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Everything posted by edger

  1. No doubt! Once again, an amazing time overall. The ledges is just such a great place! Other than rain on the Thursday when we rolled in during the evening, the weather was great. Being surrounded by such a great crew was definitely the highlight. It had been a while since I had a good fill of music at a festival (and jamming around the fire...always a favourite for me). Our son also had a great time. He was such a trooper. Thanks to all for being so good with him, I know he enjoyed your company along with the music. Overall, I think the line-up last year was a little stronger. Mind you, we left a day early this year and the festie was already a day shorter, so I'm sure I was able to take in more last year. My highlights were definitely The New Mastersounds. Seeing/hearing them was a first for me, and they were great. Totally tight, jazzy/funky. They were followed by Rowan and Rice quartet which was melodically beautiful as well. Finally DSO was a blast as always. The first night was decent, but the second night was my favourite by far. The Ramble on Rose, Terrapin, Morning Dew run had me in the zone. Too bad we missed out on the music sunday. I'd be curious to know how Keller was. Did he play on his own, or did he have his full band?
  2. Thanks Basher... that wasn't the floor plan that came up when I purchased the tickets... I was afraid that I was going to be basically behind the stage...that kind of sucks. Obviously the sound isn't as good from there either. I guess I'm still glad to be going though... who knows maybe we'll get lucky and be able to find some other seats. livingstoned as of yesterday the TO show was not sold out (you could probably still get a decent single...)
  3. I myself had very mixed reactions coming out of this festival. Upon arrival on Saturday I was really impressed with the setting and the vibe. The view was absolutely stunning, and the stage setup was really impressive. I could tell even at that stage that Allison certainly had a lot on her plate and was doing her best to try and ensure that things would run as smoothly as possible given the complaints that were already put forth by what seemed to me to be fairly unreasonable neighbours starting on the Friday night. It's really too bad that the venue you were dealing with Allison did not have more foresight to see that they were going to be a problem... The bands throughout the day on Saturday were all new to me, so that was a treat to take in some new music. The place was very kid friendly, and therefore I was thrilled to take it all in with my son. The food that was served up to everyone in attendance was fantastic and hit the spot perfectly. That was a greatly appreciated offering. The monsoon that hit just as we were trying to put Rowen to bed made things a little stressful for sure, but it eventually let up. I was then able to take in Lauzon's set from outside of the house (baby monitor in hand) so that helped put me back into the mood for music and dancing. (Nice finally getting to meet you officially Dave by the way...) I was absolutely lovin' the Fatties set and overall vibe that was going down in the barn... (which was I think the second or third contingency plan by that point as recommended by one of the stage hands to minimize noise to appease the neighbours). The boys did an acoustic set and were really enthusiastic about playing full band acoustic as it had been some time. I was a little worried even at that time that Diesel Dog would have some difficulties getting their set in, as they were to close the night down and were hoping to play electric... Anyways, it was definitely an unexpected drag when things got shut down just as things were getting fired up (and this was before midnight I believe). There was lots of confusion all around. The Fatties were definitely dissapointed to only get four songs in, especially given that they had some buddies who flew in from B.C to catch the show... and had been working on bringing new life to some old material that had been on the shelf for quite some time. But it was beyond anyone's control at that point (anyone who wanted the music to continue on anyways it seemed)... I'm not entirely sure what all went down after that. We were busy watching over Rowen, and given that it was already past my bedtime, and the wind had been taken out of my sails a little I resorted to hitting the hay. From where I was sleeping I could hear DD playing on again and off again. I was liking what I could hear. Last I heard they had been given the go ahead to get things rolling again... not sure what transpired after that. Anyways... I guess what I'm trying to say is that of course some of the bands are a little irritated to invest the time, energy and money to make it to a festival only to get shut down and not get paid. Having said that I fully appreciate and respect what Allison had put together. Your dedication was fully evident and to be admired. I feel terrible that things fell apart in so many ways. Luck was not on your side so it seemed. I can't help but feel (from my vantage point only I suppose) that without the neighbour issue things would have been an entirely different story. I personally don't see how the venue itself can't see their own responsibility in why things did not go well. To lay it all on your shoulders is pretty awful. I really hope that things work out and that you don't let this kind of thing discourage you. I wish you all the best in coming out of this as unscathed as possible!
  4. Damn! There's always a HUGE concert announcement that is made while we're away on holidays... Anyways, just managed to grab tickets. We're section 116 row 26... take what we can get... But I don't actually see that section on the seating plan...anyone know what that means? Hopefully we're not behind the stage or something ridiculous like that... Didn't say anything about obstructed view. Anyways, this leaves us lots of time to find a babysitter.
  5. We're in. Plan to get there on Thursday me thinks...
  6. edger

    Grateful Fest

    I'd interpret that as a yes. Just sayin' is all...
  7. Cheers to you Becky. We'll see you soon at gratefulfest!
  8. Getting pumped for this festie too! Allison, is there a schedule (times) for the bands yet? I see that the website lists the days that they are playing on, but I was just curious whether there was anything more specific than that available yet? You must be getting excited!
  9. edger

    Grateful Fest

    He doesn't leave home without it! And the guitar will more than suffice! This is going to be such a blast. Jammin' around the fire last year with the canadian crew was amongst my highlights of the festival for sure! Here's hopin' for some good weather. We are more than due for it!
  10. edger

    Grateful Fest

    Well, it looks like you can add me at Todd (and Rowen) to the list)!! Glad to see so many people are going to be representing! I hope that we can camp out with all of you guys. Joni, et al, I would absolutely love to end up on the same site as last year (or thereabouts), as it would be a perfect location for having the wee one (not too close to the inner mayhem), but still surrounded by all you kind folks. Rusty (Fattie's old manager) is also sounding like he is going to come. He is a huge bluegrass fan too, so the potential for some awesome campfire jams just keeps getting better and better. Schwa, I'm looking forward to hearing you bust out some mandolin! As of now we're thinking of arriving on the Thursday. Do you think that's too late? How quickly does this place get busy? I think we arrived Thursday last year and had no problem squeezing onto Joni's site (but maybe that was just lucky?) Jeez, I'm away from this board for a couple of weeks, and I miss out on all of this build up. Glad to hear so many people are interested! Cheers, sara
  11. Hope it goes well Mark! Glad to hear that you guys seem to be keeping busy.
  12. Yeah, Todd said things sounded great. No real surprise there though! Cheers.
  13. As much as I love the Stand Up Guys (they sounded great at CTMF), I'm a little dissapointed to hear that there is an opening band. That means you guys won't be getting on until midnight I'm assuming... my sitter won't want to be out that late on a Thurs. night, so I guess me and my sour grapes will be staying home. Super dissapointed as I was pumped for tonight. Hope it all goes well folks. I'm sure it will.
  14. Well the show did not dissapoint last night. I went in hoping for many goosebump moments, and I many. We ended up opting for leaving the boy with grandma, and that was definitely the best option as it was a surprisingly loud show (that and it would have been a shame to have to watch him throw phishtaper around). Even with ear protection I don't think I would have been comfortable with him being there. Give it another year or two atleast I figure... (plus mom gets a break too that way..) Many highlights throughout the evening. Their take on Blackdog was very cool. Down to the River to Pray was beautiful, and Battle of Evermore was incredible. But one of the most touching moments for me was at the end when they sang Long Journey. What an absolutely beautiful, tug-on the heartstrings. I was moved to tears. Thanks to all who surrounded me with their good company. Ended up with a nice self-organized crew throughout the show.
  15. Thanks for the info guys! Glad to hear that the Great Lake Swimmers are opening too. I've always wanted to check them out.
  16. Very much looking forward to this show tonight!! Anyone else going? For those who have already been to the amp this summer, the ticket says 7:30. Do you think they'll actually start at that time? (seems early)... There's no opener (as far as I know) I'll keep my eyes peeled for any skank contingent.
  17. Cheers to you mike. Health and happiness to ya.
  18. Much love to you Mark! Tonin's birthday at Phil & Levon?? Now I'm doubly dissapointed that I wasn't able to be there.
  19. todd and I are both supposed to be there (if my folks/the sitter pulls through) Lookin' forward to it!
  20. Happy birthday Joni! Wish I was celebrating with you and all of these other kinds folks on Saturday as well. You sparkle lady...
  21. Wish I could be there... Happy birthday in advance.
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