doctor ordered for me. I was in musical bliss all night. The horns section throughout some old school burt tunes were definitely amongst my higlights! Ride home was a total white-knuckler...wish I could have partied with all of you fine folks. The night just always seems to slip away when you're groovin the night away, and i would have loved more quality catch up time with some of yous, but this pregnant lady was already up way past her bedtime, and I had had my fill of fun for the night. Thanks to all who contributed to my good time!
  15. That's exactly where I'll be at tonight. Your Sara was an inspiration to me at Lose Yer Shoes. Hell I find shakin it on down more comfortable than standing/sitting still for too long. Loosin's the sore back right up. Prost, I'm sorry to hear about your predicament. I've also done the one foot shuffle many a times. Booche is right, if you take it somewhat easy (or I guess on the other extreme blast yourself into oblivion), it can be done. :crazy:
  16. I have no idea what capacity is for this room... it's been a long time. I find it hard to believe that there would be no tickets available at the door if you got there at a decent time. Even 600 people is still a lot of people... Can you not get tickets online anymore? Glad to hear you're planning on coming Rob! Willy, I'm wrenching on that arm of yours... Tonight is going to be a blast!
  17. No, I didn't get the ticket after all. By the time I was able to touch base with my buddy it was spoken for (go figure). I missed out big time. Oh well, I have way too much work on the go right now anyways. A Neil break would have been a "terrible" idea...yeah...right...
  18. Jakis, I'm sure the Fatties would have no problem with being filmed. I'm looking forward to this shaker...it will surely be a test of my sober endurance
  19. I just missed a phone call from a friend that apparently had an extra ticket. I have since been trying to get a hold of them to no avail... I hope it's still available, but I am losing hope. Dammit, dammit, dammit.
  20. I can't BELIEVE that it has been six years. Are you sure? (Dumb question...as I realize who I am addressing here)... When did Brainwashed come out?
  21. Congrats Cully. Definitely a nice area to hunker down over the winter.
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