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I have a confession...


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i tend to do that with the labels on beer bottles

i started doing it so i could recognize my bottle in a crowd, but now i can't stop

i also cannot mix my food when eating dinner

if i've got a plate of say veggies, potatoes and fish

i'll eat my food in that order... always

i never stray

i'm a freak :P

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i also cannot mix my food when eating dinner

if i've got a plate of say veggies, potatoes and fish

i'll eat my food in that order... always

i never stray

i'm a freak :P

I do the same thing.. I eat my food in order (I even turn my plate so the food is directly in front of me) and I hate HATE when the different foods on my plate touch.. well.. only really when there are sauces involved.. but yeah.. I need to use one of the compartment plates.. and I eat all of one thing before moving on to the other.. I know your pain man :)

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This habit of mine is absolutely stupid. Whenever I buy a new magazine I will read it on my couch. You know the loose advertsing pamphlets that always fall out? Well I just drop them behind the couch. Just lazy I guess. I can't tell you exactly how many are back there an likely won't find out until I move.

I also tear beer labels, coasters and drink cups at the movies. I need help.

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I chew my lips....to shreds sometimes! ouch...

When I eat, I always make sure that I have an even rotation of tastes hitting my tongue...and the best taste always must go last.

When I do dishes, ALL the dishes must get washed in one round. No stopping to dry some to make room. I'll pile them sky high if need be...which sometimes leads to broken glass.

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I chew my lips....to shreds sometimes! ouch...

When I eat, I always make sure that I have an even rotation of tastes hitting my tongue...and the best taste always must go last.

When I do dishes, ALL the dishes must get washed in one round. No stopping to dry some to make room. I'll pile them sky high if need be...which sometimes leads to broken glass.

I do all of those things! really - but i didnt know they were bad. :-)

Oh wait, i dont always rotate the tastes, i try to get a lot of them all in on the same bite...

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When I'm at a bar I tear the cardboard drink coaster into little pieces without even realizing it. It's embarassing when the waitress comes over and notices all the bits of paper on the floor.

Guilty! And watch out for paper table cloths!

I hate HATE when the different foods on my plate touch.. well.. only really when there are sauces involved..

Guilty! And in addition chicken and any kind of tomato sauce have no business being together.

Andre gets home from work, strips off his sweater, pants, and socks and throws them in the living room. Then he goes to the bedroom to get a pair of shorts, leaving his sweaty smelly wardrobe strewn about the furniture.

Guilty! I'm sure my wife could right a book about the piles of clothes I have strewn about the house.

and he keeps all the packaging from cd's he gets in the mail.

Guilty! Hey, you never know when you might need the return address or a slightly used bubble mailer. ::

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add another compulsive label peeler over here! with beer, i do it without even thinking (and will often end up folding the square part into a paper crane if i'm sitting down). it's also habit to peel off most of the label on a water bottle as soon as it gets in my hands (i rip off all but the little square that goes over the glue). i started doing this in dance class so i'd know which was mine, but with all the freakin' dance classes i take, i catch myself doing it all over the place.

i have a freaky food habit too -- i have to finish everything on my plate at the same time. if i start out with different amounts, i'll eat more of whatever i have more of, and only eat little bites of what i have lesser amounts of until they're all the same. my plate at the end of a meal has exactly one bite left of each kind of food. (which of course, i finish!).

and i will now make a confession i don't know if i've ever admitted before... I LIKE THE BARBRIE GIRL SONG!!!! AND I THINK THE VIDEO IS BOTH BRILLIANT AND HILIAROUS!!!!!!!

so HA!

damn, that felt good. :: heehee

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i'm obsessed with jackie chan and the crocodile hunter.

i sleep like the dead and i hog the blankets.

i really like the windows open in the car, even when it's freezing outside, but i like the house really hot.

i use my mouse left handed even though i am right handed.

i like to read when i eat.

i don't like tom waits. (or however you spell his name, his writing is great but i wish someone else would sing his songs, leonard cohen could make them sound good!)

i put hot sauce on almost everything.

i drink way too much coffee.

that's all i can think of right now, but i know there's more!

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ollie, if you are telling the truth, i think that is both hilarious and awesome. :D


i usually eat pretty slow and savour every bite, but i HAVE to eat ice cream before it melts. i cannot stand melted ice cream, in fact, i honestly feel sad for the ice cream if i didn't eat it fast enough to enjoy its frozen state. it's taken many years to perfect the speed, but every once in awhile i will have to collapse in pain from an agonizing ice cream headache. and i do occasionally feel like a big pig when i'm brushing the cone crumbs off my pants while my companion is still licking away and hasn't even hit cone yet (although i got all ICE cream, and they've got melted cream dribbling down their chin and hands.)

ummmmm...... i think i'm gonna leave that last sentence alone and quietly exit this thread now. ::

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