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Everything posted by edger

  1. Todd and I sure wish we were going to back again for the show this year. Last year was a blast!! Looks like a solid lineup of folks. Crissinger will be a great addition! Hey Jeffrey, do you know the best way to get a hold of that man now that he's a coaster? We'd love to touch base. Have fun folks!! Maybe we'll see you next year!
  2. What time do you think the show will start? I just realized that I have a baseball game on Thursday night, but if the show was later in the evening I might be able to do both.
  3. Thanks for all the well wishes guys!! We couldn't have asked for a better day. The sun was out, the breeze was sweet, and there was so much love in the air. We are surrounded by such a great bunch of friends and family... one cannot go wrong with such a mix! Thanks to Marc for welcoming our guests in with some acoustic goodness, and for giving us a little Jerry to groove to on our way out! My cousins singing Attics was a perfect touch as well. Thanks to Wassink Wild Card and the rest of our wedding party (who I know may lurk around these parts here and there) for bringing their love and beauty and support!! And thanks to Friends of Hefner for making the reception such a blast!! Shelby you were sounding real sweet! I just wish the music could have gone for longer... not used to having to shut things down at a "rational" hour. Steve and Joel and Ed...(and sorry I don't know your new keyboard player's name)...all sounded great. And Jonas on the sax!! What a pleasant surprise that was. Everyone loved the music. Our wedding wouldn't have been complete without it. I loved getting to see the Fatties sit in for a song in their suits. I don't imagine I'll be seeing that again anytime soon! They were lookin fine! Just returned from old Quebec city and camping north of there throughout the Charlevoix and Saguenay Fjord regions....WOW!!! I never realized how beautiful Quebec is. And the food....to die for! I am one lucky lady. That is all.
  4. Happy belated Luke. The new pad sounds like it will be cozy in no time. Congrats and all the best!
  5. Is Toronto on THursday? I could probably be talked into going, and driving...
  6. Hey Tara, sorry for the late wishes but I'm just getting back into cyber space here. Happy birthday to you!! It's nice having you up here in Canada with us all. Always enjoy kickin' up some turf (or sand) with you. Keep smiling there sunshine!
  7. I'm happy with the lineup. Looking forward to hearing some new bands. After Bama's review a while back, I've been wanting to check out the United Steelworkers in a big way. Hopefully this will be my chance. Ultra Magnus sounds like it will be easy to move too... Couple of my old favourites in the mix as well. Thumbs up Mark, Shane, etc, etc. Is there a schedule up for the weekend yet?
  8. Well, I sure as hell didn't get the best seats in the house, but I was surprised that there was anything left at all. Grabbed two!! So I'm a happy camper.
  9. AAAHHHHHHH!!! I go away for one damn week, and this is what I miss??? I swore to myself that I would not miss Ryan again... I'll be right back...
  10. edger

    GOTV 2007

    That is a solid looking lineup.
  11. [color:purple]Yeah, cause that's a "much" more ethical, and understanding way of dealing with the situation.
  12. I'm pretty sure that the acoustic duo with Todd (of Fatties) and Mike (of Burt) are on the Saturday. NOt sure of the time though, and I"m also not sure of any other acts.
  13. Yup! Definitely one of my summer highlights so far. JOsh and Tyler complemented one another so well, as they both have such a different approach to those keys. Grrrooovy! Great to see some old faces that I hadn't seen in a while, as well as the usual suspects. Y'all make me smile! REALLY looking forward to hearing that recording. We missed you 'bama man...
  14. All the best in your years ahead Mike! Cheers, sara & todd
  15. Mark... how did I not know it was your birthday yesterday??? I'm a bad friend... Nonetheless I was so glad that you and Liana were able to make it out to our place. It's true, you always light up your surroundings, and bring happiness to those who are in your presence. Thanks for being such a sincere and caring friend. Cheers to you, (and hopefully we'll see you again tongiht) sara
  16. No advice here unfortunately Booche, but I just hope that it works out for you (I'm sure it will)...unecessary irriation though that's for sure.
  17. I don't know for sure Baj... I guess Whiteymuseum would have to answer that one, but if I were to hazard a guess I'd say $5-8 bucks??? I could be wrong.
  18. Killatokes in response to your question, the only "negative" (although I consider it a huge positive), is if you're into meth, heroine, nitrous or blatantly parading around with cocaine then you would have been likely asked to leave.... I have pictures on my camera. What's the best way for me to load them up to this site? I'm not on facebook or anything like that, and I have an extremely slow and irritating internet connection. But if anyone can point me towards a not too painful process, I would love to share some of the shots I've got. There's some goodies.
  19. Actually I think November is better for me too. Although it seems awfully far away. Thanks for the update.
  20. Happy birthday boiler rat!!
  21. Ah yes. I knew I'd end up forgetting some important mentionables. Rowan and Rice quartet was DEFINITELY a highlight for me as well... don't know how I forgot that one. And NRPS was a great revolving jam of guest artists. The keys and accordian combo was great. Soooo sorry for not mentioning Sarahbelle and Hippyrastachild earlier as well. You ladies always bring a smile to my face, and we spent many hours dancing the days away. Thanks for all of your sunshine. Oh, and Lauren, your glasses were priceless...
  22. What time will this show be starting on Tuesday? I'm really hoping to make it...
  23. Well I don't know if I have the time right now to really give this festival the credit it deserves, but I'll try and sum it all up as best as I can. This was by far one of the best festivals I have ever attended for so many different reasons (and for the record I was basically completely sober all weekend, so I think that has to count for something as well)... The venue is incredible. We had a great, relatively private campsite with a pretty dense forest cover. The swimming was fantastically refreshing and beautiful. I have never in my life danced away on a better "sand" floor. YOu can really get a good groove on when slipping and sliding over some soft, cool sand. The vendors were plentiful, nutritious and so very tasty. The weather couldn't have been better. The wookie ratio was kept in check, and the people there were so kind and friendly. All around a laissez faire, yet relatively clean atmosphere. Definitely kid friendly, especially around the beach/swimming area. And the MUSIC!! So great. I strangely went into this with high expectations for DSO due to positive reviews by others (as I had never seen them before). I wasn't really sure what to expect as the whole cover band concept can be really hit and miss (and often a miss). But these guys are fantastic musicians, and really did the songs justice. I would say that my favourite sets by DSO were the first night, and the last night (maybe I'll try and dig up some set lists later...) The third night (although still great) was my least favourite DSO night. A little too much "space" for my liking. Having said that I know that many people thoroughly enjoyed that show, and one of the things I love most is the broad continuum of musical taste. There is something for everyone, and debating the highs and lows was one of my favourite parts of the weekend. Morning Dew on the second night was like a blissful, peaceful lullaby for me. If I could fall asleep to that every night, I think I'd quickly forget the meaning of worry or anxiety. If I had to give "ultimate props" to anyone in particular for the duration of the festie, it would have to be ROB FRICKEN BORRACO!!! Holy moly can that man ever tickle those ivory. In addition to DSO, he sat in with the Tricksters, Kimock, NRPS, amongst others. HE is such a pleasure to move to, and watch. His big grin is sooo infectious. It is so apparent how much he is enjoying himself up there. Watching him just put me in a real happy place. Aside from DSO my highlights were definitely the Greyboy Allstars (I haven't grooved that hard, in a really long time... and I love to dance...), DAMN are they good. Kimock's Zero was also fantastic. Great band. Donna and the Tricksters was a pleasant surprise. I was much more impressed with them than I was initially anticipating. They put on a fanstatic set!! There was this acoustic bluegrass band called Cornmeal that was amazing as well. I had never heard of them before, but if you ever cross their path, check them out!! I didn't catch everything, but those were my highlights from what I did see. Everything i saw was fantastic. The only one I was underwhelmed with was Keller Williams. He did a solo act with lots of looping effects etc. It was well executed but a little redundant for my liking. I tried to hang in there and maintain my enthusiasm, I really did. But about halfway through I opted to head back to the campsite and refuel instead. But hey, for many others that I talked to he was a highlight, so to each their own I guess. I would have much rather seen him play a bluegrass set with a full band.... Finally I have to give a big shout out to all of the people that I was camping with. Mark Tonin, thanks for talking me into going, and as always it was a pleasure being in your company. YOu are a bright spirit my friend. Mousepad and Robin and Chris, your company and hospitality couldn't have been better. I mean where else can you arrive late for a festival, have a spot reserved for you, and the ground raked and smoothed over for your tent all within the first five minutes of being there? WOw. REALLY, REALLY wonderful to finally meet Fisty and James, Babsy Mudcock, and Mud, as well as your friends Brad and Aubre, STeve, and Chandler (if only all of you who had wanted to be there had been able to...BB you were evidently missed). You truly are amazing people, and I couldn't have asked for better company. THe late night jams around the fire were just what I needed and made me feel right at home (especially considering I was away from Todd). Thanks for all of the laughs. I really hope that you all had a safe trip home, and that we will continue to cross paths. Good people can be hard to find! It was also a pleasure running into (and in some cases meeting for the first time) Baj, Captain, Tigger, Becky, Swifty, Jen & Kanada Kev and family. It was a real great feeling having so much Canadian representation carved out on that dancefloor. Anyways. I'm sold. I would love to return to this festival again, and again. The MUSIC was what it was all about. Everything else was just gravy on the side.
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