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Everything posted by edger

  1. All the best to you Ollie! Cheers!
  2. Hope everyone is doing well! Congrats on the birth of your little girl!
  3. Mind you, I haven't heard the Satellite Party material myself yet either... And yeah, I hope the September run for Ryan and the boys is still secure!!
  4. Yeah, my cousin just caught the Satellite Party at the Opera House over the weekend, and he loved it. He said they played a nice mix of their new tunes, along with some from Jane's Addiction, and Porno for Pyros. I'm sure they'd put on a good show. Although agreed... pales in comparison to Ryan Adams (and no doubt a very different listening experience)
  5. So is the rest of the schedule ironed out yet or what?
  6. The Acousticats (acoustic fat cats) are playing this Friday August 17th at the Winchester Arms in Dundas as part of the annual Cactus Festival. Lots going on in town that weekend. Buskers, vendors, music, food, etc. Anyways they'll likely hit the stage by 10:30pm. And I'm assuming as per usual at the Winch there will be NO cover charge. Peace, sara
  7. Congrats! Exciting news for sure. Must be something in the air...
  8. Congrats to Tara & Crow! Hope you all have a fun time celebrating!
  9. I think that the new feature is great. Just one question though. Will all members of the current topic be notified that a new member is joining the conversation? [color:purple]Just curious, as I wouldn't want to end up saying anthing "nasty" about \/\/illy without realizing that he may see how I truly feel about him
  10. I'll raise a glass to this fine lady fo sho!! Margaret you make me smile!!
  11. Wow! You've got me intrigued. Consider it purchased.
  12. As far as I have heard from our end of things the Fatties are indeed playing on the Friday night followed by Diesel Dog in the saloon. But to tell you the truth I think they may have other plans up their sleeves in terms of officially celebrating their 15th year anniversary... but I could be wrong. Either way, I'm looking forward to labour day weekend for sure!
  13. You'd think. Maybe this site should provide a link to an online course or something...
  14. I'd add those rules to the list for sure UF!! (Although I actually don't mind hand drums IF tastefully incorporated into the mix) And for the record LXQ42 I certainly wasn't referring to you. I enjoyed your contribution. This thread was inspired by both a specific incident (combined with more general encounters with similar circumstances over the years), and was not intended to single any individual out.
  15. I was only there for the Saturday afternoon/evening due to work obligations. I had a good time for sure, although I think it could have been better... Having said that I really enjoyed the opportunity of getting to hear Mike and Todd play together. A rare treat, and they made the best of it. Friends of Hefner (Stephen Elmo Murphay Band) or whatever you're called these days were great. Can never really go wrong with those guys. They then morphed into the Mark Wilson band which was also a highlight. I'll say it again, the man can sing!! Saturday night was also a hoot. A real treat to have Mike, and Jeff from Burt and Todd sit in with the Caution Jam boys. It sounded great despite the sound issues. I thought Eric really stepped it up on the guitar which was good to hear. Ed on the drums was a nice treat too. All in all the music was great, despite it turning into a bit of a circus at certain times. But whatta ya gonna do eh? Another highlight for me, was jamming and singing around the "lantern" with the Browntown crew, Todd and Mike, etc. Always the perfect way to close down an evening in my mind. I also enjoyed camping over in baby land with Willy, Leanne, and all of their friends. It was good to get a taste of that world, and I enjoyed seeing all the happy children. This festival is definitely kid-friendly, that's for sure for anyone who may be curious about that... Hope that everyone enjoyed the rest of their weekend!
  16. Is there such a thing? I'd like to think so. I'd just be curious on what other people's thoughts might be when it comes to "rules" or gestures of courtesy that should be followed when a "guest" (or so-called guest) decides to join another band while they are up on stage. Don't get me wrong. I love a good collaborative jam, and think that some of the most magical moments occur on the fly, often by musicians who have never played with each other before, and for that reason those moments should be encouraged. Nevertheless I think a little common courtesy can go a long way. For example, should a "guest" be specifically invited up by a band, before they decide to insert themselves into a mix? Should this ideally be discussed beforehand? I would think so. Of course there are always notable exceptions to this (e.g. the musicians know each other, have played together before, have mutual musician friends, respect each other's craft, have the ability to positively contribute, etc.) Otherwise I would think that an actual invite is reasonable. Also, is there a reasonable window of time that a guest musician should adhere to? Meaning should they stick to one or two songs, and then let the band continue on with what they set out to do, or just continue to "play over top of them" for the entire set (perhaps some of you may see where I am going with this, or have directly experienced something similar to this before). I think the answer to the above question also depends on the circumstances. If the groove is flowing, and the "guest" is clearly getting the vibe off of the band members that they are digging the energy, and that which is being created because of it, then by all means jam on... However, if the guest is not familiar with the material, and does not have the ability or inclination to lay back when they are unsure, or add pleasing accents, or they are getting the vibe that the band is feeling stifled, or irritated (despite their best efforts to remain polite), then perhaps they should soak up their moment of glory for a song or two at the most and then gracefully bow out and let the band continue on doing what they do best. I'd like to think that there is no reason for hard and fast rules when it comes to something like improvisation, art, and the magic that can evolve from a good jam, but at the same time there's been one too many times where I've witnessed a good thing get quashed by an oblivious, it's all good brah mentality. Anyways, that's my rant. I'd be curious to hear what others might have to say.
  17. Happy belated there Mike!! All the best.
  18. Wow. Really, really unfortunate. Hopefully in some weird way this may have the effect of drawing your band closer together? That's definitely a tale for the grandchildren. Sending my sincere (((vibes))) and hope that despite it all your have yourselves a satisfying, and uplifting evolve experience.
  19. Yup! Todd seemed pretty pumped last night after he got home from jammin with Mike. Definitely looking forward to hearing them this weekend. Also REALLY hoping that it will be in the cards to make it out to this Burt show. I'm going to have to "fix the deck" for that one...
  20. Thanks for the soundtrack of my life... Cheers to one hell of a lifeforce!
  21. Hope the show was memorable! Happy birthday!
  22. Well after missing a couple of baseball games last week due to honeymoon, I really can't miss another, and with a late-night game attending this show right now is not looking good for me either unfortunately... But one can always pray for rain, and if the games called, I think I'll be there!
  23. I've seen all of these biographies (jerry, zeppelin, bowie, cash) multiple times thanks to our satellite tv... I never get sick of watching them, and I'm usually not one for viewing things more than once. Strikes a chord that's for sure.
  24. happy belated there boys!! I'm sure you did it up proper.
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