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Like anyone is going to head out east after the disappointment that was The Shaker last year... Let me guess GTB, JSB, Slowcoaster, Recipe From a Small Planet, Threat From Outer Space, Wassabi Collective, Blue Quarter, Devine Heist, The Element (formerly The Christian Hayes Element), and others will be added to the list soon. DJs will also be invited (for the early morning hours...)? Sounds like the typical Canadian festival lineup to me... We'll probably get a lot of those acts at CTMF too... No, other than Evolve, I can't see too many people travelling out east for many festivals anymore... It was too much heartbreak last year...

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I remember when there were rumours of Floyd reuniting for one set only on 1999-12-31 at the pyramids in Egypt, me and a buddy were all set to pay the flight, have mad cash for "party favours" and tickets... I still think I'd be willing to go into massive debt to see Floyd just once... I doubt it'll happen, apparently the band has been offered over 1 million pounds each (close to $2.5 million) to play just one concert, and said no... And I doubt any promoters on the east coast have that kind of money...

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GTB, JSB, Slowcoaster, Recipe From a Small Planet, Threat From Outer Space, Wassabi Collective, Blue Quarter, Devine Heist, The Element (formerly The Christian Hayes Element), and others will be added to the list soon

I have nothing to with that fest dude.

Shoreline is much different. its not a back woods Jam fest.

Its a shame about the shaker last year but out of my hands. I only book the band as a third party for the shaker and nothing to with the organization of it.

Shoreline will be on a rented festival ground full insured, full security and I'll be fully involved in it.

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So who are you getting? I still imagine that it'll be an east coast love fest with maybe a couple mildly big acts... JSB, GTB, Slowcoaster, All Of Green, Fussy Parts, Melonworks, etc. Seriously, if you've got a big name act or two coming, you should give us time to plan, instead of assuming that we'll consider going under the guise of it "being worth it". That's why the Shaker was going to be huge, two nights of The Slip, plus all the good Canjam bands in one shot. Announced early enough that people could book time off work and save money for it. I wouldn't expect a large Ontario contingent unless you start giving out confirmed details soon... Real soon...

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The point isn't whether or not you had anything to do with the Shaker, the point is the Shaker really soured a lot of Ontarians about blindly going out east on the promise of a festival being "totally worth it"... Hell, I was at Evolve last year, and was somewhat soured on that festival for screwing over The Slip... I still say that Evolve is a good festival, but they really need to get their sh!t together... Basically, don't let your mouth write a check that your festival can't cash...

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This Ontarian isn't soured one bit.

I have yet to have a disappointment in the east.NYE in PEI 2002/03 & Shaker 2003 both were a serious blast.

... Basically, don't let your mouth write a check that your festival can't cash...

That made me laugh,well,knowing what I know anyway.

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