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Everything posted by edger

  1. Todd and I will be under the tent too!! VERY much looking forward to this one. I guess we can consider this thread as an official role call?
  2. Wowzers!! I am so envious. How intimate, and memorable. Thanks for the great review.
  3. edger


    Good to know. I will be catching them (for the first time) in July. I think we're upper deck close to the stage. Where were your seats?
  4. We love you Tim!! Safe travels. Looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back. Happy birthday!
  5. Man, I wish I was able to be at this show.
  6. Just wanted to say a big congrats to jambands newest "official" couple Sara and Steve! The wedding yesterday was absolutely beautiful. You couldn't have asked for a nicer day. Golden sun, and light breeze. Sara you were one beautiful, earthy momma in your dress. The intimate setting for the service was perfect. Steve you and the boys were looking dapper. So glad that we were a part of your special day. To many healthy, happy years full of laughter and dance! Cheers, sara
  7. I would say you are correct (at least in all of my experiences with DTB) Derek is smokin!! I'd go if I were you.
  8. That sounds like it would be a blast! That price is WAY out of my range though. I'm guessing that they're wanting to keep the numbers low. Sounds like it would be pretty interactive that's for sure. Cool find.
  9. Sweet indeed. So great to hear that things are unfolding so well this year Keither. Todd and I REALLY wish that we were joining in on the fun this year. All the best.
  10. Reminds me of a thread some while back in reference to Roger Waters...
  11. White Sands in Sauble Beach. I haven't been there for over ten years, but according to my younger sister it is still anything goes. The rules at Frontier Town aren't too strict either.
  12. Yeah, I remember the Mule covering No Quarter a few years back in TO. It was definitely one of the highlights of that show. I would have loved to hear their interpretation of The Loser. Good stuff.
  13. I don't really get this edger.The subtle beauty and innocence of the African people? What subtle beauty-I read the beauty of Africa as vibrant' date='raw,awake-not subtle at all.Maybe that's just me. And what innocence? Innocent of what? Sorry but that sentence-atleast the way I'm reading it-is a little pat on the head bleeding heart, colonial liberalism to me. The struggles that continually occur in Africa are not just a simple matter of good and evil-are they? I think that attitude leads to people being aghast when they see a blizzard of Hollywoodized Rwanda movies-after the fact, and then Ugandan movies-while Darfur happens right now, with not a whole lot of outcry.[/quote'] I unfortunately don't articulate my thoughts as well as you do.. I just meant subtle in the way that beauty is often portrayed on film relative to the graphic display of violence. I agree with you completely that the beauty of the people themselves is anything but subtle. Unfortunately I don't really have the time right now to adequately get into a conversation about this online. And for that reason I regret ever making this initial post in the first place as it was rashly thought out amidst other work-related internet usage, and it is a subject that deserves careful thought spanning more than the recreational couple of minutes that I sporadically indulge in while on this board. Maybe at a later time I will come back to this one... I wasn't suggesting that we should be shielded from what is going on there. And believe me I do pay attention to what is happening throughout the world presently. I just find that on film I am impacted even more effectively by "implied" violence. The older I get the less I am able to even watch some of the violence portrayed so vividly. These images come to my mind (and stay there for longer than I'd like them to) and I don't always need the dots connected for me. I don't think anything in this world is as simple as a contrast between good and evil. I just think when we are inundated with hopeless images that it can become overwhelming to the point of inaction. Not to say this is excusable by any means, but I think that there may be some truth to that. But what do i know...
  14. Perhaps DEM would have free access (or access to a significantly reduced price) to this program through the school he is employed with? I know faculty and staff at Waterloo have this option (but unfortunately not grad students, otherwise I"d hook you up myself)
  15. I'm sure I've been called worse things...
  16. Very exciting! All the best to the two of you. So great to hear that your day went off so well, and that you were surrounded by such great family and friends!
  17. Hmmm... I think you might mean Diesel Dog? But I could be wrong. Sounds like a blast. We have a heady wedding to go to on the Saturday, otherwise we'd probably be there. Have fun kids!
  18. I'm goin. I'm hoping to limit the drool to sleepytime.
  19. You're memory serves you well. I had a wonderful evening groovin away at that show. Izzy's was a perfect setting for music, particularly a tasty reggae vibe right down by the water under a canopy of trees. I wonder if they're playing much these days? They used to do the odd gig at the Pepperjacks and The Casbah. But I haven't heard anything about them in quite some time. Big Sugar Truths and Rights Grady ...it's all great stuff. I seem to recall Gordie sitting on a Govn't Mule set at the Comfort Zone some years back. That was my first time ever seeing him live. I believe that was the show that went down shortly before Allan Woody died...
  20. I completely agree. I thought they did a good job of capturing his steady progression of paranoia in the short time span of the film. I don't know a whole lot about the man (particularly before he went off the deep end). The little that i have come across sporadically over the years often portrays him as someone who initially had good intentions. I wonder when the turning point was for him? Power can soil the best of minds, and I suspect his ego played a big role. Or maybe he was always that way, and just became more and more comfortable with himself as time went on... Movies about Africa (or any kind of human suffering for that matter) just rip my heart out. The contrast of subtle beauty and innocence with such large-scale atrocities is almost too much for me to bear. I wish there were more movies which focused on the former. Maybe that would provide more hope or motivation to quit trying to ignore the latter? I don't know... it's pretty overwhelming.
  21. Hope you have a good one!
  22. Yup. Gotta lum 'dem lazy rivers. Wish I was floating away on one right about...now.
  23. sounds like somebody's due for a good ol fashioned bender (or I guess a little camping might help... maybe) I'll take two of each please!
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