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First Annual Skank Exchange....


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It's time to stem the flow of the negative...and unleash your creativity with the first annual skank exchange! ::

If ya want in, just reply to this thread with an address. If you dont feel comfortable posting your address, just PM me with it.

If no one replies, then I will be forced to make a bunch of accounts, and reply with pseudonyms...in hopes of saving some dignity.

Here are the guidelines....

1) NO $$$ limit!!! Hey if there is a millionaire lurking out there who wants to fund a trip to amsterdam, so be it! Seriously though, we all seem like decent people who will be appreciative of mostly anything. You can give a show, a book you just read, a firstborn, an eight-ball of coke, absolutely anything you choose.

2)You must reply to this by... [color:"red"] November 5.

3) I will draw names out of a hat and try to PM people with the name and address of the person they will be sending their gift to. I will try to do this within one week.

4) People who give and do not receive, by December 26[color:"red"] ...should email myself. Ala seinfeld, the person who was supposed to give the present will have their name publicly displayed in the "i have good intentions, but suck when it comes down to it post".

5) Those who think this is lame, my friends included, need not reply.

6) since i want in, unfortunately i will know who the person is who gets my name.

So if anyone wants to pass on some love, and kindness by sprinkling the world of cyberspace with a human touch...please reply.

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