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QotD: 2006-02-15


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I'd like people to discuss how they plan ahead for shows, or if they do it at all.

I have a small week-at-a-time day timer, and when I hear about an upcoming show, I mark it down. The show could be days, weeks, or even months in the future (ISTR putting the BNB NYE show in when it was announced, in Sept. 2005). This way, I don't need to rely on reminders just before the show happens, and I can tell if there are going to be conflicts with other shows, or rehearsals, or personal appointments, or whatever. (It also functions as a good after-the-fact, or end-of-year, record of what I did.)

I'm guessing that I'm out at the more extreme end of how much people are organized, but I don't really know what other people do. Do you plan ahead? Are day-of-show "roll calls" useful? (And what's a good time for a roll call? The day of the show? The day before?)



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I write down every show I'm interested in on a wall calendar. I also input it into Outlook if I think it's something that might sell out, with an appropriate early reminder.

Then, I usually bail on half the shows in my calendar, by the time the date comes.


(Actually, that is the intention of inputting everything that interests me. For instance, this week I missed Buddy Guy as well as Blind Boys of Alabama. I've seen Buddy half a dozen times, and the Blnd Boys was more of a novelty thing; mainly because the band is like 70 years old. So, sometimes I see those shows, sometimes not, but I almost always hit the 50% that are really important.)

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well, i sift thru all the listings and show announcements until i find the good'uns that actually appeal to me, then i make sure its not at the casbah, totally joking whitey

dont really do alot to get prepared, except shower, nap, roll dubies, and have a few beers to save $ and the bar. unless there is specific prep. needed, IE: rentals, tickets, camping gear, what-have-you

where the hell did the watchtower go anyways? not enough interest?

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The moment I hear about a show I tell Christine and then later on I can just ask her, "Anything going on this weekend?"


Personally I used to rely on others then I decided to keep myself in the loop and I took over the part of the friend who reminded everyone what's coming up. Then I got the bright idea of creating my own website - a one stop shop for my close friends to refer to -

"WHAT ARE WE DOING - included this month page:

- a what we did page (for images and stories about the fun we had)

- the livingstone files(a rant if you will)

- comments/contact page


I was building it with dreamweaver - then I decided to teach myself html and do it the old fashion way.

That was last june, it's still sitting untouched since then with the original sucky dreamweaver template that I used the first time I sat down with the software.

it was a good idea and I still plan to finish considering I'm paying for the domain and hosting...I've just been procrastinating on the whole teaching myself part. Dreamweaver is a cool program from what I gathered during the short time I played around with it but I'd like understand more about html beforehand.

OH how long will my site remain stagnant?

big lazy procrastinator that I am!

So to answer the question - that was supposed to be my way of keeping track - now I just write random shows in a calendar at work but i usually just remember the ones I want to go to anyway....

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Although, its certianly not fool proof or anywhere near a guarantee, but I pretty much decide that day what I am going to do. I have alot of "maybes" in my life when it comes to concerts or going to a live show at a bar, at any given moment I can (and have many times) changed my mind. This applies to pretty much every aspect of my exsistence too.

But, the above comments do pertain soley to me not already having made plans with another someone first. That would be rude otherwise correct?

About the only thing I put any serious thought in to before going to do is canoeing/camping, since I hardly go for much less the 3-4 weeks at a time, a little preparation is always wise.

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