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Fears and Phobias


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I'm scared shitless of spiders and getting fucked in the ass. If a spider ever tried to fuck me in the ass I think I'd slit my wrists and be done with it.

AHAHAHAHA...yeah Thats Scary Shit lazlo..I'de defineltey rather put up with all the bees in the world to avoid an ass fucking! hahaa

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ohmygoodness - a lazlo post just made me laugh. the heat must be getting to me ;)

heights, small spaces, big crowds of people where i can't move around... and the bee thing. but, i'm allergic so i guess that's not irrational.

ooo that spitting moth was also a good story!! i don't care much for moths either, i think b/c they're kind of furry... but i like most other furry things...

and low roller, very descriptive... i almost had to lie down after that.

anyway. let's hear some more stories.

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I'm always scared crossing the US border even though I never try to take anything across. Just knowing that at anytime they could decide to do a cavity search and they probably wouldn't get the guard with the smallest fingers to do it. I heard of it happening to a guy because a pack of papers were found in his car. eeeeek.

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Truthfully I don't have alot of fears or phobias..at least that I am aware of anyway.

I work on those big electrical towers ya'll see in fields,alot of stacks in industrial settings(usually changing the flashing warning lights) and occasionally on those narrow red & white communication towers so heights is not a problem.No insect,animal,water,dark,quiet,solitude and for those who know me know needles aren't an issue (having as many tattoos as I have).

But....ask me to get up & say a few words in front of a crowd of people...even people I know and I almost can't or won't do it.This has been a problem all my life,at least as long as I can remember anyway & I was the best man at my brothers & then two other friends weddings.Crazy.

That's really interesting, Esau. It's amazing how people are different. I'd piss my fucking pants if I was up high like that. And I really hate needles with all of me. If someone tried to tattoo me in certain places, I'd likely scream or pass out.

But - I can get on stage and make a fool of myself and I'll never care. I can give speeches or presentations, play totally improvised gigs, even make big mistakes on stage and I don't ever care a bit.

So neat the way people are different. :)

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snakes get me. big time. even the ones i know cant do shit to me. its the way they move, i think. i mean, they have no legs, but i'd bet most of them are faster than me! and the agility! fuck....

none of the other things mentioned really get me.. the only time height gets me is when you have to come down off a cliff backwards after you've finished a climbing route.. something about jumping off a cliff with your back to it that's a little unnerving, even though you're roped in. if i was facing forward it'd be a whole different ballgame.

and mice, i take great pleasure in ridding them from my home. bring the fuckers on.

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That's really interesting, Esau. It's amazing how people are different. I'd piss my fucking pants if I was up high like that. And I really hate needles with all of me. If someone tried to tattoo me in certain places, I'd likely scream or pass out.

But - I can get on stage and make a fool of myself and I'll never care. I can give speeches or presentations, play totally improvised gigs, even make big mistakes on stage and I don't ever care a bit.

So neat the way people are different. :)

I can get on stage to play harmonica,I used to play in a blues band from 89-90,even sat in with Fat Cats one night for a couple songs in 96 at La Lunas,with Sanzwill Band at CTMF in Ghosttown,but singing or playing my guitar would be an issue & the same goes for public speaking/speeches/presentations (in school anyway)which is/was about impossible.Can't explain it myself.

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I can get on stage to play harmonica,I used to play in a blues band from 89-90,even sat in with Fat Cats one night for a couple songs in 96 at La Lunas,with Sanzwill Band at CTMF in Ghosttown,but singing or playing my guitar would be an issue & the same goes for public speaking/speeches/presentations (in school anyway)which is/was about impossible.Can't explain it myself.

This I gotta hear!

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Greg, apparently you're not alone as I remember reading once that more people fear speaking in public than death!! I once taught a nightschool class called "Speaking More Confidently" and I couldn't believe the people who attended -- CEOs and the like. (Personally, I nicknamed the class "bullshitting with confidence", since it was my very first teahing gig and I had no idea what I was doing (Hmmmm, now that I think about that, not much has changed --LOL)

my own fears include needles (I vomited the one time I was talked into acupuncture) heights, and losing my girls in a crowd. And actually I don't do too well in large, crushing crowds, myself, especially since I'm pretty short and can't see beyond the bodies directly in front of me -- I was almost trampled at a concert once -- so therein lies the reason for that fear. It's interesting that some fears can be "traced" like that, while others have no known cause (or memory, anyway) and thus get labled 'irrational'.

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the thought of chewing on tin foil freaks the hell outta me.

I can't stand the sound of styrofoam rubbing together either.

Not sure if they're phobias but they both really freak me out.

As for the rest of the stuff mentioned, none of it really bothers me.

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the thought of chewing on tin foil freaks the hell outta me.

I can't stand the sound of styrofoam rubbing together either.

Not sure if they're phobias but they both really freak me out.

As for the rest of the stuff mentioned, none of it really bothers me.

Chewing tinfoil blows! In Ottawa theres a deliscious little Indian place that sells wonderfull wraps...but they really f*ck it up with their foil wrapping technique! I'm guessing a good 15 folks a day have themselves a nice little tin-chew...I know I've had a few! Its a grosse zingy sensation through your teethe into your head...shudder...

Dock spiders-Wolfe(wolf)spiders...my place out here in the country is crawling with them and apparently they would like to come inside...man they are so HUGE...trying to get to like them...not going well...

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I'm touch and go with spiders. I remember a group of us being terrorised by a big dock spider when we were kids, and that stuck with me for a while, until many years later when I had one of those opportunities for a friend to let his tarantula do the walk all over me ("they smell fear" isn't helpful, but a big bowl sure is). Once he'd told me that a fall from a few feet onto a hard floor would be enough to kill it, I suppose I worked up enough sympathy for the poor thing that I could start to appreciate some of its beauty and elegance. I still don't enjoy watching them eat, though.

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I have a bit of an electricity phobia after having rented an apartment with a stove that gave off nasty shocks once in a while. Every time I'd boil water and use a metal implement the presumably ungrounded appliance would yield such a hefty shock that for a split second I'd blank out and notice that I'd thrown the fork across the kitchen. It definitely wasn't cool.

I'm also not a big fan of bats, after having had one in the apartment that I had to slay with a pasta strainer a few years back.

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All creepy crawlers...especially earwigs...especially earwigs when they're crawling around in my mouth (yes, that has happened to me <<>> )

Bats (Booche and I slayed one in our apartment with multiple frying pans, brooms, pots, etc) - their beatie little eyes, and fangs, and hissing noises freak me out. How can they stand themselves??? ick.

The dark - because I can't see if there are creepy crawlers or bats around me.

I use to have a strange fear of shrimp when I was a kid. My sister thought it would be funny to chase me around with a handful of them, until I hyperventilated and almost passed out. I'm ok with them now...I think.

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Once he'd told me that a fall from a few feet onto a hard floor would be enough to kill it, I suppose I worked up enough sympathy for the poor thing that I could start to appreciate some of its beauty and elegance. I still don't enjoy watching them eat, though.

having seen it happen i can vouch for that. they are very cool creatures...in the abstract that is. no way in heck i'd let one walk on me...you'd have to render me unconscious first :)

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A buddy of mine in university had a pet tarantula (well, he had several, in succession; it seems he lined the cage with cedar chips...). He used to bring it with him to the pub on Friday afternoons, and let it perch on the crest of his school jacket (the jacket was leather, the crest wool). People (females, especially) would come and say, "That thing's not real!" at which point he'd tap it lightly, and it would scurry several cm around the crest, which would cause much "Eeeek!"ing.

I let it crawl on my skin once, and it was pretty cool. Their legs end in little claw-like things, which you notice, but they don't dig in.

The name of his little friend? "Committee", from The Notebooks of Lazarus Long by Robert A. Heinlein, one entry in which reads

A committee is a life form with six or more legs and no brain.

Sometime I'll tell you about one of our friends who tarantula-sat Committee for a week and had issues with its food supply...



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Fears - peeping toms/being watched,

this happened to me once -- I was cooling off after a hot bath -- nekkid of course -- when I realized someone was peeking in through the blinds on our front door window. I was so F***ing outraged, I chased the F*CKER a block down the street --nekkid, you remember -- hurling invective the whole way. Not a fear then or since!!!

fire / burning in fire is another fear for me (which I do sometimes forget.) Thank God for short-term memory and drugs, or none of us would ever leave the house!!!

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