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Jambands.ca fundraiser buttons still available

Large Marge

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First of all, thank so much to Mark (et al) for pulling off such an amazingly smooth operation with so many bands involved. It felt really awesome to show up early and play a small part in helping out with the set up... I'm usually fairly primed up by the time I get to a show and have no consideration for the amount of behind the scenes work that is involved. So many peeps working together to bring us the righteous good times... AMAZING!!!

Anyway, you may have heard about (or seen) that I made up some 1" buttons for the merch table... there are still plenty left for sale and should be making an appearance in Ottawa relatively soon. There are very few of the "Skank" buttons left... i hope these won't be appearing in anyone's valentine's day gifts or anything!!!

Anyway, I believe Calamity Jane is in posession of the remainder for now and it sounds as though they may be appearing on the merch tables of some of our favourite bands, so keep your eyes peeled for these beauties:






BTW - the images are actually centered on the button, with the web address wrapped around the side. The Skank one is on a silver background and the Mangler one on gold. Hope you like them :)



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okay...I'll write down yer orders folks and get them to ya just as soon as I can.

so I guess all 5 would be 9 bucks if I'm doing my math right.(but a ten would fit in the mail much more nicely and flatly...and it is a fundraiser for the site afterall.....)

Margaret....they really turned out brilliantly...the metallic ones, especially

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oops; sorry Deb. Didn't mean for you to get stuck doing mail orders :o If it's not too much of a hassle, they should be able to fit into a normal letter envelope with a regular stamp. if peeps want to send you ten bones, then that should cover the cost of the stamps. If it is a bother, then tell folks that if they want buttons then they have to get out to see some live shows!!! (not that this is a very serious issue amoung Skanks). I'm really glad there's interest; I can easily have more pressed, should need be.



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It is Tuesday morning and I finally am ready to start posting various thoughts and replying to various threads about the FUNdraiser show. I had my head blown wide open at the event, as it was a huge success on so many levels.

Large Marge, thank you so much for initiating this button idea, and for following through on it. You get the award for "volunteer who went above and beyond the call of duty without being asked to do so." To be honest, when you first approached me about the button idea, I was a little hesitant because I thought "here's another idea that is a good one but that I'm going to have to spend some time managing." Wrong. Margaret totally made this happen on her own. Her own initiative, her own money, her own idea for the 5 buttons, etc. Plus she also printed a huge number of photos and hung them up at the Lanc, most of them in the staircase. I didn't ask, I didn't expect it ... it just happened.

Thank you Margaret!

Peace, Mark

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oops; sorry Deb. Didn't mean for you to get stuck doing mail orders :o If it's not too much of a hassle, they should be able to fit into a normal letter envelope with a regular stamp. if peeps want to send you ten bones, then that should cover the cost of the stamps. If it is a bother, then tell folks that if they want buttons then they have to get out to see some live shows!!! (not that this is a very serious issue amoung Skanks). I'm really glad there's interest; I can easily have more pressed, should need be.



no worries at all, babe. I was only trying to be cyber-surly! :P

already got a few envelopes done up and ready for the mail today.

so here's the deal folks:

3 buttons: mail a fiver plus a stamp

5 buttons: mail a ten

PM me the request and your address and I'll shoot ya my addy in return and get them in the mail ASAP...all honour-system, like!

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