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Blind Date


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Make sure that in the post-date wrap-up, when Roger Lodge asks "would you go out with her again" and you already realize that she didn't like you, even if you liked her, you have to trash her bigtime.

Also, whether the date went good or bad, don't watch the On-Air version because those little pop-ups are never kind to the daters.

Oh, and don't Fart.

When the waiter asks "Are you ready to order?", don't say to your date "So, whaddya think toots?". Actually, don't call her "toots" ever.

If she orders the pasta, don't say "Maybe you should lay off the carbs"

good luck. this sounds like it's going to be fun!


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i've used the lock test on sevreal occasions. its from some movie about gangster kids.

sometimes its hard to do if you car has automatic locks. and personally i prefer the other test from that movie,, where you pull up becide a trucker on the highway, honk your horn and then grab her head and stick it in your crotch, if she fighs then toss her out

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Compliment her shoes.

Just don't patronize her shoes. "Hi, shoes, my you look nice today, and you really go well with that outfit." is good, while "Well! Aren't we some happy-looking shoosie-woosies! Yes, you're doing such a great job keeping the soles of her feet off the floor, yes you are! Are you only size 6? Really? You look much larger, at least size 10. And you're made of leather? Wow, you look good. All the other shoes that are passing by are just green with envy of you!" may be over the top a bit...



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Buy the drinks!

the woman speaks the truth. if you're going out for dinner or to the movies, pay. not only will she be impressed, but she'll tell her friends what a gentleman you are. they'll be impressed too. :D

definitely compliment something about her appearance -- a word of warning though, if you're going to compliment her shoes, don't get TOO specific about them... i mean, you want to make sure she knows which team you're on. ;)

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